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Archangel Michael - Our Connection with You

Archangel Michael - Our Connection with You


Today I'd like to touch on a topic that still seems to be on your minds even after so much time has passed... and for those of you who are reaching out now, let you know what's going on.

What is a communication with a being of Light? It is to see the consciousness of the human, messages. And how does this happen? I am going to go back a bit in time, and I am going to talk about some religions that venerated the incorporation of spirits of Light, and many times of spirits without Light, in humans. What happens in these cases?

A soul fits inside a human envelope, this is actually not 100% true, because there are very exceptional situations in which more than one soul can be in the same body. But as I just said, these are very exceptional situations and with the purpose of bringing some evolution to the planet, it is not common, the normal thing is a soul inside each body.

In the incorporation, their souls leave and another enters, there is a displacement of the soul. That is why I have said here several times that this is not good. It is not a process that we can say is totally correct, because there is a risk that your soul will not return, that the one that entered will only allow its return. But I'm not here to talk about religions, beliefs, everything was a time. And I can even say that it was a necessary time for you to understand many things.

So, going back to communication with beings of Light... There is a difference between communicating with a spirit and with a being of Light; a spirit is normally in this dimension or in the Fourth Dimension, as many like to say. And that is correct, it is an energy that has lived as a human, and is being prepared or not by your choices, to evolve or remain on the planet, stalking those who are here.

Therefore, communication with these spirits is easy, also because the wandering spirits have a low vibration and when they adopt postures, habits, that lower their vibrations, they easily connect with them and begin to cohabit their bodies, together with you. No, they don't get up, they just come closer and start sucking the energy from your bodies, from your bad habits, living with you exactly what you do, but that's not the focus of this topic either. And what is the difference, then, communication with a being of Light? A being of Light is an evolved being, who is neither in the third nor in the fourth dimension, he is in the fifth dimension upwards.

So, for there to be communication with these beings, it is not through incorporation, because the vast majority of these beings have no history of incarnation, they are energies created by God the Father/Mother to serve the universe... "This is my case, I never incarnated and I will never incarnate, because I was not created for that. I am a great energy". Many can say: "Ah, but I have seen you" - When I need to appear to some, I transform into a human body so that they can see me visually, but I am not like that, I am just an energy, an energy of very high consciousness, a unfolding of the Father/Mother God. So how does our communication with humans occur?

It is not by incorporation, it is not by approach, because if I am an unfolding of the Father/Mother God, if I approach any body, you would be immediately destroyed by the high degree of my energy.

So I do not exist as a point, I exist as an energy spread throughout the universe, just like Father/Mother God. And how do I communicate with a human? By telepathy.

This is a process in which our consciences connect with the consciences of humans and we manage to pass messages, this is how it happens, there is no approximation, there is no incorporation, there is a connection from conscience to conscience. And everything we want to say is being placed in the mind of the one who is speaking, of the one who is connected to us. Therefore, there is a point that is important to note:

"Who is speaking is a human" - And a human (according to your thoughts), has traits, has reactions. Which of you, when he talks, does not gesticulate? Which of you, when you speak, does not put "faces and mouths" when speaking? Which of you, when you have a sad thought, does not cry? Who? Point me one out. So, let it be very clear, there is a human there, receiving a series of information and he captures it as if it were his own thoughts, that's right.

We fill the human's mind with information, and he decodes it like a human; so there are oddities, there are exclamations, there are feelings, there are reactions, this does not mean that the human is incorporated with us, he is not, he is only reacting to the messages, to the reactions that we are transmitting to him. Now, there is one thing that should be clear, we also have feelings, of course we don't lower our vibrations, but we do have feelings. Mainly, the beings of Light that have incarnated, the souls that have lived on the planet, have known human feelings, so for them the feeling is very strong and it arises at the moment of a message.

So, the human responds to these messages and to these feelings, so if a human gets emotional, even cries when receiving a message, this does not mean that only he is crying. The being of Light can also be crying and exactly that emotion is transmitted to the human and he translates it into tears. Understand, we are not stones. We are not insensitive, we feel exactly every suffering that happens on earth, or anywhere else in the universe.

And for the beings of Light that have already incarnated, feelings are possible, sadness is possible. But for them, it is not the sadness that you live, that you adore, in which you immerse yourself. It is a momentary sadness, for something that is trying to happen.

So understand, there is always a human reaction to every message, this is not a robot, this is not a computer, this is a human who has feelings and reacts to the content of the messages that have been passed to your mind. If they are happy, proud or funny messages, he responds in kind, he laughs. But if they are sad messages or with a very deep feeling involved, cry, feel that message.

So he is not saying that the human is modifying what he receives, he is not saying that he is transforming all that into his own reactions, because there is no time, there is no time for him to do that. "Ah, I'm going to plan to get the whole message crying." - No, there is no time. Because what we put into his brain, that's what orders his emotions. It is not the human who decides how he is going to speak, what he is going to speak and in what way he is going to speak. It is his brain that responds to what we say, to what we transmit and reacts like a human.

So let's stop these questions, these affirmations, that this is right, this is wrong. It is very easy to criticize from the outside, it is very easy. Be in the body of a channel and you will know what it is like, don't demand so much from people, because a channel is first and foremost a human, it is not a ball that we manipulate, it is a receiver of our messages. And usually those who are channels have a very close connection with us and can understand exactly what we want to convey.

There are those who are cold, who do not outline any type of reaction. You are wrong? No, they just don't have such a deep connection with us, they stay out of the whole process, they don't get involved, they don't give themselves away and, therefore, they don't feel the emotions that we transmit to them. Those who do feel them, it is because they surrender to what they do and feel exactly what we want to convey. Do not question, do not criticize, focus on the message, focus on what is said.

You keep clinging to small details that will get you nowhere, the time is to listen to what is said, not how it is said, this is a judgment, this is a criticism. So let's leave this, be aware of what you receive, connect with the message. If you don't want to hear the channel talking, try typing what's being said and then read it, that's all. It has become cold, it has become emotionless, so you can judge what you want.

You keep clinging to very unnecessary, small and meaningless things. Instead of worrying: "How is my soul doing? How is my walk going? What good can I get from this message?" - There is no need to look at everything, to criticize everything. So open your hearts and look within, not at your surroundings, not at who is speaking, look at what is being said. So, in reality, you are moving further and further away from the Fifth Dimension.

I hope I have been very clear with all that is happening, to the young and the old. To the old I say (to those who have followed me for a long time). Learn to take advantage of what you receive, but take it to heart.

Take advantage of the message, not how it is said. Really, you still have a long way to go and many think that you are ready. Great joke, because in the little things you have not yet understood what needs to be done.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Image Courtesy of The Crystal Wind Oracle and Artist Lisa Iris
oracle.crystalwind.ca - www.lisairis.ca

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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