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Archangel Metatron: Meet Your Vibration

Archangel Metatron: Meet Your Vibration

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron, I come forth with the Angelic Vibrations of love to greet you. It is my purpose to support you in activating inner remembrance and truth that will lead you forth upon a journey that your soul desires and requests to bring fulfilment into every cell of your being.

A fulfilment that opens your entire being to your oneness and completeness with the Creator. Every step you take upon the Earth supports you in this quest. Every energy vibration that comes forth from the Creator through the Universe of the Creator to you, supports your remembrance and activation. You are awakening all that you are, bringing it into experience and expression upon the Earth, so all may view the Creator and qualities of the Creator. This is such a beautiful process, one that you have contracted and agreed to be a part of because you have the strength, the courage, and the wisdom to do so. 

It is important to remind yourself of why you are upon the Earth and your soul’s quest, even if you do not know it as intimately as you might like to. It is in this moment of Ascension that I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to sit or to stand in the space that you are, in the being that you are and the energy. I invite you to be conscious of the floor, the ground, and Mother Earth beneath you and in doing so you ground yourself. You become aware of your body, your energy systems, the space within you and the space around you. The thoughts that occupy your mind, the emotions that are at the surface and those that are hidden deep. I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to become aware or to focus upon all that you are in this moment without judgment or expectation. When you become aware of who you are, you allow yourself to recognise your own vibration. Your vibration is a complex energy. It is an expression of who you are. All the wounds that you hold and all the magnificent Creator qualities that you are. Every thought, every emotion builds and creates your vibration and you become aware of who you are in this moment. You are meeting your own vibration, each time you achieve this practice your vibration will be different because it never stays the same. 

How can it, you are always changing and transforming? 

As you meet your vibration, you begin to recognise similarities in your vibration. 

You may wish to call forth energies that support the healing, the upgrade and the advancement of your own vibration. This is when you as a vibration, as a frequency, meet another vibration, energy, and quality, and you merge to create a vibration that supports you further. This is a wonderful practice, a very simple but wonderful practice to become aware of your own vibration. 

You simply call forth the vibration as guided by your soul that will advance, heal or upgrade your vibration. Allowing you to recognise your more whole and complete vibration that is in oneness with the Creator. Each time you call forth a vibration to meet with you, you may recognise colours, qualities, feelings, a vision or you may simply trust that it is taking place. It is very much like filling in the gaps. Bringing to you, what you need in order to advance, develop, and continue on the quest of your soul. You don't necessarily know need to know the vibration you are meeting with. As the energy comes forth you simply allow yourself to receive. You may wish to have your palms facing up to the sky while resting on your legs, or you may wish to cup your hands at your heart in a gesture of receiving. I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to create a physical gesture of receiving so that you can sit or stand in meditation receiving through this physical gesture. It only needs to take a few moments of breathing deeply. 

Allow yourself to once more feel and acknowledge the floor beneath you, the ground, Mother Earth and then the process is complete. 

Sometimes you have a need, you require something, but you do not quite know what it is that you need or require. This is a beautiful practice that allows you to acquire vibrations and qualities from the Creator. To be supported without fully needing to understand what you require.  

I hope that my practice will serve you.

I thank you,

I am Archangel Metatron.

Channelled through Natalie Glasson 
Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love. Source Here

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