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Archangel Michael: Gratitude Meditation

Archangel Michael: Gratitude Meditation


Of course, I wasn't going to ignore this request. And I come here with great joy. It's a party day! And it really was a big day for her. So what I was asked is to conduct a gratitude meditation. 

So what am I going to say? What am I going to ask you? First of all, at this moment, everyone should concentrate where they are. Close your eyes. Put your devices aside. Put your feet on the ground. No, you don't need to take your shoes off. Just sit comfortably, sit very comfortably. Let's take a deep breath. Take a good breath and exhale, exhale through your mouth, as if you were throwing out everything bad that is inside your minds, your bodies, it doesn't matter! Get it out! So, take a deep breath! Exhale vigorously to let go, relaxing your bodies. Feel a warmth in the soles of your feet. At this point, it's not your roots that are going down. Gaia is, at this moment, illuminating the feet of each one of you. And this energy goes up through your legs, it goes up slowly, it slowly fills your torso, your arms, your neck and your head. You are fully filled with Gaia's energy! This energy is very strong and goes beyond the skin of your bodies. You begin to emanate rays of light. What color is this light? It doesn't matter! You can put the light you want, the light your heart wants to emanate. Just be a point of light, an emanator of light! So, in this moment, feel the energy in your bodies and feel your hearts pumping. It's as if they grew inside the chest and pulsated stronger than usual. You can put the light you want, the light your heart wants to emanate. Just be a point of light, an emanator of light! So, in this moment, feel the energy in your bodies and feel your hearts pumping. It's as if they grew inside the chest and pulsated stronger than usual. You can put the light you want, the light your heart wants to emanate. Just be a point of light, an emanator of light! So, in this moment, feel the energy in your bodies and feel your hearts pumping. It's as if they grew inside the chest and pulsated stronger than usual. 

Archangel Michael: Gratitude Meditation

Now each of you will repeat what I say: 

  • I am an incarnate soul!
  • I am the consciousness of this soul! 
  • I am grateful to have reached this day!.
  • I am grateful that I chose the light.
  • I am grateful for all the awareness I have today.
  • I am grateful for every teaching, for every learning received in recent times.
  • I am grateful to be alive, to be able to live every moment.
  • I am grateful for the difficult times, because they are the ones that bring me the learning.
  • I am grateful for the happy moments, because they are the ones that let me believe that I made good plantations back there.
  • Gratitude for being able to breathe the air of this planet.
  • Gratitude for being able to drink the water of this planet.
  • Gratitude for feeling the heat of this planet's fire in this one.
  • Gratitude for being able to have firm ground under my feet, the ground of this planet.
  • Gratitude for every food that nourishes my body.
  • Gratitude for each occupation that makes me serve myself and others.
  • Gratitude for knowing how to love, even if not perfectly yet, but knowing how to live love for myself and for the other.
  • Gratitude for being able to build a shelter for my home. 
  • Gratitude for everything I was able to come up with to improve my day and that of my brothers.
  • Gratitude for today believing in what I don't see, but that totally involves my heart.
  • Gratitude for knowing today that I have brothers in the Universe and that they love me without me knowing it.
  • Gratitude for my release on this planet.
  • Gratitude for all the journey of evolution that I lived and that I learned.
  • Gratitude for having the high conscience I have today.
  • Gratitude for being on this road walking towards the Fifth Dimension.

At this moment, my brothers, the light in your hearts has increased so much that you no longer emanate rays from your hearts, you have become balls of light! And this is what happens when there is gratitude. Gratitude is a feeling as powerful as love. And he is able to change, to transform many negative feelings and raise your vibration. Of course, it is necessary that you have dreams, but that they are desires, dreams. But, before desiring and dreaming of them, always ask yourself: is this just for me or is it for me and for the whole? If the answer is for you and for the whole, the probability of the dream of desire materializing increases a lot! And if at every moment you are grateful for having already achieved what you want, it accelerates the process even more. But it needs to be a deep and complete trust, without any doubts, without thinking that this is just a ritual, not something that will really happen. Many find it difficult, in difficult times, in moments of pain, despair and suffering, to be grateful in that moment. And I tell you: that if in these moments, so difficult, so challenging, you are able to still find a reason to be grateful, be sure: all your problems will have a solution! And many times they will be solutions that you don't even expect! So learn to be grateful always, for everything, for everyone, for every situation that brings a smile to your face. be sure: all your problems will be solved! And many times they will be solutions that you don't even expect! So learn to be grateful always, for everything, for everyone, for every situation that brings a smile to your face. be sure: all your problems will be solved! And many times they will be solutions that you don't even expect! So learn to be grateful always, for everything, for everyone, for every situation that brings a smile to your face. 

Be grateful that you can direct your eyes and see! Many do not have this ability, but overcome and manage to live. Be grateful for listening! Be grateful that you can speak! Be grateful that you can walk! And even if you lack some of these faculties, be grateful, because nothing that happens is meaningless or purposeless. You will always find purpose! Gratitude is part of the feeling that teaches you to look at everything with love. She is the one who makes you look at problems, at difficulties, at obstacles, at everything bad with love. And that's how you solve everything, emanating love. 

Archangel Michael: Gratitude Meditation

Always remember: complaining, cursing, constantly repeating the problem attracts a lot. Yes, it attracts more of the same! If the problem was the size of a ball, it will be the size of a balloon because you fed it, you threw more negative energy on it, so it grows negatively! That's why many times you have a problem and you can't find the solution, because you only look at the problem as a problem! And each one they meet comments on the problem and complains about the problem on a daily basis, the solution gets further and further away! Now if you look at this problem, you know it's there, but you don't feed it. What happens when y'all don't feed? You get weak, exactly the same thing happens with a problem. If you feed it it grows, it becomes robust, strong! Now if you don't feed him, it weakens, withers, loses strength and you can see the solution. Otherwise you will not be able to see the solution, because the energy of the problem is so great that you cannot see it! 

So learn to be grateful always, always, always grateful. This is the way. Gratitude! Gratitude! And gratitude! 

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Image Courtesy of The Crystal Wind Oracle and Artist Lisa Iris
oracle.crystalwind.ca - www.lisairis.ca

All other images by crystalwind.ca

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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