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Light Penetration by Archangel Metatron

Light Penetration by Archangel Metatron

Greetings and celebrations, I Archangel Metatron come forth to share with you the light of the Creator to ignite the light already present and active within your being. The light current, the Over Lighting Project has come forth and is continuing, it is imprinting light into the cells of all beings on the Earth and the Inner Planes, this is awakening wisdom.

A wisdom that is a remembrance or has not yet been acknowledged on the Earth. It is an exciting time as illumination, inspiration, and enlightenment dawn. The wisdom is dawning within your being now.  It is essential as you sit in quiet time that you acknowledge and give space for yourself as a wise being.

You can say to yourself, ‘I am a wise being, all the answers and wisdom I require are within my being.’

As you settle into this awareness, your cells will begin to open, activating and releasing the wisdom that is essential and important for you to acknowledge and receive into your awareness. This blossoming of wisdom may be impactful, or it may gently trickle into your awareness, gradually sharing insights. It is important as we enter this New Year that you enter as a wise being. You have always been a wise being; wisdom is always present within your being. The Over Lighting Project, this current of light coming from the Creator, is to activate the wisdom that has been present within your being always, thus there is a need to give space for this wisdom to activate. Otherwise, you may miss the activation and flow of awareness because you are distracted elsewhere.  It is imperative to give space, even if it is only a few minutes a day, for the wisdom to fill your being, to activate and integrate with your awareness.

It is a wonderful time to begin to ask questions, asking yourself without expectations of an answer being given. Any form of question is appropriate. Questions about spiritual existence or your journey, about your physical reality situations, the manifestations of dreams, health, healing, whatever you wish. Simply do not expect an answer to come. As you give space and ask a question, a knowingness within you will dawn that all the answers and information you require are within your being.

We could invite you to imagine a year ahead where you have the understanding and knowledge that you require, and this would be a beneficial visualisation. However, we wish to let go of all expectations and so, we invite you to simply acknowledge that you are wise. You have the guidance, the intuition, the inspiration, and the enlightenment within your being to navigate the year ahead and bring dreams into a reality.

A year ago, we began the journey of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint. An opportunity to manifest anything and everything that you wish for, recognising within your being that anything and everything is possible. Now, we move forward with wisdom. Anything and everything are possible, and you have the wisdom within your being to create it. As you allow yourself to embody yourself as a being of wisdom, it is important to recognise that light from the Over Lighting Project is still penetrating your being, still penetrating your cells. You are glowing, your light is being magnified and enhanced. All your cells are radiating light, your energy vibration is quicker and higher, it is important to be aware of this because it is creating momentum within you and acceleration of your ascension. You may realise and recognise that your ascension journey begins to accelerate, things come into place, skills and abilities you have been waiting to access, you connect with, and they become available to you. You can achieve more than you imagine at this point because your light is being magnified.

I, Archangel Metatron ask you in your ascension journey:

What is it that you wish to achieve, to embody, to remember and recognise?

There is a pocket or a window in this moment, where your light is being magnified and you can achieve that which you wish to in your spiritual ascension journey. It only requires your focus. You can ask for what you wish to be activated within your being as the light penetrates your cells. You can also ask for what you wish for from the light, from the Over Lighting Project. The current of light will flow delivering and anchoring what you wish for into being. For example, you may wish for more focus during meditation, you may wish to be able to channel, to have visions of the inner planes, or enhance your healing abilities, whatever it is you can ask of the light, and you can invite the light to activate this through your being.

As you experience this light penetration and it will be for two months from this moment and then it will dissipate, this will be its most impactful time. It is a pocket, a window, where you can really accelerate your ascension as you experience light penetration into your cells, with an advanced light speed, vibration, and presence. As we enter the New Year, we are really beginning to embody and ground our ascension journey, wisdom, and inner knowingness, as well as the power to direct and further activate your Ascension.

We invite you to stand very grounded on the Earth as beings of embodiment. Embodying power, truth, love, and peace, it is a very beautiful presence and vision to begin a new stage of your ascension for yourself, and for others. I invite you to remain in that place of power and to continue to develop that place of power for yourself in the coming days, weeks, and months.

I love you eternally, I thank you,

I am Archangel Metatron.

Channelled through Natalie Glasson 
Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love. Source Here

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