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Archangel Metatron: Choose Your Path Wisely

Archangel Metatron: Choose Your Path Wisely

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM METATRON!

This is the time to be very cautious. It is not a moment of fear; It is a time for caution. And why caution?

I'm going to give you an image. Two mountains. There is a small connection between the two, a small bridge. This bridge is extremely safe. It has constant maintenance. And I repeat again: It is extremely safe. However, it is not a very wide bridge. It is enough for one person to walk in each direction.

So, if you walk, cautiously, watching each step you are taking, you will reach the other side without any problem. But you have to be careful. No, you don't run the risk of falling off the bridge, but you could slip; you could be injured if you fall. Because she's not completely tough. It sways in the wind.

So you need to take it one step at a time. You can't run over the bridge because you might fall. Don't fall off the bridge, but fall onto the bridge. It's like I said, it's extremely safe, but you could fall because it wobbles..

So, walk with caution. One step at a time. But a firm step, a conscious step, observing the path that is being followed, so as not to step off the path, so as not to slip and fall. This is to be cautious.

I understand that there will always be a dose of fear, because the brain starts to create millions of situations. “Oh, and if the bridge tears! Oh, and if the strings break; Oh, that; Oh, that.” But notice what I said: The bridge is extremely safe and is constantly maintained. So you don't run the risk of breaking a rope; you don't risk falling through the ropes.

Understand the scenario I am posing. It's just a scenario where you have to be careful. And so is your world now. It is a time of total caution, where you need to be very sure of each step taken. Where will you be stepping? In which direction are you heading?

Always observing whether you are walking in the direction of the Light. Be careful not to lose your way.

So that's where I say: caution. There is no lane in the way. There are no arrows on the path, no directional signs. There is the heart, there is your mind, walking towards the Light. So you need to find out, you need to know, what is the direction of the Light? Again, caution. Because many paths can deceive you. And you think you're walking towards the Light and you're walking in the opposite direction.

Of course I can tell you that there are some…, some help along the way. Peace in your heart; the feeling of duty accomplished; the joy of being at each point. These are indications that you are on the right path. Anything you do that brings you worry, a feeling of…, “This isn’t right”, why continue?

Look for another path. Don't waste your time trying to understand where this is going. Look for another path. That one wasn't good; would slow you down. Because you can also often take slightly longer paths that end up delaying your journey..

So the big secret is to always listen to your heart. When making a decision or having to make a decision, stop; Don't make rash decisions. Stop. See your heart filling with Light, and simply feel if that path is the right path. And your heart will respond. Never mind.

The mind wants everything quickly, it wants quick, thoughtless decisions, it wants momentary decisions. The mind doesn't have much patience. Because you live in an extremely busy world, where everything has to be decided instantly. That's why you make bad decisions. That's why everything seems so complicated and difficult.

So, know how to choose the path. Know how to be careful in your own choices. I would tell you that the paths do not become more dangerous the more you evolve. They become more captious. Because tests increase, evidence increases. But I would tell you that these are easy tests to complete. Because they are tests to see how far you have learned. And, of course, every test is about something learned.

Tests where you didn't study the material no longer take place. Each of them will be a repetition of something you have already experienced; something you resolved; something you went through. But let's go through it again and see, if you remember? If you actually learned the material?

This is your path now, full of little tests. And I will assure you that these are small tests. But they are numerous. So, it's hard work, it's tiring. Yes, it really is. But it is important, because you are still in the learning phase. So, you need to test what you have already learned. As if they were the final questions of a big test. The test that will lead you to victory. The test that can prepare you for the Fifth Dimension.

So no, don't get upset. Don't find it boring; each of the lessons that appear ahead. Look at them with Love. Play with them. Because when you do that, they become so small, so easy to pass by, that you will look back and say, “Wow! It was just a little twig. It wasn't a stone”.

But everything is necessary, caution, to know where to walk and where to step. I can guarantee that there are paths where the lessons are easier, because you know how to choose the path. This also counts. So, be careful when choosing a certain path. So that you don't fall into a path where the lessons are still a little heavy.

So, always know how to choose. And it will always be the choice of the heart. From that heart. Enlightened that will show you the right path to follow. Don't doubt it. You have to trust your heart. You need to trust that you have already learned to listen to your heart. And certainly, every time the heart lights up. A new path will open, with increasingly easier questions.

This is the big secret. You will be able to choose paths whose questions will be so ridiculous to answer that you will not even consider them lessons. Everything will depend on the path chosen. Do you understand? So, know how to choose the path. Be careful when choosing each path.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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