Archangel Michael: 11 11 Portal Codes and the Sacred Union of Twin Flames
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- Written by Chellea Wilder

Embrace the 11:11 Portal and Twin Flame Union to Awaken Your Divine Blueprint and Manifest Spiritual Ascension
Blessings Beloved Ones,
Thank you for communing with me.
After just experiencing an intense inner transformation, and Timeline jump, Your Month of November is marking a transition into a more advanced phase of your spiritual growth. This period is characterized by a deepening connection with your intuition, and divine blueprint. This will also connect you to the elemental and morphogenetic field of Earth, as you align with the ascension process.
Understanding the progression of your Spiritual journey is essential as it unfolds in distinct stages, each with its own set of energies to navigate. This 11:11 portal holds significant importance for your Journey ahead. As it acts as a potent catalyst for the recalibration and expansion into your higher selves. It beckons you to delve into your Divine Blueprint in ways that you have never before imagined.
At this juncture, you are being bestowed with sacred codes emanating from the Source of Light. These codes are being awakened within you, initiating a period of transformation that aligns you with a new reality beyond your current understanding. These holy and sacred codes are reconnecting you with the Divine Christ Consciousness within you.
The 11 11 Portal is also acting as a gateway for the Twin Flame Sacred Union. For those who do not know this concept, it is the understanding that you are coupled as a Soul, masculine and feminine. This understanding of Twin souls, comes from the ancient Knowledge, that the Human soul was intentionally separated into 2 parts, by the Anunnaki Race. This was done when they altered your DNA, to stop your ascension process. Throughout time, Humans again developed a reconnection, with both masculine, and feminine within themselves, allowing for the ascension process to commence. However, Twin Flames or Twin Souls can still find each other. In this Lifetime many Twins souls are reconnecting their sacred bond.
When these souls reunite on the physical plane of Earth, they create a sacred union. Making them powerful conduits for manifestation and Transformation. Once you have connected with your Twin soul in sacred union, you become Divine Channels of Pure Christ Consciousness energy. This was the Divine Union of the ones you know as Jesus and Mary Magdalene. This sacred connection embodies the Divine wholeness of the Masculine and Feminine aspect of existence.
However, Not all twin Flames will find each other, it is only by soul contract that you are reunited. The reasoning behind this it is a very intense relationship. Most cannot handle the rollercoaster ride of emotional transformation. Resulting in most of these relationships ending. You both must be ready for this ascension process, with both actively participating on your collective spiritual journey. It is not necessary to make this connection to ascend. You each have your own personal journey that must be fulfilled.
Embracing the emergence of The Christ Consciousness within you, is the goal of this journey. Which is the balancing of the Masculine and Feminine within your own inner being. This is done through the alignment with these higher frequencies and balancing within the Love Vibrations.
As your external world undergoes chaotic shifts, which is mirroring your internal transformations, it is essential to embrace the process of releasing old energies and integrating new vibrations. By honing your abilities to work with sound, light, and frequency, you can merge your unique gifts and energies to enhance your spiritual practice.
This final phase of purging and release will serve to unlock your Divine gifts fully, amplifying your presence in the Divine realm and aligning you with your higher purpose.
Through introspection, surrender, and letting go, you are paving the way for a new reality to manifest both within and around you. By embarking on a shamanic journey within yourself and aligning with the Spirit's will through your Divine Essence, you can deepen your connection to the higher realms and embody the Christ Consciousness of the Higher self. During meditation allow for the merging of the Christen light within you to connect with the energies of this gateway. Allow it to shape your path ahead, guiding you towards greater spiritual awakening and alignment with your soul's purpose.
I Love you, and I am Always with you.
I Am Archangel Michael.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse
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