Metatron - Gratitude The Key To Manifestation
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- Written by Anna Merkaba

Greetings my beloved masters of the universe. Today I would like to share a message that I have received from Archangel Metatron about Gratitude.
Without further ado here is the channeling that I have received.
Gratitude the extraordinary power of eternal creation. Today we wish to speak with you about gratitude. For gratitude is the abundance principle of that which you wish to manifest in your reality. Gratitude carries with it the vibrations of creation, and manifestation, by uniting the exemplary energetic structure with the interplanetary grid system of geometrical upholdings.
By utilizing the power of gratitude one is then able to create a completely new reality for oneself. For through gratitude, and gratitude alone one is able to tap into the energies of manifestation which are ready to assist one on their path of enlightenment, benevolence and might, on their path of purification, assistance and benevolence, benevolence, co-creation and coherent structures of the beholder.
It is through the power of gratitude that you shall find the link to the missing pieces of the puzzle within your very own experience of life. For by being grateful for that which you are, for that which indeed you represent, for that which surrounds you, for that which you are experiencing, you are then able to tap into the energies of abundance, and through said energies create a completely new reality for yourselves to behold. To behold a completely new reality of Being.
And so and thus, using the power of gratitude shall come in handy for you now, for through said power you will then be able to generate massive amounts of manifestation energies by your thought processes alone, for through the feeling of gratitude, by truly feeling the feeling of gratitude you are then thereby generating said energy and feeding said energy into the matrix of creation, the matrix of benevolence, the matrix of love and light, the matrix of manifestation, and through said matrix of manifestation, through said energy of benevolent co-creation of the external momentum you are able to put together, if you, will a new energetic blueprint for your life.
And so and thus, what we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that the power of gratitude shall assist you in manifesting anything and everything that you wish into your reality. Use said power with vigor and might, use said power anytime that you wish to attract energies of abundance into your life. And you shall see the landscape of your reality shift swiftly, as swiftly as you wish it to shift.
Understand that you are the manifestor of your own life, and follow suit to the powers that indeed you have. Follow suit with the powers that you have brought with you through the ethers and grounded into your earthly planes of existence.
That it s all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.
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