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Archangel Michael: I Am Calling You Into The Future!

Archangel Michael: I Am Calling You Into The Future!

I AM Archangel Michael.

I have come surrounded by the angels of the blue flame. Today I would like you to fully concentrate your attention on the Message that I am giving you.

Now and for the coming days, the time has come when we must focus our efforts on helping the planet. And this is my Message and my warning to you.

I have been carefully choosing the words and thinking about how to convey to you the simple truth that you have reached the time when you have to share the responsibility for everything that happens on the planet along with the Ascended Hosts.

You are not eager to take over this responsibility, yet you will have to take the responsibility for the planet. And this is the next level of consciousness to which you should rise.

You are still worried about what is happening around you, and you are so enthralled by the illusion that surrounds you at home, at work, and on television. However, there are much more important and substantial things, and the time has come for you to start thinking about these.

The entire world, the physical and the subtle planes of existence, are trembling because of many of your actions, thoughts, and feelings. Other beings of Light and I sometimes watch with a shudder as another burst of negative energy is released by humanity through its folly. Every time an uncontrolled release of negative energy happens, it takes great effort by numerous beings of Light to balance out the situation so that the consequences for the physical plane do not become catastrophic.

Now the time has come when you, the best representatives of the human community, must share with us, the Ascended Hosts, the responsibility for planet Earth and for everything that happens on the planet. And this is the level of consciousness that must be truly achieved by you in the nearest future.

Stop looking at the people that surround you; stop following the example that you see around you and on television. The time is coming when you should follow the direction that you get from your hearts. There are more subtle energies and processes that are occurring around you on more subtle planes. And these processes are reflected within you as certain states of your consciousness. It is not always that the things occurring in the subtle planes can be consciously understood by you, and not everything reaches your external consciousness, but there is a certain intuition, premonition, or intuition. And if you are honest with yourself, if you enter your heart and feel the vibrations of a more subtle plane, then you will undoubtedly hear the disturbing alarm that is ringing on planet Earth. And this alarm is a danger signal. It is an indicator of the trouble of the planet.

How can the situation be changed, and what can be done now in order for the preponderance of forces on the planet to open up an opportunity for a bright future again?

I think that it will not be superfluous to remind you that no matter how difficult the times are for you, and no matter how heavily the thoughts and states are filling you, you must find the strength to say:

"I know that these states are not real. I know that the illusion is strong, but I am ready to oppose the illusory forces with all the power of my Love pouring from my heart. I love this world. I love God and His creation, and I will not allow this world to be destroyed. Beloved Archangel Michael and the angels of protection, I am asking you to use my lifestream to help the legions of Light. I know that nothing will happen to my planet as long as at least one light-bearer acts consciously on the side of the powers of Light."

As soon as we gather a sufficient number of individuals who are ready in their hearts to firmly support the Light, then we will be able to ask the Great Central Sun and all the Cosmic Council for mercy so that Earth gets help and this help comes without delay.

Much is at stake at this moment. Most human individuals are not ready for a change of consciousness. And volunteers are needed to demonstrate a new level of consciousness, the consciousness that is not tied to the physical or astral plane but is ready to cooperate with the Higher Worlds.

And when there are a sufficient number of individuals capable of demonstrating a new consciousness, then due to their efforts, the consciousness of other people will begin to change too.

You all are interconnected in more subtle planes of being. And there is a necessity for a higher frequency of consciousness to resonate like a tuning fork in space, so that the souls of those people who are stuck in the illusion rise again and cast their glances toward Heaven.

I envy those of who are incarnated at this very difficult time because the future of the planet and of millions of souls who are caught in the illusion and do not see that daylight depends on your ability to keep your consciousness pure, Heavenward, and in accordance with the Higher Worlds.

Lead by example! Be brave, be enduring, and be inventive. Invent the ways that will carry millions of people to a new level of consciousness. Do sound on the top note. Do set the pattern!

I am calling you into the future!

I AM Archangel Michael!

Submitted to CrystalWind via Email For Re-Blogging. 

In 2004 I was granted a Messenger’s Mantle of the Great White Brotherhood and received an opportunity to bring the Words of the Masters to people.
During the years 2005-2020 at certain periods of time I have been receiving Messages of the Ascended Masters in a special way.
I am very happy that with the help of many people the first Messages I received have been translated into English and the English-speaking readers can become familiar with them. The only thing the Ascended Masters want is to spread their Teaching throughout the world.
The Masters give their Messages with the feeling of great Love.
Love has no limits.
There are no boundaries between the hearts of people living in different countries, there are no boundaries between the worlds.
The boundaries exist only in the consciousness of people.
The Masters appeal through me to every man living on planet Earth
From Siberia with Love,
Tatyana Nicholaevna Mickushina

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