Archangel Metatron: Ascension Timeline Revealed
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- Written by Natalie Glasson

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to be present with you today.
I bring forth my love and the sacred gifts of the Angelic Kingdom to shower over and through your being. We are present to serve you and to support you. We are here to assist you in your journey of ascension.
We realize that many of you may be feeling frustrated at this time. You wish to recognize peace, love and truth upon the earth. You wish for yourself to transform, for others to transform, and for Mother Earth to transform. You wish to experience the reality that you have come to the earth to experience – a heaven upon the earth – a divine expression of the Creator in existence upon the earth.
Many of you may be feeling frustrated. You may be feeling impatient or maybe disappointed that what you seek, what you know is occurring, doesn’t seem to be manifesting, upon the earth, at the speed you might like.
You wish to recognize and see the love that is present between each person being expressed and experienced upon the earth; that every person is an expression of their divine creator self and so beauty, magnificence, divinity and magic can be seen upon the earth.
Yet, at this time, it seems that chaos, negativity, hurt and pain are what you are seeing in the earth and the people around you – maybe also in your own being. Again, this can be immensely frustrating. It can create anger within your being.
We, the Angelic Kingdom, wish for you to acknowledge that it is natural, at this stage of ascension, to experience frustration/disappointment/anger. If you are willing to recognize that that is what you are experiencing, and to embrace those feelings in love, as if you are cuddling/wrapping love around these feelings until they dissolve, then you will recognize a new energy and a new perspective emerging from within your being.
Your ascension process is within your being. Everything that you seek upon the earth, in others, and also in yourself, is within you. The world that you wish to see and create is inside of you. It first begins inside of you.
Each individual will recognize this new reality within their beings. It will be present in your vibration; in the energy that you radiate. You will begin to see your perspectives changing and shifting. You’ll notice more love, more kindness and more peace in yourself, and the world around you. It is as if you are unfolding that new world from within your being.
Every being is doing the same. Each person is at a different stage. It might be that you are existing in this world of love and peace, and others are not. Maybe you are existing side by side, and that is perfectly fine. Everyone will reach the same stage but the reality that you seek is inside of you.
Don’t expect the world around you to change, or don’t wait for the world around you to change first.
That sacred world must come from within your being. That sacred reality – the way that you wish to live your life and wish to see others experiencing their reality – when you radiate it out, you are allowing yourself to exist in that space. Others will do the same, until everyone reaches the same level.
This is your ascension timeline. It is personal to you. In truth, it has nothing to do with the outer world and yet, your ascension timeline will influence the outer world. You will create a pocket of love and peace, and others will do the same.
Gradually these pockets of love and peace will overlap and overflow. That’s when there will be a tremendous boost in energy. You yourself will find yourself soaring into higher vibrations of light and sacred experiences.
The ascension of the earth, and all the people around you, is occurring, but what is most important is your ascension timeline; that is personal to you. It is time to create your goals.
- When you think of a new earth – a new reality for all – what do you also think of for yourself?
- How do you wish to live?
- How do you wish to be?
- What do you wish to radiate?
- Most importantly, rather than focusing on what you want in the outer world, focus upon what you wish to experience in your inner world.
- How do you wish to feel in every moment?
- Do you wish to be an embodiment of love or bliss, peace, trust or truth – maybe a combination of all?
- Are there certain things you wish to achieve within your being; certain healings, certain skills that you wish to awaken?
When you focus within, you’re focusing upon your own personal timeline. You create goals; a destination for yourself, knowing that you are already embodying your ascension and all that you seek. It is simply a process of you recognizing all that you see within your being. When you focus upon this, your reality shifts – everything shifts – even the earth, even Mother Earth and those upon her.
And yes, you may still recognize chaos, pain and wounding upon the earth. Recognize that some things need to be resolved, released and understood. As you focus on your own personal ascension, you will have a new perspective of viewing yourself and the earth that will not only serve you but will serve all.
It may feel as if you’re being selfish to focus upon your own inner ascension, but everything that you seek and everything that others seek comes from within ones being. If you demonstrate this, others will follow. Even if you do not speak with them, they are sensitive to your energy and to your focus.
Each and every being is connected and experiences a oneness. This is also something upon which you can focus. It simply requires a realization – ours to experience the oneness that you hold within your being with all the greatest, purest, oneness – and it will come.
Your realizations of yourself and your ascension within your being are your power. They are more powerful, more impactful than anything else. Your ascension timeline is immensely important and you can encourage the same within others.
I thank you for your presence with me today.
I am Archangel Metatron.
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