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Archangel Michael Reveals Earth’s Greatest Victory
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- Written by Sylvain Didelot

Good evening and hello to each of you. I am Michaël. It seemed important to me to come and express, explain what has happened for your world in recent weeks, not just the last month perhaps a little beyond, since probably January but with a more marked index in what you called February.
We have a possibility of intervention on Earth, which is not so much in what is happening in your life that belongs to you, you have this free will-we can only direct, help in certain passages of your temporal lines as you call them, of your life paths as we prefer to call them-despite this, we can intervene on the fact that there are on earth, beings of non-light that can stream your progress.
Some of them clearly have their usefulness in form. Some of them allow you by a certain pressure to advance in light, to advance in love. On the other hand, some of them too sink you. They do not allow you to access your highest energy field, to your best victory on this land or in your incarnations.
These parasites are part of the universes, are part of the dimensions. They are sometimes simply informational, and other times, these are just as physical beings as you and I were going to say, especially you. These, sometimes, like a bacteria that would have pushed too much, can upset your living space.
In fact, my friends, your world was invaded by many entities coming from parallel dimensions, which interfered with a dynamic which is that of your planet. This will eventually be a little hard to hear, we wanted to harmonize the planetary field with yours. When I say that it is hard, it means that if the planet had not increased its vibratory rate we would not have done this work immediately to rid the parasites therefore, of your world.
We did not make all of these negative energy fields disappear that surrounded you, only a proportion of about half, a little more, to lighten this world, to lighten the earth, to lighten the circumstances of life that surround you now. Because, indeed, all these breeds, all these - how to say it, I was going to say offenses - intrusions in your lives wanted evil, by confusing good and evil it was their tactic: to pass the wicked for the gentiles and to pass the gentiles for the bad guys as you would say, you, in human language, the confusion of values, the highlighting of the principles which appeared in this highlight Valored, rewarding, valuable, and which in fact did not go in the sense of a concrete unity of this world, that is to say not in the sense of peace, conversely, in the sense of war. Simply, today, Since the beginning of this month, we have positioned revealing.
Before I talk to you about the beginning of this month, let me tell you about the fight I had to wage, that we led. When we fight energies, entities, parasites, negative egregores, archons, we do not seek to defeat them, to dissolve them in time and space. We do not seek, as some of you would say, to kill them. Simply, my work, our work is to put them back in their place in their dimensional field, in their stage of evolution.
This stage of evolution of these entities you know it, you have gone through it yourself, Because, yes, a soul, a consciousness starts very, very low in energy, very, very low in ability to love. And these very, very low energies, sometimes embodied, are energies that seek power, strength, control, food by fear, anxiety, stress as you say. This food mode gives them the ability to stay in a high dimension, however without creating love, without creating something, only by feeding on creators and creatures.
So, the earth, this world, your earthly and animal energies too, were captured by these energies which would generate fear, and these sometimes embodied beings, who themselves were great nourishing masters for these entities, these energies, these parasites, have plunged you into fear for a few years. But now the faces are one by one, not necessarily those that you are told.
Again there is this notion that we have made you pass the good for evil and evil for good sometimes, and you confused them because it was repeated a thousand times. You know, Repeating a horror a thousand times remains a horror, it should not become the truth inside you. When you are denounced some characters as the gentiles, I think that You lack a lot of elements to find out, to be in this judgment temporary. They are always temporary on earth.
These energies which brought you into fear, which fed on this, tried a desperate attack when we tried to put them back in the right path I said, to put them back in their dimension, by my sword, by my shield, by the forces of the visible and invisible universe. We worked there, they could only go back. We knew our certain victory.
So, by backing down, these entities sought to hang on human beings. They have sought many of you for fears. They passed through obstacles, life circumstances, diseases, brakes, especially and mainly in those who spread the most light and who still had a possibility of higher evolution. Among those who had finished their evolution or were in a stable level, nothing happened. On the other hand, in those who could deploy even more light, those obviously were the first target of these entities which tried to overflow them.
We are pleased to know that 99 % of these people continued the fight in their own way, continued their way, continued their journey despite these obstacles, not only because we warned you but also because You have, for many, found your inner strength, found your ability to act without us, to recognize your own value, your own circumstances, your own capacities to advance.
