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Emerging from the Light by Archangel Metatron

Emerging from the Light by Archangel Metatron

Greetings, love and light I gift to you from the Creator. This is not because you require more light or love within you, it is to encourage your recognition of the immense volume of the divine that flows throughout your being.  Gifts of energy and light only validate and confirm the presence of the Creator within you. Therefore, it is always important to express your sacred energy, love, light and divine vibration to others; you are validating their essence and truth.

Thus, learning to recognise the magnitude of the Creator within you. Therefore we, on the inner planes, always gift the presence of the Creator to those we connect with. Please accept the gifts, I, Archangel Metatron, share with you now.

  1. Take your focus deep within your being, where you know the presence of the Creator exists. Your mind may not be able to tell you this, your heart and soul will for sure.
  2. In the presence of your own inner truth and divinity recognise the gifts of love and light I, Archangel Metatron, share with you now.
  3. Watch or simply know that your divinity glows brighter and brighter being validated and empowered. In this space you can remember more than you could possibly imagine.

The Transformation of the Universe

A most beautiful transformation is surging through the Universe of the Creator at this time, it is known as the, ‘2020 Blaze of Light.’ It is akin to a lightning bolt travelling through the Universe of the Creator and penetrating the Earth. The light is born from the Creator and magnifies everything that is light. You are a light being, light exists within your thoughts, creations and manifestation, even within your experiences on the Earth. Everything that is the light will be magnified. Take a moment to allow yourself to truly register how powerful the 2020 Blaze of Light is and could be for you. More and more light is being created, thus you and many more people will be able to recognise the presence of the Creator in everything that is created and experienced. Negativity and fear will have less of a hold as the light magnifies allowing blossoming, new awareness and a greater desire to BE the light. 2020 is a powerful year to exist upon the Earth, it is a time of greater clarity, spiritual activations, transformational manifestations and a desire to be and create divine love, this is all due to the light magnification.

Due to your focus upon the Earth, you may not have recognised that the Universe and the 352 dimensions of the Creator are transforming as the light of the Creator floods all areas. It is such a beautiful sight to witness, it feels as if the Universe is unfolding, rising up in vibration and frequency.  All beings on the inner planes are recognising new frequency and wisdom of the Creator within themselves. Each soul is experiencing a deeper unification with the Creator and all beings. It is as if each soul is a blaze with light, which they are. The presence of the Creator within everything is more vivid and new insights into the Divine Plan of the Creator are being revealed. As you can imagine on the inner planes there is excitement in the air, to us it feels like a new chapter in the ongoing journey we are making with and as all that is the Creator.

You are most welcome to experience for yourself the shifts and transformations taking place within the inner planes. Simply make the request which feels appropriate for you. I, Archangel Metatron, will share some examples with you:

  • ‘Archangel Metatron and my guides, please transport me to the inner planes during my sleep time so I may recognise and remember the transformation currently occurring within the Universe of the Creator. Let me be transported to the most appropriate dimension to recognise a transformation which will inspire and aid my own spiritual evolution. Thank you.’
  • ‘Archangel Metatron and my guides, please transport me to the inner planes as I meditate now. I wish to become aware or sensitive to the transformations currently occurring within the Universe of the Creator. Let me anchor my awareness in a dimension which is most appropriate for my spiritual growth and will allow me to recognise the magnitude of the Creator’s light. Thank you.’
  • ‘Archangel Metatron and my guides, when the time is divinely appropriate for me, inspire me with a vision, experience, sensation or knowingness of the transformation currently occurring within the Universe of the Creator. Let me receive all that is necessary and appropriate for my enlightenment and unification with the Creator. I am ready to receive. Thank you.’

Please choose the invocation which you feel most serves you or try all at different times recognising which brings forth the most clarity and a deeper experience of the Creator. You may wish to create your own invocation to benefit your own spiritual needs at this time.

You may also wish to ask to recognise the transformations occurring on the Earth and even within your reality which has been instigated by the 2020 Blaze of Light. This will serve you in connecting with the light blaze, as well as opening your awareness and sensitivity to recognising the presence of the Creator in your life.

Emerging from the Light

With so much light being generated by those on the Earth and the inner planes it is essential for me to make you aware that a great emergence is taking place. Wisdom, understanding, clarity, ancient knowledge, sacred skills and tools, new creations and so much more is emerging from the Earth. It is that which emerges from the light which we on the inner planes are most interested in experiencing. We invite you to be interested too as there are energies, wisdom, skills and creations emerging from the magnification of your light taking place within you.

Are you ready to recognise what is emerging from within your light?

Could it be that a new phase for your reality is emerging? Or maybe a new aspect of yourself? Are your deepest dreams emerging? The skills you feel you have been waiting a lifetime to embody? Could it be that a pure presence of the Creator is emerging from within you, creating a breath-taking unification?

The light within you is being empowered and I, Archangel Metatron, wish you to know that you are ready to recognise, embrace and embody the emergence from the light that you are. Please know you cannot truly imagine with your mind what is emerging from your light and the light of the Universe of the Creator. It will be far greater, liberating and Creator confirming than you could possibly guess. It is to be vigilant to the emergence taking place within you, as well as supporting others in doing the same. The emergence from the light of the Creator is unknown to all of us. We do know that it is born from the Creator to bring forth greater love, peace and truth for all, whether on the Earth or the inner planes. It is important to liberate yourself from any fear of the unknown. Remember that in the emergence from the light you are recognising and greeting the Creator; there is nothing to fear. It is also important to realise your trust will be integral. Your trust in yourself and your entire being will allow you to remain open to receive and recognise any thing that emerges from your inner light with divine timing. Your trust will be needed in the process now unfolding for you and all upon the Earth, as well as in the Divine Plan of the Creator. Without trust you may miss that which is necessary for you to recognise as it emerges from the light within you. I, Archangel Metatron, do not wish to offer a practice to serve you in this purpose, there is only a need to be aware, open, observant and to trust, with this you will receive all you need. Each person’s emergence will be different and unique to their needs and service upon the Earth, taking place with divine timing throughout 2020 and beyond.

Please call upon me, Archangel Metatron, if you wish for further guidance and support. I am present to support your recognition of the beautiful journey unfolding for all now.

In radiance and love,

Archangel Metatron

Channelled through Natalie Glasson 
Natalie anchors the Wisdom of the Light Community, which is a large and vast group of varied light beings who are devoted to assisting the Earth and its humanity. The Wisdom of the Light Community is ever expanding as Archangel Michael who oversees the community allows all to channel their wisdom and consciousness through Natalie. You may access and integrate the energy of the Wisdom of the Light Community to aid your spiritual advancement through meditation while holding the intention of experiencing their energy. It is the channellings from the Wisdom of the Light Community that Natalie shares through the Sacred School of Om Na.
Source Here

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