The Higher Beings - A Message From Archangel Metatron
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- Written by Wendy Ann Zellea

Who are the Higher Beings? They are visualized as living in another dimensional space that suits their vibration. They observe us and we can call on them for assistance.
Each person, living in the third-dimensional reality, has a unique vibratory signature, and the Higher Beings do as well. They have a distinctive expression of life force energy.
There are countless Higher Beings, and they make themselves known in any number of ways, mainly as it applies to an individual, a group, or a situation. At least that is how it normally seems.
Some of the Higher Beings work in the service of humanity. Why do they, one might ask? Love is the driving force that allows the Higher Beings to offer divine inspiration to those who request it.
The important thing to remember is that they always work for the highest good. Thus, they do not cause things to happen, instead they are ready to assist, when asked.
And that is the key, they must be asked.
When you request the support of the Higher Beings, you can feel them around you immediately. You might ask for certain Higher Beings to come to your side or perhaps just let them determine who of them is best suited for the occasion.
There is no right or wrong way to make your request. It can be for guidance, inspiration, protection, or any other reason, as long as it is for the highest good of all.
One day I set out on my daily errands and I felt a wave of sadness wash over me, as I thought about the current situation in the world. I do not often feel overwhelmed, but that day I did.
As I began to drive, I asked the guides, Archangels and Ascended Masters, with whom I normally work, to join me in the car and help me to lift my spirits. I felt their presence immediately and was guided to change my focus back to my spiritual work, instead of the outward world. I felt the darkness lift off me and we all spent the rest of the day together happily.
The Higher Beings are your friends, you can talk to them and laugh with them, just as you would with your human friends. Of course, mainly it will be in your mind, rather than verbally, but not always.
Don’t forget to let them know you are grateful for their assistance and that you Love them too.
The Higher Beings are on a spiritual journey, just as you are. The work they do assisting you, is part of that journey. They do not see things in linear, dualistic ways, separating life into good and bad. They see everything as viable and part of a whole, but they are devoted to helping you ascend, if that is your intention.
When you ask for their assistance, you are honoring them and allowing them to fulfill their individual missions.
As they accompany you through the day, you just may find that your day becomes more beautiful.
Brought through with Love and Light, by Wendy Ann Zellea. Wendy Ann Zellea is an Ascension Messenger, Luminary, and Keeper of the Divine Principles of Grace. Her work, consisting of esoteric concepts, presented in a clear writing style, focuses on bringing through information, from the Higher Realms, through Archangel Metatron.
©️2021 Happy Awareness Publications
You may share this message, but please give credit to Wendy Ann Zellea at . This message, from Archangel Metatron, is channeled. It is written as intended. If you share, please do not change the content.
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