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Invocation for 2015 from Archangel Metatron
- Details
- Written by AndEl
As I enter into a New Year, a new cycle of my spiritual evolution and new cycles of Planetary Ascension upon the Earth I call forth in every present moment the perfect manifestation of my sacred magnificence.
I choose to embody, experience, manifest and express the loving truthful vibrations, consciousness, frequency and light of my soul with greater intensity and presence within my entire being, physical and spiritual reality. I choose to more fully receive and accept the intuition, sacred guidance and divine wisdom of my soul in every moment of my reality, acting in unity and oneness with the pure expressions of my soul. I now choose to become a more expansive, loving and authentic aspect of my soul in full manifestation within my physical being, enhancing with every day of my reality my physical embodiment of my soul. I am the light, love and consciousness of my soul in divine sacred embodiment and manifestation upon the Earth.
I invite my soul to bring forth all the energies, frequencies, imprints, cellular memory, skills, abilities, activations and embodiments I require to move with ease and perfection through the coming year, achieving powerful accelerated ascension and deep awakening within my being as well as profound healing on all levels of my being. May I move beyond illusion into truth; the truth of my soul and the Creator.
I call forth Archangel Metatron, Lord Melchizedek, Master Jesus, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Amethyst, Master Djwhal Khul and my guides to support the active presence of the Creator’s perfection within my being. May I know and believe myself worthy to continuously exist and experience the perfection of the Creator.
I call forth Archangel Metatron, Lord Melchizedek, Master Jesus, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Amethyst, Master Djwhal Khul and my guides to support the anchoring of the Crucifixion wave of light to flow into my being creating intense vibrations of love as I detach with ease and perfection from all which is no longer required, needed or supports me in my reality and spiritual growth. Let my experience, embodiment and expression of love intensify with every day of my reality.
I call forth Archangel Metatron, Lord Melchizedek, Master Jesus, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Amethyst, Master Djwhal Khul and my guides to support the further anchoring and activating of the Christ Consciousness within my being, allowing me to be of service as a being of active sacred love upon the Earth.
I call forth Archangel Metatron, Lord Melchizedek, Master Jesus, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Amethyst, Master Djwhal Khul and my guides to support my manifestation of my divine sacred pathway and purpose upon the Earth. With your support let me be the light beacon, wise soul, healing expression and supreme love I was born on this Earth to be.
I call upon the Creator to shower me in sacred blessings aligned to my soul, purpose and physical/ spiritual reality upon the Earth. I receive the blessings of the Creator with ease, perfection and gratitude knowing they will promote and create within my being and reality: enhanced healing, rejuvenation of my entire being, peace within my heart, abundance in all forms within my reality, prosperity continuously flowing, unity consciousness, plentiful joy, ecstatic happiness, experiences of security, encompassing safety, complete fulfilment, sacred fulfilling love, magical loving relationships and all my heart and soul wish to experience in this sacred existence upon the Earth.
I now choose to be a fuller embodiment of my soul, truth, sacred consciousness, love and alignment with all that is the Creator with each and every day. I choose to now be aligned with the Era of Love, experiencing the Era of Love within and as my reality daily.
Thank you and so it is.
Affirmations for 2015
- ‘I continuously flow in unison with the Era of Love, I am Love, my reality responds lovingly to me.’
- ‘I welcome all forms of the loving supportive Abundance of the Creator, for my continued experience in my reality.’
- ‘I am the Christ Consciousness in active presence upon the Earth.’
- ‘My heart speaks of peace and brings peace to all.’
- ‘My alignment with the Creator is eternal and fulfilled.’
- ‘On this day I experience fulfilment.’
- ‘My soul guides me easily in every moment.’
- ‘I am Love in complete and fulfilled manifestation.’
- ‘I am spiritual successful, my ascension is accelerating.’
- ‘This is the perfect time for me to spiritually blossom.’
- ‘I receive healing from the Era of Love.’
- ‘The crystalline vibrations of my being anchor and emanate the truth and love of my soul.’
- ‘I am the Era of Love; I experience the Era of Love with ease and perfection.’
- ‘I am excited by the abundant opportunities of love flowing to me.’
- ‘OmNa, I am Bliss.’
Natalie anchors the Wisdom of the Light Community, which is a large and vast group of varied light beings who are devoted to assisting the Earth and its humanity. The Wisdom of the Light Community is ever expanding as Archangel Michael who oversees the community allows all to channel their wisdom and consciousness through Natalie. You may access and integrate the energy of the Wisdom of the Light Community to aid your spiritual advancement through meditation while holding the intention of experiencing their energy. It is the channellings from the Wisdom of the Light Community that Natalie shares through the Sacred School of Om Na.
Source Newsletter
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