Urgent Message for Guardians of the Earth - The Agarthians
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- Written by Anna Merkaba

Greetings My Beloved Masters of The Universe! Today I come to you with a very important message for those of you who are The Guardians of the Earth and/or feel the pull to connect with the Agarthians. This is a VERY IMPORTANT moment for you now!
We greet you now in the new unfolding reality upon your shores, we greet you now with a message disguised, as the harboring of truth lights the way for you to maneuver through the sea of the cumbersome and troublesome reality that is presently unfolding before you, and yet the disguised message within the ever conflicting realities is such as to bring harmony and peace into your hearts and alert you to the happenings upon your own planet.
The reality structure unfolding before you is misguided and misrepresented by those who wish to remain diligent to their task of keeping the veil for forgetfulness intact, but alas no more can such a state of being remain upon your shores and so we bring you the truth, the guidance and the glimpse into the past of your chosen momentum.
Let us then go back into the past and revisit the lost records of the “gods”, which states that at a certain moment in time, a certain species shall emerge from within the depth of time and space, calling themselves gods and introduce humanity to a new structural reality which goes against the grand plan of the cosmic gateways, and when such moment occurs many on the human earth will be in disagreement with such abysmal invocations and will retreat into the inner structures found upon your planet.
And said moment occurred eons into the past, forcing many to retreat beneath the earthly crusts, for as wild as it may be for you to imagine, and to believe in such statements indeed such magnificent event has come to pass many eons into the past, and hence and thus, those that you call the Agarthians indeed exist within the core of your planet.
Having built cities and having kept the essence of free will alive within their communities they communicate with many on the surface of the earth daily, keeping tabs, if you will on all the happenings of the world above ground.
And so, the time has come for them to emerge from their cities and come out to introduce themselves to your populace. Said humanoid beings shall make new conversation contacts with many more who are ready to experience being in their presence, for these beings are not human and have different vibrational structures which vibrate on frequencies that are very high in octaves forcing the human body to respond in a fearful way as it usually does to that which is unknown, and yet, many of you are ready for said contact and shall experience such visits first hand.
Please understand, to those who are ready for said contact, these beings will seem very human, and yet there shall be something different about them. Agarthians physically look like your Nordic populace, and you may simply think that you are meeting a strange vibrating human, but alas, these beings are anything but human as they have evolved and have passed the Ring Pass Not, their bodies have adjusted to incorporate a specific strand of DNA which allowed them to become completely multidimensional, and allowed them to travel through time and space continuum, ascending and descending at will.
This, as strange as it may be for most of you to believe, is that which shall eventually happen to all humans living on GAIA, as they too shall acquire a new gene pool, a new DNA strand, and from there tremendous improvements to the whole physical reality shall come about.
But, all of this is far into the future, and in the meantime the beings that come from within your earth are asking you for assistance, as they are ready to assist you in assisting humanity to return to the golden age of GAIA.
And so, the records and agreements of the “gods” hidden beneath the sphinx which have been put into place eons into the past are coming to pass, and are materializing in your realities and are the main cause of that which you are experiencing at this very moment in time.
You who are reading said message are here for a reason, you are here to assure that the agreements with the “gods” does not come to pass, as that which has been agreed to has been agreed to without the full understanding and comprehension of humans.
And so and thus, those who have upheld FREE WILL for eternity are coming back to the surface of the earth, are rising to assist you in recollecting the memory of humans that indeed they are FREE and have FREE WILL and are ready to, able and fully capable of exercising their birth given right to thrive upon the planet you all call earth, the planet that has been granted for ALL to experience BEing in the physical form, behind the veil of forgetfulness and finding their way back home, home to oneness, home to eternal peace, harmony and LOVE.
And as such, those of you who are pulled towards Agartha, towards inner earth, shall follow your inner guidance, and await further instructions from your guides on the very important steps that you are to take in order to continue your missions on this planet.
That is all that we have for you now. We are with you. We love you. Goodbye for now.
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