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The Next Step by Archangel Metatron

The Next Step by Archangel Metatron

Greetings beloved beings of light. I am Archangel Metatron, the overseer and guide of the Angelic Kingdom. I come forth with angelic love, angelic peace, and angelic wisdom. I gift to you all that I am and all that I received from the Creator, everything that flows through me you can accept and embody. Allow yourself to recognise that you are an expression of the Creator. You are a gift. You are constantly gifting your energy, the energy you receive from the Creator to yourself and to the world around you. This is your purpose, it is your existence, it is what you were born to achieve. You may receive my energies easily and openly. 

Do you acknowledge that you are an expression of the Creator constantly gifting to others around you the energy of the Creator?

This is something I encourage you to contemplate, to really embody, to trust in and to live as. For such a belief, and understanding will create numerous transitions not only in your perspective, in the way you exist upon the Earth, in your spiritual journey, advancement, your co-creation and communication with all beings and the Creator. Through this simple contemplation, you are already embarking upon the next step of your ascension process. 

Your Ascension Process is Linked with All 

Your ascension process is linked and connected to the ascension process of all beings, especially those upon the Earth, and of course, Mother Earth. This means that which you achieve, your vibration and frequency increasing, influences all beings on the Earth and Mother Earth as well as influences the pathway of ascension for all. It can be said that those upon the Earth are influencing you as well. However, if your vibration is high then you will be impacted only by high vibrations as any lower vibrations would simply wash away. If you recognise that your ascension process is linked with all and the ascension process of the Earth, then you understand or begin to understand your role and purpose. The more you allow yourself to evolve spiritually, the more you increase your vibration and advance your ascension, the more you will allow others to achieve the same. To evolve spiritually can be to raise your vibration, to connect with the divine within, to take care of your body, to ensure that you are experiencing fulfilling and inspiring experiences and situations in your reality, to be an expression of love, to be an expression of healing vibrations. Whatever you perceive as your spiritual path and as increasing and radiating your energy vibration, then it is now time for you to achieve this. Like a train pulling carriages along, your vibration will create a momentum that creates an opening and an awakening for others to follow. It is not that you are a teacher nor that others will follow you. It is as if a vibration and energy flow is created so that others may awaken in a way that is appropriate for them, recognising that they are linked to all beings and to the ascension process and that their vibration impacts the awakening of others. It is not to create a burden of responsibility for you, more so, it is to inspire you to achieve what you have dreamt of in your spiritual evolution.

I, Archangel Metatron, ask of you now are there situations and experiences that you wish to embody for your spiritual pathway? 

It is most probable that you know already your dreams for your spiritual pathway. If you do not, then take time to explore. What do you wish to achieve? Can you recognise your spiritual pathway and journey forth? As you recognise that which you wish to experience in your spiritual pathway and advancement, you are creating the next step of your ascension. The next step of your ascension is to achieve that which you dream of for your spiritual pathway or at least to take some steps towards your goal. The energies are ready to support you, remember that I, Archangel Metatron, mentioned that your ascension is connected to all beings. The more you can achieve that which you wish to in your spiritual pathway, the more you will create a momentum of energy. You will create an opening and an awakening for others to follow, for others to access what they need. So many energies are entering into the world now to support you, to encourage you to create new possibilities, new awakenings, new healings, in truth everything and anything is possible. It is especially important that you focus yourself, your mind, and your attention to exactly what you wish to achieve in your spiritual evolution.

To Take the Necessary Steps Forward

The necessary steps forward are to first surrender to the Creator that which you wish to experience, to then receive from the Creator that which you surrendered.

The Creator will transform that which you surrendered, your dreams, and what you wish to experience in your spiritual journey. The Creator will add energy, transform it, advance it, purify it, and then return it to you for you to receive, for you to embody. It will be inspirational and powerful, receiving that which you surrendered to the Creator back from the Creator into your being, creating numerous shifts within your being, your energy, your chakras, and your perspective. It will create the next step, a higher level of evolution for yourself, and therefore for others.

Each person's next step will be different. It is the courage to take this next step, which is needed. Receiving the energy from the Creator will create the courage, the inspiration, the power, the inner drive to achieve what is necessary. As you receive this energy, contemplate if there is anything within your being that is stopping you from achieving this now? Be truthful with yourself. If there is, surrender this to the Creator, inviting the Creator to heal and transform any fears or limitations into positive loving energy that further supports you. Continue to achieve this until you feel ready to embark upon the next stage of your spiritual evolution. It may take a couple of minutes, hours, or days. You will know when you are ready, then allow yourself to accept as you receive the energy of the Creator.

What Is Truly Your Next Step?

You may ask this of yourself, ‘What is truly my next step in my ascension process?’ Allow yourself to again receive from within your being. 

Your work with co-creation with the Creator will prepare you for the energies, the wisdom, the truth that is ready to awaken from within your being and that is flowing from the Creator throughout the entire universe of the Creator to you, for you to utilise, embody and express. 

When you feel that this process is complete you may send energy down through your legs and out through your feet, out through your root chakra, through your Earth Star chakra into Mother Earth as a symbol of grounding and embodying all that you have received. Remember, your next step is unique to you. However, the Creator is ready to guide you forth on your next step of your spiritual advancement, to co-create with you and accelerate your ascension.

It is time to do so now.

I, Archangel Metatron, am present with you, supporting and assisting you always.

Thank you,

Archangel Metatron

Channelled through Natalie Glasson 
Natalie anchors the Wisdom of the Light Community, which is a large and vast group of varied light beings who are devoted to assisting the Earth and its humanity. The Wisdom of the Light Community is ever expanding as Archangel Michael who oversees the community allows all to channel their wisdom and consciousness through Natalie. You may access and integrate the energy of the Wisdom of the Light Community to aid your spiritual advancement through meditation while holding the intention of experiencing their energy. It is the channellings from the Wisdom of the Light Community that Natalie shares through the Sacred School of Om Na.
Source Here

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