Archangel Metatron: We Have the Power to Change Energies
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- Written by Possidonius Neto

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM METATRON!
I bring with me a large bubble of Light, in which I surround each one who is here, with an open heart.
Creating a shield, a protection, against all the adversities that exist in this world.
Believe me, my brothers, each one of you is a Divine Spark, powerful, strong, and with all the wisdom that is necessary to know how to create and maintain your path to the Fifth Dimension. None of you need books, encyclopedias, libraries for this learning. Your own experiences, everything that your soul has experienced, gives you wisdom and certainty about the right path to follow. Of the One who will effectively take each of you to the center of the Light.
The ego was extremely stoked, fed, valued. And many of you apply all of these values at all times. Always placing yourself as the center of everything, the center of attention, the center of problems, the center of decisions. Where the correct thing is not to have the self.
It is clear that each of you is a Divine Presence, the I Am. But everyone is inserted within the Whole. There is no ball that limits them in relation to the Whole. You are inserted in it. So the great wisdom in these times is to always have the Self within the All. It is always being aware that each energetic movement, whether through thoughts, words, actions, affects the Self and the Whole. And everything, everything you do, will always have a return. Because if you give it out, you get it back.
There is no law. There is nothing contrary to that. This is the wisest law that Father/Mother God created in the universe. Where each of you is responsible for what you emanate. And everything that is emanated has your signature there. Nobody takes it, nobody assumes it. It cannot be transferred to anyone. It will always be yours, wherever you are in the universe. Your energy will always have your signature.
So, my brothers, do not deceive yourselves. Everything has consequences. You may not believe this. They can live thinking they can do whatever they want and nothing will happen to them. But I tell you, in these current times, everything is very accelerated. And things are coming back very quickly. It won't be in the next incarnation, it will be in this one. Because you need to learn and free yourself from all these ties; these concepts and learning that were given and imposed on him for so long.
Before emanating anything, put yourself in the other person's shoes. And receive exactly what you emanated. Stop and notice how you feel. Put yourself in the other person's shoes. This will be a great exercise, so that you understand what you cause; so that you can learn everything that you generate in the Whole, even if you think it is something insignificant.
Nothing is insignificant to the universe. Everything is energy. And no matter how silly the act is, it will leave you and return to you. But if he had a direction, a person, then this act becomes very dangerous indeed. Because you can generate a chain reaction, where that person who was the destination of your energy, can like what you generated wrong, and emanate it to others too, and so on..
So look what you indirectly caused! You have caused a negative movement in the Whole, which is spreading like a disease. And the origin was you. No, there's no point in thinking you're not to blame. The point here is not to point out who is to blame. The point is to be aware of not doing it; be aware of what you cause when you generate something.
So you must always, quickly, do the exercise; of everything you are thinking and generating and doing and saying – put yourself in the place of the other and of the Whole, and see how far it will spread. This world that you complain about so much, who created it? It was you. It wasn't anyone, it wasn't God the Father/Mother. Were you your own energies generated for the Whole or for someone; and this someone multiplied.
“Ah, but there is no other way. Now it’s too late!” Many are thinking like this. That nothing is worth doing; that the world has become so corrupt that there is nothing left to do. So I say to each of you: What do you want to experience tomorrow? Do you want to continue complaining and living in an increasingly worse world or do you want to start now to be careful, to have this wisdom, and start to provoke something, which perhaps won't make much difference, visually for you, but, energetically speaking, it will make all the difference.
And why? Because it takes away the power of the negative that is there. Take away the power of those who are manipulating you. So you need to wake up; that you change your thoughts and attitudes, so that the whole effectively changes. And don't care if you have time or not. Time for what? Do you know when everything will happen?
So the time is now. Break this vicious cycle. Stop the generation of these energies. Do not feed this great egregore any longer. And always remember: When there is an intention of Love and within the precepts of Light, there is always a Being of Light to amplify it. So, if you change your attitudes, change your vibrations, you will have millions of beings to amplify what you are doing.
So I ask you: Is it worth it or not to change your energies today??
Translation by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
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