Metatron Reveals the Secrets Behind Our Habits!
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- Written by Possidonius Neto

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM METATRON!
I bring here with me, once again, a large cube. A cube in which I place all those whose hearts are enlightened. Allowing my cube to remove from everyone, any and all energy that is different from Light.
The moment of a planet's ascension is not an easy moment. Likewise, the ascension of the beings that inhabit it. It is necessary to get rid of so many beliefs, so many habits, so many customs, which have remained throughout existence in this dimension.
We understand, believe me, that it is not easy for you to erase your minds from one moment to the next and forget all your vices. Forget everything that this dimension brings you pleasure. We understand. Be sure of that.
But what is important is not to penalize yourself for changing habit “a” or “b.” The important thing is that you know the importance to be given to each step. Don't put so much weight on walking away from something. Do it naturally. Don’t keep repeating: “I need to stop doing this, eating this, wanting this.” No, just walk away.
I'll give you an example: If you eat every day, spend time eating every other day. Then increase the space to two days. But do it lightly, cheerfully. Not with regret, not as an obligation. Because then yes, it doesn't work. You even more want to eat what you don't want to eat.
Be balanced. It doesn't take that much strength to be able to get away from everything. There has to be lightness, not strength. When you stop liking someone, what do you do? You move away. They avoid being with her, they avoid contact. And over time, that happens naturally. And you almost don't even remember the person.
So act the same way. Look at things with a certain wish that they didn't exist. And move away, little by little. Take it, take it. No force, no obligation. It made me want to do it again, desperate, do it. Because it is not in this way, going against your own body, that you will achieve anything.
Now, always think as if it were an addiction, each of the things you need to change. The addict works day by day to stay away from addiction. If he starts again, all that desire comes back. But I would tell you not to do it as intensely as an addict. Unless you are really addicted to something.
It takes willpower. It takes desire. But once again I repeat: Strive for balance. Don't strain your bodies too much. Don't want to stop everything all at once. It's gradual. It's light, it's smooth. And you will see that, over time, there will still be a desire to do or eat, but it will no longer bring as much pleasure as it did a while ago.
Start slowly. The important thing is to start. The important thing is to be aware. And I say more, don't judge those who still can't do it. Everyone has their own mind. Everyone has their own way of being and thinking, so don't judge. “Ah, I already did it, why can’t you?” Because he's not you. Don't judge a brother for not being able to stop eating living beings. Do not judge.
Each body has become accustomed to a particular food. If yours turned off quickly, good for you. But you probably have something you still need to shut down. So why are you judging others? Everyone has their own time. Everyone has their own time. Don't judge the other. Everyone is following the path they can follow.
Don't judge the other. And continue the path, but lightly. Don't force yourself. Because when there is too much demand from you, it is bad. The body doesn't accept it. So it's as if you start to explain to your body: “Look at this, I'm going to start eating less, is that ok? Are we going to find other ways to feed ourselves?”
Talk to your bodies. Their bodies respond to them. But it is not by imposing it on your body that you will get there, because the body will react. So make a deal with your body. “Look, today we eat this, but we won’t eat it for another few days. Let's find other ways to enjoy eating. Healthy forms, forms of non-living beings.”
Do it. And don't judge yourself so much. It is necessary, yes. And why is it necessary? So that their bodies can cleanse themselves of all this bad energy that animals bring. It has already been said, and I will remember it. The shift in your bodies into the Fifth Dimension can be gentle or it can be painful. It will be smooth for those whose bodies are clean. It will be painful for those who were unable to do anything.
And I'll tell you: It's not an easy suffering. Because it's as if they took all this energy out of their bodies at once. So make a small effort to change, little by little, lightly. Gently. But, above all, don't judge each other. And most importantly, don't judge yourself.
If you're trying, great. If you haven't even started trying yet, I would tell you to speed up a little, so that you don't suffer down the line. This cube that I placed around each one will help their bodies understand that this energy that they think they need can be changed.
Wait and you will feel it.
Translation by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
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