Enemies fell. I told you, We have not removed all negative breeds from your world - we have removed more than half — voluntarily, since’You have to keep your free will and that These entities contribute to this dual notion on earth. I repeat, for some of them, They help you move forward.
You have to work on your shadows and your ability to push the non-light to advance in love properly. It is not that this is simple, it is that This requires a connection to God, an effort to recognize this power that inhabits you and that lives in the world. This effort is caused by circumstances that require an effort, which is why these circumstances have been placed. They will continue to be placed, we do not want people to fall asleep on earth. Your wish and our wish are that the earth is an evolutionary space.
The land therefore, now cleared, is in a period of revelation. As for Gaia, your planet, the Earth entity, now, it has more possibilities to position itself around its energy centers, which means that it will move, yes. There will be energy movements. There will occasionally be tectonic movements, and undoubtedly, magnetic movements. These movements will have no serious consequences on your personal level since each of you already knows the circumstances of his life, however, It will have a revealer aspect in this world.
I find it hard to estimate your earthly time still despite the billions of years I share with this planet, however, I would like to evoke that it is very likely that all this field of revelation, all this field of energy, all this field of truth that touches the planet is positive, and This will cause now, and a little more deeply towards the middle of the year, interior and exterior revolutions in each and each of you.
Yes, it will still be a difficult time for many to see how much you have been due by these shadows, duped by these beings who have spread fear, thus serving demons at times. And some have had attitudes, yes, that you could qualify as demonic towards human manipulation, to children, towards animals. You will see all of this.
All this can only be revealed now. For what ? Because these people have lost half of their strength. Losing half of their strength, they lose half of their strength of conviction towards peoples, who will see and understand the theater that many leaders of many countries represent, not all but the majority. These are in the squander, the highlighting, the theatricalization of the fact that they are each of them, the strength of the good, while’A humanity in peace is the only one capable of representing the strength of the good. It is a question of restoring a balance of forces. This is being done more or less naturally but hold it, the late awakening is often difficult for many.
In this period of revelations, I told you about an inner revolution. Another year when some of you will evolve in their profession, evolve in the geographical location, in the energy where they are going to be placed, and this is necessary. To prepare the earth of light, to prepare, not an Eden just a land of light, therefore simply a more awake, more conscious, these movements are necessary. These energies are necessary.
Many of you will start to understand that it is time to act for the common good and for their personal good at the same time, And not just just a food point of view as you are used to saying. Opportunities, opportunities for this will occur more easily, given that There too, you were in forces which prevented certain favorable circumstances from reaching you. These forces, I repeat, have halved over your world.
So now here you are on a playground where you find yourself in superior force compared to the opposing team. If I have to use a proportion, there were previously 3 negative entities for 1 positive entity. Rest assured, a positive entity could completely repel them easily, but there, the game is equal. It is 1 to 1. Therefore, you see how much you have forcibly, ⅔ of energy in addition to circumstance. Therefore, Save time to energy around you to align with this new breed, This new general principle. At the end, everything will be fine.
You entered this work, at that moment. This will still require a little courage, courage to dare to take some steps, to make certain requests, to sometimes even refuse circumstances that will be unfavorable to you. On the other hand, now, What you call chance, luck, synchronicities, all this is on your side. And yes, we could say that it was those who played very bad games with the entities now that will not be lucky. They will be in circumstances that they will not manage to manage. In this way, they will be exceeded this time by their own game.
As for you, I invite you to stay straight in your energy. I invite you to recognize your strength, your power on earth, your ability to love. While it was limited, when many have entered fear, while many have been refused to certain contacts for a few years, Extend your energy field. Open your heart. Rouve your heart. Don't be afraid of the other.
Trust the fact that in this inner and external revolution which begins to point, and I repeat, which will undoubtedly find more force in the middle of the year, You will meet together with the same difficulties on the whole planet, and you will find solutions together. You will find solutions, not directly through your governments, above all Through the union you represent, a union of hearts, a union of desires, a union of needs.
It will be, Of course, to trust you, your energy, and us too.
