Archangel Michael: Living in the Present Moment
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- Written by Vania Rodrigues

Being present, at any moment in your life, is not just sitting and listening. I could say this is the first step. But yeah, being totally involved in that moment, in that instant.
Many of you today live an extremely stressful routine, caused by your jobs, by the ways created by this entire network, to throw you more and more out of balance. Financially feeding those who command and taking away the health, the balance of each of you.
Today, their doctors still don't know anything about how their bodies work. They know the physiological part; I will not take away their merit either. There were many advances in medicine. Are there still deaths resulting from diseases? They exist. But they are much more caused by the person who suffers from them than by the force of the disease..
There are “n” ways for you to be sick. The great secret in treating any being in the universe is to always bring balance. It's always about pulling the weight of the scale towards the middle. I understand and understand that this is not an easy thing, not in your world.
So, what you can do is just try to find ways that minimize the impacts, minimize the results on your bodies, of everything that you experience. You run to transport yourself, you run to work, you run while working; and everything repeats itself on the way home. In which you rush to do your chores and everything is done at a faster speed than allowed. The infringement is constant.
How to resolve this? How can you get out of this fast paced world that is imposed on you? I would say there are many ways, but the vast majority of you will tell me: “No, it's not that simple, it's complex. We don’t have time to do it.” So this is actually the big excuse. “I don’t have time.” And what is time?
Do you observe time through the hands of the clock? But what is time? It's something that comes and goes every second. So, it is not something visible, it is not something that can be touched, and it is not something that can be changed. It passed, it passed. He doesn't go back, he just moves forward. What if you imagined that this time actually doesn't exist? There is what you are doing there, in that moment now, in the present time.
So I would say that the first rule, so that you can get out of this…, get out of these psychological problems that you bring, today, is to try…, you see, try; do one thing at a time. But do it while being present. I tell you: you have anxiety because you need to resolve something further ahead. That will still happen. What are you trying to do? Change the time of the weather.
You want what is scheduled within time to happen; You're either worried about how it's going to happen, or you're worried about how it's going to affect you. So you are living in a time that is not the current one. You are up front. So, what happens with the same time? It pulls you quickly into the current moment, because that's what you're living in..
So, these comings and goings cause anxiety; cause many other disorders that you have. So, I repeat again, the first step is to live one thing at a time. Don't try to change the weather; he is what he is. Trying to go to the future to speed up something is no use, because you are living in the current moment. You generate your own imbalance by going there in the future and being quickly pulled back. This is not good for your body.
It's as if you, you see, stretched yourself; you are here stretching towards a point there in the future. How much do you stretch? How many times a day do you stretch? But this stretch doesn't remain, you return, like a big rubber band. And the force with which you return brings the imbalance. So why live this time in the future? Why try to change the weather?
What I'm saying seems funny, but it's not. That's what you do all the time. You want to speed up a time that is not accelerated. You can't speed up time, you can't make it pass faster; So why look and wait for a while ahead? Wait for it to happen. Wait for the moment to come from that time, in the future.
Second rule, by imagining the future, by placing yourself stretched out there, you take away the power of the Universe. And why? Because you are not giving the Universe a chance to do what it has to do within the deadline. You are going there stretching yourself to see what will happen, to imagine, to create and everything that the universe is actually creating, during this period of time, you are changing, because you are generating something there, at that point. Don't change the timing.
Live in the present moment. Whenever you are anxious about something, remember the figure of you reaching out there, and coming back quickly. And this snap is what unbalances your bodies. They weren't meant to be hit all the time with those rubber bands. That hurts. So, why? Why live something up front??
Give the Universe a chance to do its work. Don't create anything that you don't know what it will be like. It could be so different from what you are imagining, but you have already burned that, you have already broken the whole process, because you have already been there, at that time, in time. Trying to see what it will be like, messing up the entire Universe.
So, living in the present moment is living in the present moment. It's not trying to go one minute further, because the minute has already passed. It passes, time passes, and the long-awaited moment or the moment of concern will arrive, that is, whatever it is, it will arrive. And what's even worse, he may not even arrive. Because what you created there, stretching all the way into the future, was something created by your mind. It was not foreseen in the Universe. You created and put what you created there in the future.
And there? What happens? That was not foreseen. You created in your mind, you fantasized a situation. What happens? Let's say here that the Universe is a being. Obviously, it isn't, but let's give this example. He is a being; and who has his harvests, his choices, all defined, in a list on a paper. So, he knows exactly what will happen at every moment of time.
Then you go and create situations, create a lot of things and go there in the future, stretch yourself and whisper in the ear of the future: “Look, I'm thinking that!” What happens to the Universe? He runs at that point, hey, but that wasn't foreseen. And now, what do I do with this? It's like it's something hot in the Universe's hands to resolve because you created it. You created that. And we will remember:
Whatever you think, you create; It is an energy, it is not something that comes and goes without any consequences. I wish it was. What you created, the problematic, dramatic, complicated situation that you created, it became an energy, and where is the Universe going to put this energy? Because it wasn't foreseen. What happens is that he does his tricks and puts that energy somewhere, messing up your entire list.
See you describing a very well-written notebook, each line on top of the other, and then suddenly, between one line and another, you start writing a bunch of small letters, because you forgot a word. That's what the Universe does. He takes these things that you imagined, and starts placing them between the lines, because he has to fit them somewhere. What happens to that? Your future is all messed up. The time beyond the present, which you call the future, gets all messed up.
Do you understand why things often happen a little strange? “Huh, I don’t understand why this happened?” Well, at some point in your journey back there, you were creating this, kind of weird, kind of meaningless, kind of..., why should it happen? You are just harvesting; harvesting the point that the Universe managed to stick in the middle of those lines.
So why mess up your own future? Why make things worse, with things you are creating. Then I would say one thing, which is a feeling that we all have, you like to suffer. You like to go through problems. “Oh, I'm unhappy. I have millions of problems” And that carries a trophy. “I am capable of carrying many problems.” Poor you. An immense ego. A huge backpack on his back, almost dragging on the ground with so much weight, but he is victorious because he carries it all.
Beautiful way of living.
So, my brothers, there is no miracle. Oh, and I would say more, there is no medicine that can help with this. I would say that the medicine minimizes the return of the elastic, that sting it gives when it comes back, that's all. Nothing more. Because all the complications you created will happen. Every thought. You often don't realize this, that every thought you have becomes an energy. And if it is repetitive, this energy will group together with similar energy, forming egregores, around yourself. And then you complain that things don't happen. Why will it be?
So, let's avoid it, stretch it, until the future? Are we going to live in the present time, doing one thing at a time, doing what is asked today and which is no longer enough? And when you are doing a task, focus on that task, forget about the others, because the others will happen at the right time. You will live one by one.
Now you can't be lazy, otherwise the tasks will get tangled up. And what it means to be lazy is to be doing one task thinking about another. So, the one you are doing is not fulfilled, because you are doing another one. Then things get tangled up. Then the Universe starts to put it in the middle of the lines. And then everything falls out of place.
So, be present in everything you do. Keep in your minds this elastic band, this stretch that you make until the future; and feel the pain when it comes back. So, don't forget this phrase. Don't change the time, the time. Because time has everything programmed, so don't change it.
Translation by
Image Courtesy of The Crystal Wind Oracle and Artist Lisa Iris -
All other images by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
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