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Archangel Metatron: The Truth Behind Portals and Numerology

Archangel Metatron: The Truth Behind Portals and Numerology

Greetings Humans,

I am Archangel Metatron, and I am communicating through our channel to clear up the incorrect information about the portals and numerology.

I am overlooking and supporting missions of advanced souls, on who have been send to the Planetary Systems, Galaxies and Universes on assignments.

I am considered as one of the most powerful from the group of Archangels, and I also help to increase the spiritual awareness for the ones who are ready to take the next step in their advancement into a higher dimension. I appear in your surroundings, when I am needed to help you to gain your strength, clarity and shake off negativity. You receive healing when the soul requires it. You can sense a strong fragrance in the air, when I am around you.

Today my message is a continuation of unveiling the truth that humanity doesn’t want to hear. We observe your reactions to the truthful statements, and we have been repeating many times that the truth will set you free. Humans still are a tool of manipulation for the Darkness. You are continually influenced by the Dark Entities. The negative thoughts and behaviors need to be addressed, dealt with and let go from your daily life, otherwise you don’t have any chance to ascend to higher realms. We believe that humankind doesn’t take our advice seriously, otherwise all of you would be by now on a New 5D Earth.

The portal 11:11 false information has been spreading around the human population and in the Light Community with expectations of a spiritual boost, as humanity is always looking for a shortcut in their Ascension Process. First of all, the portals are only used by the Galactic spaceships to move from one point of destination to another in space. It’s shortens the time of travel for many civilizations. Never any energy or Light comes from them. At this moment, all of the portals in the Milky Galaxy are closed due to the danger of the arrival of Dark Forces to help your Evil Masters.

You are receiving help in your transition from Divine, which is sending high energies on your planet every day that clear up negative energies, any Galactic Civilization that is meditating on your behalf and reading messages from this channel that have Light Codes in them, all of these things are raising your vibration. You still need to do individual spiritual work of doing daily silent meditations and eventually you need to become a vegetarian, but not to go in the extreme opposite direction of being a vegan. A vegan diet is not healthy for a 3D human body, as it’s too restrictive, eliminating a lot of food options.

As you can’t have eggs, milk, cheese, most deserts like even ice cream, any bake goods, basically anything that uses dairy products, you can’t even eat pizza as it has cheese in it, and even honey as bees make it, as vegans can’t have anything that comes from any animal or made by them. People who will stay on a vegan food diet will eventually have some kind of health problems, as it’s not natural for a human body to be on such a strict diet, as it does not provide everything the body needs. It’s the extreme opposite of meat eating, no middle ground or balance.

For the ones who still eat animal, bird and fish life, you will not be able to go to a higher dimension. No meat eater ever ascended in the whole Cosmos existence and never will. As meat keeps you in a low vibration. Originally when Annunaki created human beings a long time ago, they were vegetarian, did not consume any type of animal life and they were not vegans either, the Negative Ones changed that. Humans that eat meat, don’t realize that by doing so, they are actually serving Darkness, as it loves seeing the human population around the whole world kill, butcher and devour animals, birds and fish, destroying nature in the process and feeding of the negative energy this behavior creates.

Just because you still eat meat, it doesn’t mean you drastically stop consuming it in one day, that’s not going to work. It needs to be done gradually, a natural progress of spiritual development by losing desire for it. By exposing yourself to the truth like in the messages from this channel, bringing Light to your being by doing daily silent meditations and changing on the inside by expanding your Consciousness. When you become a vegetarian, that doesn’t mean you just eat fruits and vegetables, that’s not going work either. You still need to eat meals with substance that give you strength, energy, make you feel full and that you enjoy eating. To give a few examples like pasta, pizza, pierogi, rice with vegetables and some kind of sauce, basically any vegetarian meal that you will like to eat, otherwise you won’t have any success with it.

The numerology or specific number 12:12, 8:8, 11:11, 1234, 444 and etc.. that some souls have been seeing is a direct result of their spiritual growth. It shows their synchronicity with the Universe. I am always watching over advanced souls. The numbers don’t have any meaning, unless you are spiritually advancing, they can project some future events. My suggestion for everyone is to stop reading false information and don’t look for shortcuts, because your civilization is going to move forward when it’s ready to. There are no superchargers or superficial tools, which will jump you to a new era without doing a required spiritual work, sorry.

Your connection with God’s essence within you it’s vital and important, nothing else can replace the importance of a spiritual journey for any civilization, there are no exceptions in this process. Everything in the Cosmos moves and evolves through the Universal Consciousness, not through superficiality and ego, Any civilization can build a new reality, the way it desires to see only by using their connection to their God’s being within it. The point, I am trying to make, that humans need to follow the spiritual path to achieve desired results, and to stop focusing on constant false promises, that pop out from false prophets.

Mother Gaia created many miracles, one of them is that you can live on the surface and breath fresh air without wearing anything over your face. Count your blessings daily and always stay in the Now, don’t go to the past or future. Here is a perfect example, on how nature takes care of unnecessary things and creates something new like these white blobs, which don’t make any sense for humans. Over the past few months white blobs have been washing up on the beaches of Newfoundland in Canada, ranging from the size of a coin to a diner plate. What is it actually?

The chemicals from cargo ships got synthesized into these white blobs. You need to understand that polluting your environment, it always brings negative consequences for the marine life, quality of waters and so on. The nature is trying to get rid of these chemicals on its own by combining these toxic elements and flushing them to the surface. We repeat things in our messages for a reason, not for you to ignore it, instead start practicing in your life on what is being said and transforming your life in the positive direction. Just like we reveal negative truth, as a preparation for you being in a higher dimension, as only the truth is told there.

Any society or civilization that is build based on lies will always only self-destruct. Instead of getting angry about it and acting like you just got hit by a holy water that burnt you. You should just process it, move on from it and be happy that another lie has been exposed, bringing you closer to the full disclosure on Earth. We want for all of you to ascend to 5th dimension. Now, it’s my time for me to leave. Accept my Blessings and Supreme Love. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Stay Tuned & Connected to the Rhythm of the Cosmos and Bring Peace, Harmony & Joy to Your Life

Archangel Metatron

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca

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