We are sorry if we seemed absent from you during this last month. In this case, on the contrary now, our visualization, our resonance, our energy will be much more brilliant for you. Not that we have become brighter, simply that what masked the possibility of perceiving us, all of this has disappeared halfway. Open your conscience to the possibility of divine presences by your side. Open your conscience to greater, sometimes magical possibilities, would say some or some.
Yes, this month of March is a month of revelation of lies. A very good start, we see in this world how much people can no longer hide their game: those who want peace, are for peace, those who want war, want war. There are no more nuanced speeches. We see.
War is separation. It is those who are on the side of Satan, let's say it squarely. There is no good war. Know it, there is no good war or good reasons to wage war. And in your world, war has often been a question of resources. Even those who would like to continue it in truth want resources, they don't care about people who die, who leave; Even if it's part of the plan, let's be clear.
To be on the side of peace is to be on the side of a global sharing. So, it is a question that everyone finds their specificities, that everyone finds in their country the strength and the courage to reinstate the values which were present and which have made the joy of all the people in these countries for years. Because by dint of wanting in your world an exacerbated globalization, you ended up forgetting that the place you are was a place ʺJoyeuxʺ for you.
So your world now actually will refocus on what is beautiful in each country, in each country, in each province. When I say country, country, province, I am not trying to determine a really geographic or named unit. I am trying to speak of fairly large territories which possibly extend over several countries, moreover which have common values, real values in common and a true culture in common. In these countries, joy can reign when it comes to entering this and as for not wanting, I repeat, an exacerbated globalization.
I regularly happen to be in interview with people you would call back, in some distant forests in the center of your world. These beings, dear friends, are so much happier and happy than you. They do not ask for civilization. They don't ask to have an opinion on everything. They ask to be happy, peaceful, in good health, where they are, with family, with friends, seeking to develop each of them any art in trades that harmonize naturally, as in nature. Nature, it naturally harmonizes.
It too, too, again, in its evolution will cause changes, upheavals, however it will always be to bring more energy to itself and to this world. So you will see that Nature will bring you even more energy now. You will see how the earth, the trees will be carrying a living and vibrant energy as you have not known for quite a few years, because this has already been the case. It will come back.
Oh ! I told you, I don't promise you an Eden on earth. I do not promise that you will all be perfectly happy and blessed, on the other hand I promise you that you will all have the opportunity to be it, Because this is God's will to regularly give you the opportunity to learn, the opportunity to love, the opportunity to see, the opportunity to share. It is up to you to take this opportunity. It is up to you to see, to perceive your messages, his interior calls.
I told you, I repeat, of inner revolution since You too will be subjected to the field of truth. Accordingly, You will also have to deal with your contradictions, your fears, consciously.
So, dear friends, what are you going to do? Will you turn to us to begged our help, or are you just going to realize what lives in you ?
Start taking a few steps on a track that may seem a little unknown to you, a little difficult. You know, The truth is in an average of its actions, In desire to move forward, in ceasing to be afraid and systematically seek external aid.
We are with you. We accompany you, of course. Despite everything, we need a direction from you, the steps you have already taken directly on earth, not just ideas.
Your world is full of unrealized ideas. Many of these unrealized ideas were not, precisely because of this energy leader of the entities that were present. But it's over! SO You will also see new inventions in the coming months. You will see human creativity as you have never seen it, even asking you « Why didn't we think about it before ? » In truth, It is the energies of ideas that have been released now too.
We did this, I repeat for you and for your land. You are in this energy field now. I would like to tell you that I will continue the fight by your side. I will continue to work on the karmic aspects that can increase you. I will continue to protect you from the entities that can stay if you call me because we have the power of course. However, The action to be taken towards your joy and peace depends on your steps, of your steps towards your superior consciousness and your steps towards God. Because you are back to God, but realize of this real goal.
I don't like the term goal here, because it is beyond a goal. It is the very essence of your deep being to want to return to the absolute love that the divine represents. It is not so much something that is determined and that we choose. It is something that is already there deeply anchored, which sometimes even creates in you the lack, frustration, because you feel how something, someone, an energy can love you more.
You tend to want to personify this something, this someone, to want it to correspond to the one who accompanies you in life. In truth, it is beyond that, far beyond. The return to God is not so much a religious return as a return to the reality of who are you, A return to a family who loves and works, not a family who looks at saying : « Look, it's painful. Look, it's hard. Look, it's complicated. Look, what are we going to do ? » It's over !
