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Archeia Faith: Find the Love

Archeia Faith: Find the Love

Imagine if you will, that the Universe is a giant sphere. It is every colour of the rainbow but radiates pure, white light. Within this sphere there is nothing! No people, no things, no thoughts….there is only potential for creation.

When you enter this sphere, you immediately feel loved. The sense of peace and tranquillity envelops you as you find yourself immediately calm, peaceful and at one with this beautiful light. As you begin to think, the colours around you immediately change. A thought may be blue, but the intensity of the thought and the intention behind it will create a darker or lighter hue of colour. If you think about a person, their image immediately appears and attaches to the thought. If you think about the past, it immediately gains form and, even if you have let it go, attaches to you again. Whatever you think or say creates form in this sphere of light.

The vibration of these thoughts and words have a dramatic influence on the creations and realities that are formed. The colours of the world you are creating reflect the depths of love, hatred, joy, despair, humility, ego, negativity or positivity on which they are based. The love you at first felt may strengthen or it may weaken extensively, depending on the frequencies of light contained within the colours of your creations. If the creations multiply themselves on negative frequencies, you may soon feel lost within a world of darkness and illusions, eventually feeling so hemmed in that you find yourself with no room to move, no choices, no possibilities and no hope. If you have been able to keep your thoughts and words positive, or to monitor your creations and transmute them to higher frequencies, the sphere around you will remain bright and you will find more opportunities to expand your horizons within this positive reality you have created.

This, dear ones, is how the Universe works. You are all co-creators born of the Sphere of Creation, which is Source. The energy within this sphere is unconditional love, meaning that everything created in the universe has stemmed from this source and is therefore one with it.

Take a moment now to consider a time when you were angry with someone you love. You may have had a disagreement or been extremely worried, but all you could say were hurtful things. On the surface, it may have seemed your disposition towards that person was not loving, but the driving force behind the words was love, albeit hidden at the time.

You may have heard the phrase ”Love is all there is.” The Source of the Creation of the Universe is unconditional love, therefore everything that has ever been created is underpinned with the same loving energy. At the time of creation, love is the only reality. All toxic emotions are the created out of emotional reactions and mental thought in response to a person or situation based upon a person’s belief system. Even the most ‘damaged’ person contains the seed of love within them, and unlocking it is difficult but not impossible. Love makes anything possible.

Love is within all things, including disease, viruses, hatred and war. While the driving force behind atrocities may appear devoid of any kind of compassion or empathy, there will always be a connected truth that has meaning to the instigator. There is also likely to be a story associated with people who act violently or dis-compassionately that shows a lack of love in the upbringing of the person/s involved. Knowing their story and showing compassion to the person, not the act or words, is a good start to repairing the damage that a childhood devoid of loving connection can do.

Love is much more than a feeling or a state of being because it is the basis of Creation. You are all one with the light and create with every belief, thought, word and deed. The realities of your world are a direct consequence of the vibrations of the energies you emit because creation within the Universe happens as soon as energy is given to it. The energy then multiplies, creating in the same frequency of its ‘source’ of origin.

Look for the love, dear hearts, and use it to diffuse hatred, to forgive and let go and to build a new story for all based on mutual respect and understanding.

I AM Archeia Faith

Credit: Victoria Cochrane
Victoria Cochrane is an Advanced Theta (TM) Healer and Reiki Master who connects with Divine Energy to witness powerful healings, channel messages from spirit and to give accurate psychic readings. She reads Tarot and Angel cards, can connect to passed over loved ones and return to people’s past lives to affect healings that then allow them to be 

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