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11/11 Scorpio Gate 2024: Co-Create a New Reality Through Time Travel

11/11 Scorpio Gate 2024: Co-Create a New Reality Through Time Travel

Beloved Souls, you and your planet are in the process of a deep shift in the Collective Consciousness and Reality.

You are deep in your transition from Homo Sapiens to a new kind of Human called Luminosa or Christos; the Human Angel and Galactic Being of Light.

This process is driven by the two primary forces of Creation : Fire and Water together with the raising of Frequency on Earth. Fire Plasma, or sunlight and Solar Flares together with Water Plasma, the highest form of water, are the materials of the New Creation.

Fire Plasma and Solar Light Codes for the New Creation

Solar Flares, and also “sunlight”, are fluid and “liquid” forms of the original primal Fire of Creation. Fire plasma contains the “elements” of life that will nurture life once the life templates are formed.

When the Earth was created, volcanic fire was the trigger for the creation of matter. Volcanic molten lava contains all the minerals and elements needed for life on Earth. When it encounters water (plasma) then it is able to create matter according to the templates contained in the memory bank or library of water. The first step in the “creation manual” is to create aquatic life forms and land masses, which are then populated with flora and fauna and humans.

Sunlight is also a gentler form of fire plasma ejected by the Sun, which contains “nutrients” for life. These are synthesized by plants and trees in a process known as “photosynthesis” to make the nutrients available as food for animals and humans.

Right now, Sun Cycle 25 is very active, with a very powerful X Class flare just recently. This is powering a huge wave of evolution and transition which is manifesting as The Golden Age and the New Earth.

The Phoenix

The Phoenix Firebird : Fire and Water

The Phoenix or Firebird is an archetype associated with Scorpio and the Scorpio Gate 11/11 as a symbol of Rebirth and Regeneration.

In mythology, the Phoenix or Firebird symbolizes an age of evolution and creation. When it is complete, the Phoenix bursts into flames and incinerates itself, symbolizing the end of that cycle of creation.

But, a new Firebird arises from the ashes of the old. This symbolizes the New Creation. This bird arises from the ashes of the fire. The Fire Plasma has seeded all the elements and nutrients for new life, and the template of the Phoenix is re-energized by water into a New Creation.

This is where you find yourselves now on the Planet. The Solar fires and sunlight are re-energizing and rebirthing a new creation.

Water Plasma and the Templates of a New Creation

In this dance of creation, water plasma creates and carries the templates for creation and manifestation that are activated by fire plasma.

So, a new creation requires, firstly Fire and Water to provide the form and activate it into matter by working with the elemental energies of Air and Earth.

Water, in its pure form, flows and purifies and hydrates and cleanses. It also, as mentioned, provides templates and structure to support form, much like a 3D printer.

So, we are able to see the process of creation.

First, the Elohim Angels design the templates of life in the Star Gardens of Creation.

Then, the Dragons energize the Templates with Fire and Water and transfer the energized templates to Earth.

There the Nature Angels and Spirits plant and nurture the new creations which are cared for by fairies and devas.

Finally Human (Angels) become the Keepers of the Earth gardens and guardians of these creations with their healing and balancing gifts.

This is the spiral of creation and manifestation that is sacred.

When you create or manifest you use the same process : you design your template through visualizing what you want to create and then you energize and feed the template with love and desire.

In your experiences on Earth you are also a part of these sacred cycles of Creation.

Human Angels, Co-Creators and Time Travelers

As you become more aware of who you are as human angels, you also become aware of your capacity to create and co-create with Divine Source and the angels.

You begin to consciously co-create your life by claiming your ability to travel in time as part of the creative process.

Using the power of water you can flow into the future or backwards into the past to make new choices and heal what is not part of who you are or want to be.

The point of power is always the NOW moment where you create the templates and structures of your life. But, you can travel in any direction in time to make different choices at higher levels of consciousness or plant seeds that will manifest in the future. Many of you are in this process right now, although you may not be fully aware of it. You are healing your timelines and time spirals by travelling to heal and shift energies while remaining in your heart and grounded in the present moment.

The planet Saturn, which rules Scorpio, is also the Lord of Time, and so Scorpio Gate on the 11/11 (11th November) is a sacred moment to shape past and future to align with this sacred “present” moment.

May you pass through the 11/11 Gateway on the 11th November with Love and Joy in the process of joyful co-creation with your Soul and Spirit as you enter your New Life on the New Earth.


Archangel Michael: AWAKEN! Divine Earth Blueprint Revealed!

Phoenix image Courtesy of The Crystal Wind Oracle and Artist Lisa Iris
oracle.crystalwind.ca - www.lisairis.ca


Celia Fenn holds MA and PhD degrees in English Literature, and has also studied Art and Music. She lives in Cape Town, South Africa. 
She worked for 12 years as a University academic teacher of English Literature before switching to a career in Healing and Therapy. For ten years she helped many people to find their own personal healing path to wholeness and inner peace. She then became a channel for Archangel Michael, and developed the Starchild Global website. Her ongoing adventure has lead to a new focus on the grounding of the New Earth, Quantum Reality and Time Lines, the importance of the Divine Feminine energy and rediscovering the power of Shamanic practice and ceremony in a modality called Galactic Shamanism. She is the Director of the Starchild Children's Foundation, which runs the "Children of Africa Project". This is a Community Support Program for the Children of the Cape Town area in South Africa. The project is run and maintained by donations.

 Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of content is prohibited without written permission. The article's title was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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