From now on, obviously it will take a few months, in some cases even a few years in certain countries, You are going to group yourself, align yourself together in this common work. The groupings will be done naturally, Don't worry. I repeat, calls, coincidences will be, are already very simplified, very simplified.
Your world will know, I repeat, I tell you too, some energy upheavals, and everything that represents energy will be disturbed. Whether it is pragmatic energies as is money for you, or whether it is fluctuating energies like those of nature, telluric and cosmic.
There are movements. There will be movements, it is obvious. Despite this, You can always align yourself much faster than before to these new changes, to these new attitudes, to these new behaviors. All this will be done much more peaceful and quiet than it could have happened if we had not succeeded. Now, let's be clear, we have never doubted our victory over these invisible fields that weighed on you.
Why have we never doubted it? Because it is a divine order, because It is a deep feeling that came to ask us to work in this direction, and this deep feeling can only come from the great creator. He can only come from the divine being. Hearing this order, this desire to put in their place the entities which must continue to evolve from their lower plan - and which will continue to evolve from their lower plan - we have worked in this direction, convinced of victory since it was that of the one who even pronounced the order.
Now, for the entities that remain, they will continue to feed in the same way, by your fears. Obviously, some will continue to try to scare you. They will try to separate you from love, since that is what fear is. There too, you can ask for our help, ask for help from your goalkeeper, ask for help from your ancestors also, these ancestors who will be put forward forward.
I repeat, it is time to reinstate the values of countries and countries. I say it again, by country I do not hear a geographic entity but a set of regions which assemble in the same values and the same ideas. This is in progress. This is necessary. This is fair and good, and we will work with each of those who want to go in this direction. And we will probably work more efficiently, more visible.
Some, some of you will start to hear, to see, To understand that this invisible that is told to them is not just that a little theory or a sweet dream in an existence, still wondering if on the last day of their life they will finally be able to have proof of the divine presence.
If you are now attentive to your heart, if you are now attentive to the circumstances around you, you could not doubt a single second of our accompaniment. We support your life plan. We support your choices already made before coming to this field of terrestrial experience. So when you ask us for the impossible, it is that You forget that you are the only generator, the only generator of what can get you out of illusion.
« How ? How ? How ? How ? » But you know! You know how. Is it necessary to tell you to love, to love what you are, to love what you do, to love what you feel around you, whatever you are, what you do and what you feel around you, to put your love there, to associate yourself with all this to be able to transform it ?
You will not be able to transform what you hate, what you don't like, what you throw your disdain about. None of your actions will have the slightest power on this.
The masters of ascent are above all people, human people who have decided to open their hearts completely, not to say yes to everything, to understand that each circumstance, each person, each being, each object was part of their own definition, that they were both the holder and the ending. Returning into this creation circle, ceasing to believe that they were small, they then understood that they were the great all embodied in the illusion of the smallness. This enlargement is done out of love, not just by an intellectual understanding, far beyond, by something deeper, more sincere, more joyful. I insist once again on this word ʺJoyeuxʺ.
Dear souls, you have now returned to the big Golden Porte once again. You are therefore now inside your land plan anyway, your beneficial line, the one that generates peace, sharing and love. I repeat it, it will not happen without clashes, yet this will be done.
Also accept your own truth. Accept to recognize that you were not sometimes at your own height. Do not flage yourself from that. Don't blame yourself. The human creature cannot know how to be divine which generated it. You don't even suspect that you are this divine being himself who has generated what you are and what you do.
There will be symbols on this land marking this passage a little bit. I will ask Sylah now to answer your questions about this.
This being which is the superior consciousness of Sylvain helped us in the fight, helped us in his strengths, but you are very, very numerous to have helped us, with extremely numerous land relays. So, we want to thank you, because this ʺcombatʺ we did not lead it alone. We led him with many earthlings, with many lights. You were extremely numerous, extremely motivated, therefore this is beneficial and we thank you.
I am Sylah. I am happy to be by your side right now, and I am honored to be able to answer and that I have been allowed to answer some of the questions you ask yourself. Oh ! Not all, at least some.
