Archangel Metatron - A Profoundly Transformative Time
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- Written by Sharon Davis

Greetings everyone! This is Metatron.
You have been continuing to experience a profoundly transformative time. No doubt many of you have found yourselves with emotional swings or rapidly shifting levels of energy. You may have felt great pressure to accomplish certain things or felt deeply drawn within.
All of these things reflect the profound energy that is affecting each one of you at this time. It may be difficult sometimes to remember this when you feel yourself buffeted either internally or by outer events. But these are the moments when it is most important that you remember what is actually occurring. Each of you are expanding and being stretched to allow more light to flow in and through you.
This process is not always easy. Nor is it always easy to understand what is occurring. It is, however, important to contemplate your experiences and how you are responding to events in your life. For not only are you transforming from within, but your mind is shifting and expanding as your understanding increases.
Continue the practice of contemplating events in your life. If you remember that you are manifesting them in order to learn something, it becomes easier to ask yourself during a difficult moment, what it is you are trying to understand or learn. This is an important part of your spiritual expansion for it will decrease your mental and emotional resistance to change if you understand its purpose.
As you are contemplating events of each day, also look at the condition of your heart during those events. How did you respond when someone irritated you? If you were suddenly shocked by an event, what occurred within your heart? How quickly can you return to the state of love if you are powerfully thrown off-center? Challenging events like this are mirrors to each of you that show you how established you are in your own state of love.
Your inner love is not meant to transform every event around you. Instead, challenging events around you are meant to teach you to become more established in the state of love. This is important to understand. Many of you set up a goal to transform your world through sending light and love. And indeed, sometimes this has been effective for you. Understand that if you had that experience it was because it was part of your lesson.
All of you, however, will encounter events that your inner love will not shift no matter how hard you try. At these times, instead of you transforming your surroundings, you will find that your surroundings will transform you. If you cannot initially remain in a state of love no matter what you encounter, whatever triggers have thrown you off balance will continue to appear until you learn to remain centered even while experiencing them. This is one of the greatest lessons in experiencing your dream of being on earth. In this experience, some things will remain immovable obstacles that you will have to learn how to deal with.
On higher dimensions, if you somehow experience a brief obstacle, you simply change your thoughts and it transforms. Because of the nature of this dream, the response to you changing your thinking is sluggish and sometimes doesn’t respond at all. This is often very frustrating and sometimes confusing to beings who fully remember the peace and the easefulness of higher dimensions. This is why it is important for you to remember why you wanted this earth experience. You as a soul manifested this experience on earth in order to be frustrated, challenged, and even thwarted in your endeavors. For although you may believe that your goal is to uplift humanity, the humanity that you actually came here to uplift is within you.
As you transform your own inner being by experiencing challenges, complications and frustrations, you expand in your own love and light. And as your consciousness expands, the world around you will naturally appear to be lighter and more full of love. In this dream, whatever energy you embody at a deep level, is reflected back to you in a multitude of fragments.
So if you feel that your mission is to raise the consciousness of earth, that’s fine. That’s part of what you came to learn about. But in doing this mission, don’t forget to contemplate and go deeply within. The greatest gift you can give to humanity as you experience it, is to raise your own consciousness and embody the essence of love that is your own true nature.
We all send you our deepest love and blessings to assist in your inner expansion,
Sharon Davis - I’ve been a serious meditator as well as a lightworker, a Reiki master and a nurse. Over time, I found myself experiencing contact with various spirit guides which eventually led to direct contact with Archangel Metatron. He has extremely subtle and very powerful energy. Communicating with him has brought immeasurable joy, love, and understanding into my life.
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