Archangel Metatron: Look at Everything with Love
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- Written by Possidonius Neto

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM METATRON!
I involve each one of you in my etheric cube.
I can say that I place this beautiful planet inside a large cube, so that all the energy reaches each one in an identical and strong way..
Be rocks. Be strongholds. Be castles. Be the representation of strength that you want. Now is the time to look at yourself. but also to protect yourself. Use your armor of Light. Protect yourselves with the energies that you know.
If you have never approached any technique, I believe you have your masters, or your saints or your spiritual guides. It doesn't matter what type they are. It matters who you believe. So, this being or these beings will be your protection. Say a prayer, a request, a mindset, a meditation, it doesn't matter what you do; but bring them to you. This will be your protection.
Now, always remembering: The protection of whoever it is, to be active around you, you need to vibrate Light, you need to vibrate good thoughts, you need to vibrate Love. Because otherwise, whatever low vibration you emanate will simply push us away. And then you will be unprotected.
So, it's not enough to create your armor, create your protections, and spend the day acting as if you weren't a being of Light. Because they won't do any good. You must effectively be beings of Light; that emanate Light, emanate Love, emanate gratitude, understanding, non-judgment, non-criticism. So that we can remain around you. Whoever we are.
Understand, the more Light you emanate, the more Light you attract; the more balanced you become. Your paths light up more and more. Otherwise, everything is reversed. So, don't think that it's enough to make a single request and do whatever you want all the time and think that we are there, protecting you. It's not like that.
As we have constantly said, the time is for attention. The time is for interiorization. The moment is very, very calm. And essentially aimed at you. Problems exist for everyone. The lessons are there, dancing in front of you. It is up to you to dress in Love. It's up to you to dress in Light.
And when you look at these lessons, they will look like little insects, crawling on the floor. No, it's not to kill them. This cannot be the feeling. Just look at what crawls on the ground with Love. Having gratitude for having transformed something so complex into something so small. This is the result. And if you look even more closely, what the problem has become, which could even be a crawling, disgusting insect, if you keep looking at it with Love, as if by magic it will disappear, it will disappear from your sight. And this will be the sign that nothing in that lesson made you stray from the path, which is to emanate Love.
It's not an easy exercise, but this is how you overcome problems. You need to look at them all with an immense lens of Love. So that they turn into this thing on the ground; small, totally vulnerable, for you to eliminate. But, with love. Any other feeling will make that…, that thing that was generated, become the problem again. Sometimes even bigger than he was.
So, you need to know how to create this lens of Love, always. And look at each problem with Love, with humility. The humility of wanting to learn, where the lesson is there. The humility of understanding that you are wrong, that you made a mistake, or that you are still making mistakes. But by looking at it all with Love, you will transform it into something small and easy.
This is just a metaphorical way of putting the fact itself. But what matters right now is that you always emanate Love. You want to live Unconditional Love. So the tests are there for that. So that you feel and understand what it is to live Unconditional Love.
Be Light, be Love. And you will be ready to live this Unconditional Love. But any other feeling that gets in the way of all this will stop them. So, everything is a big exercise. Everything is repetition. The attempts. But with Love they will work out. Try it.
Place a large lens of Love in front of your eyes and look at everything with love. And see all problems reduce to something small and easy to eliminate, with Love. Try it. Take this test. And if you can, you will see that, little by little, you will be looking at everything with Love. Nothing else will unbalance them. Nothing else will affect them.
Because that lens of Love becomes increasingly thinner, increasingly fragile, so that in the future you will see with your own eyes, everything with Love.
Translation by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
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