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Metatron - Allow the Process

Metatron - Allow the Process

Metatron:  As you bring this energy and information into your classes and more beings are able to enter these alternate states of fourth and fifth dimension, the energetics change to where it is easier to remain in the higher states for longer periods of time.  Right now, where you are, you can operate in that awareness but there is a point, where you have to return to a more earthly or more third-dimensional space because it is too energetically trying on your body.

Jim: The multiple becomes mathematical and exponential and it is difficult to handle, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two different circular possibilities.

Metatron:  Correct.  Then you have to come back to one.

Jim:  I am experiencing this.

Metatron:  It is just about allowing and when you have to come back, come back!  It is o.k.  Your body is being bombarded by these energies that it finds very difficult to operate in, because it is still dense.  It is not fluid.  There will come a time, when it will be less dense and more fluid and you will be able to operate in this field for much longer states and not have the intensity that occurs now.

The key is to be able to utilize increments of these energies in your creative process; to create and then bring the creations into your classes and in your third-dimensional life.  As you do that, the denseness begins to dissipate.  We are already seeing this occur on your planet.  The denseness is far less than it was a year ago, ten years ago. A big difference.  As more inhabitants are looking at possibilities and are opening up to a willingness to observe themselves more closely and chose more carefully, the denseness is affected on all levels.  And for those, like yourself who are way-showers, who are opening up the paths, who are setting the foundation of work, it is sometimes like walking through a jungle where you are clearing a pathway. There are multiple energetics that you have to deal with and become accustomed to.  It is about approaching this from a perspective that is more accepting of where you are physically. More accepting of where you are mentally, where you are emotionally, on all levels of your beingness. These levels are being bombarded by energies at different rates and different configurations.  It is very exciting on one hand, but on the other, it can be physically exhausting.

It is about beginning to learn how to direct.  Forget control. Control is impossible. It is about learning to direct your consciousness, your thought, and your emotional responses. And to utilize these things in a way that enables you to play in this fluid motion, and get from it what you desire.

This is an excerpt from a conversation between Metatron and Jim Self as they prepare to teach a Mastering Alchemy class together.

We thank Joan Walker for bringing forth Metatron to speak through her. With her collaboration, the Mastering Alchemy Level 3 course unfolded.

Next: Staying in the Fifth Dimension


Jim Self is an author, international speaker, and teacher of the Tools for Mastering Alchemy. This work is in co-creation with Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. Free DVD and Free Tele-Classes. Jim is presenting Free in-person classes and the weekend seminar, Creating the Personal Power Field around North America. www.MasteringAlchemy.com or 775-851-8950

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