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Archangel Michael: December Solstice - Your Ultimate Activation Awaits

Archangel Michael: December Solstice - Your Ultimate Activation Awaits

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are joyous in this moment of conscious remembering and reconnection.

As you arise… As you evolve… As you reclaim more and more of the awareness, the conscious knowing, of who you truly are, the way you feel, see, attract and know Life opens up.

You become JOYFUL. EAGER. Enthusiastic. It becomes more and more natural to awaken each day curious and adventurous, wondering with an inner sense of confidence and delight, what will show up in your experience and how things you know are coming might show up today.

There is a growing pleasure within the forerunners who feel the PROMISE of this time and who rightly, increasingly sense the fulfillment of this promise. The Promise of Ascension. Ascension is assured. The more you line up with All That You Are, the more real that is to you.

The openness to who you truly are, has made this knowing more and more real, and inexplicably, you may feel it — a sense of KNOWING that wonderful things are underway already and that you are on the cusp of a blooming, a breakthrough a powerful exaltation of everything!

Within you and all around you, it is true — amazing transformation is occurring and the collective field of light, the collective field of human consciousness, is rising.

When we speak of this collective field, we want to be clear — this field is beyond time and space. It is all of humanity — what you might call past, present and future. It is YOU, in other iterations, YOU, in other personalities. It is your lineage — biological and cultural and familial — chosen and by blood. It is your future life in this stream and your descendants from your Family of Light and your Monadic Soul group who are present in the future and drawing you forward and upward, and all other humans in every and any way.

This vast and luminous field of light, is rising. It is being liberated. From within.

The wayshowers, forerunners and those who are just now awakening, all are changing the energy and consciousness of this field and the energy of each of you as you evolve, affects everything that is.

Everything that is or was, ever connected to you, is affected by your evolutionary light. Your influence grows when you are aligned and flowing. And when you feel good and open to that flow and when you follow your inner nudge to express, you become a radiant, flowing blessing to All That Is, a catalyst alchemizing consciousness and energy. An emanating field of higher light, coherent and influencing everything, blessing everything.

And when you are seeing through the eyes of Source? Reminding and acknowledging everything and everyone, for who it truly is Life made manifests in the Divine Perfection that is that unique and singular essence of that person, or thing. (Smile).

Understand the progression of things, Beloved Ones: cohesion necessarily precedes coherence. The awareness of the interconnectedness of ALL is a foundation for the peace you all desire. From this growing awareness of the interconnectedness of All Things the harmonizing of ALL becomes possible. For ALL coming into balance, into its Divine Perfection; into coherent expression, and into ultimately conscious Divine Order, is a way to articulate what ascension is.

And each being who is aligned and open hearted generates a field of coherence into the cohesive wholeness that is LIFE ITSELF, that is THIS UNIVERSE, that is Earth and all life on it, that is the WHOLE OF HUMANITY, activating that possibility for others. Making it easier to access, more readily available.

. . .

We offer to you now, an activation of inner knowing and a harmonization of your energies with the potentials of the coming Solstice. If you welcome this, let us know, and then carry on here…

Focus now upon your crown and allow it to open and activate. Do the same then with your third eye.

Feel the activation happening of your third eye. Place your attention on it and let it open further, and expand.

Notice there may be an impression of it extending into your head; a line of energy and light that meets in the center at your hypothalamus and then moves to your Alta-Major at the base of your skull. These two areas normally are actively linked and work together along with areas above your right ear where there are crystal reservoirs holding stored keys and codes and knowledge for you.

Your body, like your planet, has known and unknown aspects of its physical state and like your planet, aspects of your human physical form, exists on multiple frequency planes and are accessed through resonance with those frequencies.

As you ascend, more of what is here already, but dormant in your experience, inaccessible before now, becomes open and accessible to you.

We would like, with this Solstice, to activate some of these inner structures you now have access to, to point to them, and open up and guide you in beginning to move energetically into a fuller expression of your being.

There is within you an inner opening to more light. To light of knowing and light of inspiration. Light of future Selves shining back into now, drawing your forward and illuminating for you pathways into more of what you want and love and care about and can be, do and have.

Inner connections are being made now in new ways. Connections within your own vaster wholeness but also within your lineage here and your affinities here within Earth and this Multi-verse. Meaning specific relationships you have through experiences of presence, and embodiment, in different realms or locations and relationships with those physical places. Multidimensional BEING is opening up and this has always been anticipated and understood by those of you who are awake to this ascending Creation, but we want you to begin to deliberately explore multidimensional living in an expanded way now.

These avenues for expression are beyond this current human experience you think of as now and humanity in this iterations. In this transmission we’re opening up your inner KNOWING and activating frequency coded remembering.

We’re acknowledging the validity of established affinities with Atlantis, with Lemuria, and with other parts of your known and unknown Universe (smile).

Connections are being activated and opening and flowing and illuminating corresponding elements that empower your higher dimensional expression as you and the Earth ascend.

All of this is happening for your greatest joy, your most fun, your deepest fulfillment, your joyful sense of adventure and possibility and for the way in which these powerful uplifted ways of being make possible Earth’s luminous presence within this Galaxy in a very new and different way.

You are on the path and the path is being lifted, as you are.

The Solstice offers an opportunity to explore these things we’ve mentioned in a guided co-creation if you wish, and for everyone, there is a potent and beautiful flow of pure Source Light and an opportunity to further develop and expand the light within your ascension vehicle.

All That Is, arises, in perfect knowing and harmony to meet you each and every moment with everything that serves you, everything you’ve chosen, and YOU always get to decide how ready you are to receive.

We meet you in your beautiful freedom and invite you to co-create. It is always our great joy and our function, to do so. We are messengers of Angelic Light. And we are with you always, in love.

Ascension Update from Archangel Michael: Step into Your New Light


My name is Ailia Mira. I am a writer, artist, conscious channel* and solopreneur. I'm  exploring the ways of living that are in alignment with who I truly am. In addition to living this way myself, I am also an experienced coach, facilitator, teacher and guide. 
Message from Archangel Michael, Hermes & The Council of Radiant Light Channeled by Ailia Mira

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