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Archangel Zadkiel : Focus Your Thoughts


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. I am being joined by a Host of the Angelic Realm and the Divine Feminine, and we are bringing you a Message of Light. Today, we wish to discuss focusing your thoughts.

In the current times of higher vibrational energy, it is important to focus your thoughts. Much new energy is reaching your planet, and this brings the opportunity for you to manifest your desires much more quickly. It also offers you the opportunity to ascend to higher levels of consciousness.

Focusing your thoughts can be compared to selecting a television station. If you tune your thoughts to a frequency of daily mundane situations, then this is what will fill your consciousness. This is the vibration that you will send out, and this is what you will attract to you. The stronger your focus on these types of situations, the more of these situations you will attract to you. It is the Universal Law of Attraction that like attracts like.

However, if you select a frequency that is motivating and inspiring and tune your thoughts to this, your consciousness will be filled by that particular frequency. Your attention and consciousness will be focused on thoughts of motivation and inspiration.

If you wish to have more peace and harmony in your life, you can begin by thinking about peace and harmony. Picture peaceful situations in your life, and then feel the peaceful vibrations of those situations. The more you visualize these situations and feel their vibrations, the more they will manifest in your daily life because your thoughts and feelings are creating your reality.

If you wish to be in closer communication with us in the Realms of Light, think about us and feel our loving presence. We are delighted when you want to communicate with us. The veils between the realms are thinning, and communication is much easier. It is simply a matter of adjusting your frequency to be closer to our frequency. As you raise your frequency, we can adjust ours slightly so that communication is possible.

Keeping your frequency at a higher level during your day-to-day routine will make communication with us much easier because a high vibration or frequency will be your default pattern. You will be able to tune in to us more easily. You may even feel us around you as you go throughout your day.

To set your frequency at a higher level, begin with the intention for this to occur. When you want to establish a new pattern, a clearly stated intention is the first step. Then begin to visualize what your intended goal would look like. Picture it in your mind. Make it the picture of highest good for all because this will carry a higher vibration.

Then focus on what your intended outcome would feel like. A high vibrational outcome might include love, joy, peace, and happiness as well as highest good.

Once you have set your intended outcome, focus your thoughts and feelings on it. Random thoughts will bring random results. Focused thoughts are much stronger and are more likely to bring the desired results. Highly focused thoughts can have a laser-like effect in manifesting your desired goal or outcome.

If you begin to find your thoughts wandering into a random pattern, simply redirect them back to your desired outcome. The more you practice this, the easier it will be to keep your thoughts focused on what you want.

The higher the frequency of your desired outcome, the higher the frequency of your thoughts needs to be. If you are wishing for peace and harmony in a situation, release thoughts of judgment or anger around anyone or anything in the situation. Focus on seeing the highest and the best in everyone and everything to keep your thoughts at a high frequency.

When you focus your thoughts and feelings on situations and things of a higher vibrational frequency, then this is what you will attract to you. Set your intention for highest good as you focus on your desires.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing your thoughts on outcomes for highest good. We are with you as you as you bring love, peace, harmony, and joy into your Being.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel, The Divine Feminine, and The Angelic Realm …and We surround you with love

And so it is.

Message from Archangel Zadkiel: Transmitted Through Linda Robinson - June 2015

All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson/PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

26 Towne Centre Way #184, Hampton, VA 23666, USA

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