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Message from Archangel Zadkiel ~ You Are A Unique Energetic Manifestation of Creator In All Your Glory
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- Written by AndEl
Archangel Zadkiel :
Greetings all, I AM Archangel Zadkiel, a keeper of the Violet Flame, and I hold you in my flame as I deliver my message to you.
In the hush of your energy now comes much transformation and truth. In the sustainment of truth comes true wisdom for all to perceive and convey. It is with utmost pleasure that I come in now to deliver immense truth and transformation for your continual evolvement and ascension.
Many of you are discovering that you are bereft of understanding of where all this energetic transformation is leading. You are left to your own devises to discover the truth. And that is the name of the game, dear ones. That is the energy of the Now, dear ones — Grasping and holding the energy of your own truth.
In all the transformation that you have undergone, you come back to one truth: That you are Divine. That you are a God-Being in your own right, in your own individual manifestation. This is the truth. This is your truth.
What you do with it is dependent on your belief in this. Your expansion and your realization of your divinity depends on it. Dear ones, I am here to help you in this.
I hold the Violet Flame now for you to bathe in, to further your clearing. You have reached a point that your clearing is so far along now, that you are sensing a brand new energy within you — A clear pristine energy within you from which to embark further into the truth of your Being, further on the journey of your ascension.
You are pure energetic essence of Creator, dear ones. Belief that. Know that. Revel in that. Be that. The more you settle and nestle into that truth, the more you will advance along the spectrum of reality that is the purest and closest to Pure Divine Essence that you have ever been.
Behold the truth, behold your truth, that your energetic signature has purified and magnified and cleared to perfection. That it is more evident to all than it has ever been. Nurture this and cherish this as you hold your energy in all its purity and expansion.
Be with me now as I assist you in clearing your energy in a way that brings you to your pure center, knowing that you have been clearing back to your True Divine Essence with each encounter of a challenge or negativity. The Violet Flame has been in your energy, clearing it to perfection, your perfection, with each undertaking of your own making, to advance your refinement of your own energy, your own unique refined energy.
And this is your truth now, dear ones. You are evolving to an ever-growing purity in your advancement.
I am an example to you of pure powerful energy in my own likeness within Creator’s likeness, an extraction and purification of an element unique to my own purpose. And so are you. Gather in within your energy now, dear ones, and feel your own unique energy. Allow it to build and flourish in your own signature, your own flame of truth.
No longer is it valid to follow another’s lead to how you should be. Be who you are. Be your own energy. Take time each day to discover your own energy signature, your own flow of energy that only you have. Expand it, purify it and extend it to others, always building it to perfection, with your acknowledgement of your own ability to delve ever deeper into your own energy, your own essence, your own truth, with each intention of such.
It is not for anyone to say how far you have come. You know how far you have come. And you are returning ever-increasingly faster and faster to your own True Divine Essence with each acknowledgement that you are a beautiful spark of Creator that is merging further into your completeness, into your wholeness as a unique God-Self in your own right.
And this is your truth. Feel it build within you as you accept this. You have arrived at a wholeness within this journey to discover your own unique energy in Creator’s likeness.
Come home to that truth, anchor that truth into your Being now. And discover what it entails. Feel your perceptions change as you accept this truth. Be the likeness of Creator now in all your glory — A breathing, pulsing likeness of Creator, unique with abilities that will demonstrate Creator’s likeness for others in your own unique manner. And together you all join into the tapestry of Oneness, blossoming your divine attributes to fullness and perfection.
I hold you in my Violet Flame of Truth and Transformation, as you realize your own truth, that you are a unique energetic manifestation of Creator in all your glory.
I AM Archangel Zadkiel.
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