You ask us If religions will disappear : By unification of countries, will polytheistic religions disappear or become monotheists ?
They will not disappear, But one of the great symbols of change of planetary energy will be marked by the death of your near Christian Pope, very close. His departure will mark a greater, more sincere opening energy towards the real original message of Jesus.
And it does not matter that religions are monotheists or polytheists. What matters is the ability you have to dispense love on earth. So polytheistic religions will not become monotheists, but Management towards love, management towards unification and peace will be much more sincere and much more just.
The departure of this man will be one of the markers.
Is it better to drink tap water or bottled water ?
This is a very different question. There is no absolute answer to this question, It depends on your region. If you speak to me from Africa or if you speak to me from France, from certain regions of France, everything is different.
I think you know your answer. You know very well what is the water which for you is the purest.
Do not forget if you drink the water from your Désecoder tap, because your waters are encoded, Yes. They contain messages by special technologies. So, To unclude your water, We simply invite you to mix it a little bit, to turn it, a few laps before drinking it.
After that, you know very well what is the best water for you.
Will the war in Ukraine finally cease ? And Gaza ?
Once again, who generates war? Is it us or is you ? The question would be to ask your leaders. Anyway, Michaël told you, you go to peacetime, you go to unification times. There will be tensions, of course, but You go to peacetime, you are going to times of unification and towards times of truth. And These times announce peace, Of course, of course.
Remember that those who want war play with demons. Just remember that.
Natural disasters with many departures are to be expected soon ?
I do not know what you hear dear soul, soon, but the answer is that natural disasters, you know, are increasing and that yes, some of them are of planetary order.
By soon, I will not answer immediately, I will answer soon. I know that it does not give more indications. It means that In a few weeks, there could be large planetary energy movements which could mainly generate large tidal waves or large cyclones of a rare scale. It is possible. It is likely in the planetary energy increase.
You ask us What do you think of cryptocurrency ?
Know that We don't think we. We have no comments to focus on these subjects or advice to give you. We know everything is in the exchange. Whether you use money, paper, services, goodwill, do not cause us any difficulty. You will always have exchange values and we have no advice to give on this subject.
We know, Michaël told you that your financial structures will be in danger in some time. They will ask a lot of questions. On the other hand, it will happen a little later than expected in the original plan where you were, in other words, You have time to think. You have time to think where do you want to put your money in concrete terms.
In any case, we have no opinion to be given on one system more than another. This is an exchange system. It would be surprising that we gave our opinion on this subject, because He does not suited us as long as the love you are going through and you give. We are more interested in those who give than by those who want to keep.
What will be the markings of this current passage ?
The great markers of the current passage :
- There is, I told you, the death of this pope.
- There will be an earthquake in a country in South America.
- There will be, in France, moreover, a certain upheaval of the spirits after revelations on important characters.
- There will be markers in the sky. Well, you will understand what I mean by that. I am asked not to insist on these markers in the sky.
Please understand already, as Michaël said, that I want to call my guide or my being, my soul sometimes, There is now a great reduction in energies. Do not focus on special events.
Start your work now. Don't tell yourself : « I will start when ..., when this, when that ». NOW, Take advantage of this renewed energy. Take advantage of this additional force given to you, this break in the attacks of the non-light to focus on who are you and what you have to do on this plan.
It is not the marker events that are useful, Because it would still mean to wait. Don't wait. Don't wait. Start now. Do not worry, these markers in many countries will be different. There are not really universal markers apart from this great tidal wave which will start from the Atlantic, and which can depend on the period when it happens to be more or less severe.
And We do not yet know much, since it depends on Gaïa, on your planet herself. For the moment, she is in order to make some room. But in some time, it is like you your planet, She has her free will, she can choose a plan, a method or another. So.
The Canada tariff war against USA declared today is the vector of a more local economy ?
Yes. Clearly, You go to all the countries of the world to refocus on local values from terr2. You will refocus on savings, yes, more local, more centralized, more regional, understanding that it is probably useful for your planet.
Remember that it is always those who want to save the planet who will seek on the other side of the world what they have next to it. So.
The pope is already dead, we would be hidden from us…
No, Dear friend, your pope is not dead, on the other hand, his time approaches.
