A Message From Archangel Metatron: 1212 Activating New Age Patterning
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- Written by Ailia Mira

Divine Ones,
We greet you in love. It is I, Archangel Metatron and I am here now, to share with you a bit about the current potential in play for you on Earth and some perspectives that can be useful to you as you create your life, anew.
New Light is present in your world. Archangel Michael has spoken of this recently and we echo that the potential for the first wave of ascending humans to become present as WorldBridgers, as ambassadors of the New Frequencies and the New Age is at hand.
Many of you are resonant with these frequencies and many of you are tuning yourself and aligning yourself with the Universal expression of your own greater wholeness and this expansive field of energy and light is increasingly taking hold within your energy presence and radiating from you into the Legacy of Humanity; the collective field of energy and light that is your species.
This coherent vast field of Universal harmony and unconditional love flows into you when you are aligned and can allow it.
As you are more steadily in these states, and even in a state of total openness — when you sleep and when your mind is quiet — then you receive and even anchor in these energies. As you embody these frequencies more and more, tempering your field to accommodate more and higher light, these energies then flow and emanate within you and from you, upgrading and elevating everything, lifting you into higher light expression transforming not only your awareness, but your physical form.
DNA is furthered by this association with the energies of the Universe. Your Universe is built on the energy of 12, and this order is a key to your ascension. As you relax and your frequency rises, your 44 inactivate DNA codes are activated and you become attuned to your Divine Potential. In this state you accurate receive energy and information from your I AM Presence, your Divine Self, or Monad and in this state, you have powerful influence over your experience including your physical experience and the cells in your body.
Your I AM/Your Monad/Your Divine Self is 12th dimensional and perfectly in tune with All That Is. It is your Source for everything.
On 12:12 this year, I will be placing the Metatronic Cube above your head, and the head of every human being who allows this, and pouring light through this into your human energy system; repatterning your energy and your DNA for the new age. This is important support and you have each summoned this by your devotion to awakening and remembering and living as the true Self; the Divine Self, or Source that you are.
The energy potential of this time, is also being influenced and amplified by the increased solar activity and the high frequency plasma of the sun which is available now, too, given the recent X-flares.
As always, energy and light flow to you expressing the Divine Perfection and based on your own higher evolutionary path. What you can receive and allow depends upon the state of your presence and your willingness to align and open to receive.
This week, we your Angelic friends, encourage you to make time to be in communion with the New Light, and to open inwardly and connect with All That You Are. Ask your Divine Self, to activate within you and align you with your innate connection to this Universe.
Then, call upon Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, and ask to be drawn into Unity with the Universal Oneness.
Then ask for this vast and conscious awareness of the perfect balance, harmony and clarity of Infinite Light be present within every cell in your body, unifying and aligning your human energy system with the perfect balance and order of the Infinite Oneness.
Then if you wish, call upon me, and ask me to unify your energy fields with my own and to ignite within you the Living Light of this Universe and to pour through the Metatronic Cube that which will ignite your higher potential physiologically, and in consciousness. Know this: it is my great joy to do so.
You are supported and loved in all ways.
Live as this knowing.
We are the ANGELIC ONES.
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