Can we approach the subject of sleep ?
I cannot approach the subject of sleep with you because it is a very complex subject. Understand that when you don't find sleep, you are not just hormonal imbalance, above all in imbalance with the times of the earth. You are in imbalance with your natural plan.
What we would advise to those who lack sleep is perhaps not to eat at the same hours as everyone, maybe even not sleep at the same hours as everyone’Listen to your biology a little more back in accordance with nature.
Many of you cannot sleep because your biology no longer corresponds, or will correspond less and less, to a planetary time which is no longer as stable as before. On the other hand, we will not go further because there are so many different cases here to evoke.
We are a lot to have physical pain. Will it continue ?
Your planet's energy changes can actually cause physical pain, but it's not just that. It's not just that, then Yes, It will continue. Sorry, This will continue until you find who are you Really, And this also answers this question mentioned by following.
Why were we almost all sick this winter ?
Because you are in an alignment of energy, Because the entities already this winter were trying to thwart your energy, to recover your energy. This is over, at least for these winter diseases.
For those who have been experiencing physical pain for quite a few years, you will now have the possibility of finding new paths, new ways. Open up to these new paths, Open up to these new ways that only start now.
You ask me What I can advise you to be more serene in this month of March compared to all that happened ?
Michaël answered you, dear friend. Understand that you are lightened. To resume a very earthly expression, it is as if you had recovered a card that tells you that you are getting out of prison, only you are not used to.
SO, Get out. See things differently. Open your heart. Open your mind to new possibilities of vision and energy field, This is what will change your life and help you recover. If you continue the usual processes, if you continue your life as before this date you will stay in your routine, it's about SO to modify your routines. because Yes, your psychic abilities will develop, Absolutely, for many of you. Of course.
What to think of interference, humans interfereed ?
You know, they are very weak. The quest for power, addictions, drugs, demonic scriptures as some would say, in other words, full families degenerate by entities, all of this has created beings very quick to receive non-light, and non-light is still there. Despite everything, these interference will be much less, we will say, sneaky.
These beings could get out of it if they rise. So, please, Pray for everyone you think is attacked. Pray for all those you think to be affected by the demon. Pray for them. Pray for them. Do not ask for justice immediately. This is human. Human justice will arrive, but First ask that each of them receives the light and the love you can, because This you can and it really helps.
Will someone in prison prevent them from being a demon? Not really. However, you came to raise souls, raise consciences, not lock them up. We did not locked the entities, the parasites. We simply returned them to their right place. Their right place is not a prison but a dimension where they can still evolve. SO, Allow humans to evolve too. So.
What about the warnings of Sainte Marie to different lights concerning what will happen ?
Marie is right to carry her warnings. If you go back in fear again, if you agree to go back to fear again, everything becomes possible again.
It is as if we had put you in the right place on the right road, however, if all whole humanity - which is hardly possible because a very powerful energy field goes on the other side - but If all of humanity was dried up again towards fear, it could happen again, So, she says, "Repent, pray, turn to light". Isn't this the same message we say here and now, just to tell you to stay on this wonderful, fabulous voice ?
Warn is when you can escape something, Marie is not trying to scare you, She seeks to keep you in the light rather than being quietly wandered by minds that are not you.
What did Michaël mean when he said that each of us knows the circumstances of his life ?
You have written your own life before coming to earth. You have written each path, each way, each of the circumstances you are living. All this is already written. The way you combine them, how you were going to take them, the way you will slip from one of the scenarios you have written to another scenario, it was not written and that belongs to you.
Thus, your energy, your emotion, your ability to choose will pass you from one circumstance to another circumstance, but Each of you inside himself has already registered his own plan of existence.
How the death of Pope Francis will create an opening ?
It's just a circumstance. We did not seek the death of anyone, only It will mark a time, the end of a prophecy, the beginning of another.
We feel an acceleration of the movements of our earth, earthquakes, bad weather, etc., this is the beginnings of an earthquake or major volcanic rash ?
The south of France, earthquake in the Var, Do not start to wonder where it will happen, we could cause great population departures which would be more harmful than the events themselves. There is no need to know in advance what will happen.
I know it's always hard to hear from you, yet those who have to leave, and those who have to stay will remain, no matter where they are. You could escape the other end of the planet, if you have to leave, you will leave. SO Do not try to find out where all these circumstances will take place.
Regarding the great possibility of tsunami in the heart of the Pacific, You will be warned for hours in advance if necessary, And I think it will probably be.
How to recreate link with others ?
It amounts to asking how to love, And I want to tell you that This is the very meaning of your existence What to learn this how to recreate links with others. This is the very deep meaning of what you came to seek on earth, this link to the other.
If we have answered you since our plan of life, from this plan of the beyond, we could only tell you: "It's quite simple, it is enough to love", but we know that on earth it is not so simple and so easy at times. SO It is up to you to take steps, to make efforts, to contrition sometimes, That is to say a little bit of a little bit binding to go to the other, while opening your heart to the possibility that he or she has changed, either different. So.
If you send prayers to Gaia, this can alleviate natural disasters ?
The answer is clearly yes. Of course Gaia listens to you. Of course Gaïa listens to you even if for the moment, for her, you seem to be to be agitated children. But Obviously your planet listen to your heart, Listen to your energy. So.
How to send a negative entity from home ?
I want to answer you outside of any exorcism or type of practice or the call of Michaël, if you were a very positive energy, but really very positive, at that time no negative entity could go home. First of all, it is to increase your vibration, to increase its energy, then the entity will have to disappear by itself.
Apart from that, The processes making it possible to remove a negative entity can go through calls to your guides, to your angels, by symbols, by odors, by all that can increase vibration and energy.
But remember that You are always the main energy center of your house. This is so.
Can Ramadan help the soul and the body to evolve ?
The majority of fasting practices help the body and the soul to evolve. They do not need to be extreme these practices for that.
But yes, to strictly answer your question, Yes, it can help.
Can Gaia change lines of time as we can do ?
Of course. It is like you, it is an entity that can change its time line.
For patients and suffering, how can we help them ? Is it necessary ?
Praying for them, by making them energy care, By being attentive, being in compassion, charity. And yes, it is necessary to help those who suffer. And yes, it is necessary to help the patients.
Even if they have written this in their life plan, do you think they did not plan to resolve the situation systematically ? Very often you are on their way. Very often, you can help each of you by simple gestures.
So, yes, the path of the disease is to cross frequently and the solutions exist. Pray. Smile. Accompany. It's already great forces. It is already a great strength for many. So. So.
Dear souls, the time has come for us to be present again by your side, to help you internally receive for each and each of you your answer, your personal response. We are there. We are present for each and each of you.
Be certain of the love that accompanies you. The being who accompanies you deeply is nothing other than the divine, the source.
You are lightened. You are free. It is not so much a question of asking the questions now as being the answer yourself, To your own questions.
We will continue to deepen these points. We will continue to give yes, certain methods, certain recommendations, however, Never forget that you always have the solutions sometimes in yourself, sometimes through the groups you are going to create or the circumstances you will set up. It is in the movement that you find your answers, not by sitting down, not falling asleep on yourself, but well while living.
Live like living beings, do not live like the dead. Be alive to life. Be present for her. Be present for your own energy. Increase your vibration. Increase your feeling of joy and peace, and increase this feeling of joy and peace in others. In this case, you will fulfill your most perfect light path.
It is in this light, in this love that we bless you, each and each of you.
May peace, love, joy, accompany your steps. Understand that everything is already there now, to reveal yourself to yourself. Leave this journey, let this path be done in you. Have confidence. Michaël himself came to tell you: "The fight is half won" and it's already huge.
Be blessed.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and SYLAH for the Questions/Answers — Great victory over this world!
Translation by
Public channeling of March 4, 2025 by Sylvain Didelot, Transcribed by Marie-Claire.
Very pragmatic training as a quality specialist and computer scientist, Sylvain Didelot has been interested since his childhood in the world of the paranormal and spirituality. Initiated in multiple healing arts, he discovered canalization in 2005. Since then, accompanied by many beings of light, he has also been a lecturer, writer and spiritual accompanist. Its work is to guide and make each one accept his own divinity, thus revealing to all new possibilities of interpretations and manifestations of the world around us.
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