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Archangel Uriel: Remarkable Revelation - A Transformation Without Tarnish!

Archangel Uriel: Remarkable Revelation - A Transformation Without Tarnish!

“Greetings Beloveds. I am AAUriel, and yes I come with my silver light and I come with my essence of taking time even though there is no time where I live.

But for you I bring this reminder that when you connect with any of us, with all of us, you are slowing down time. 

Why is it so needed? Because when you slow down, you are slowing down the very essence of yourself and you are allowing yourself to receive. And what is it that you are receiving? It is the Love, it is the healing energy, it is the essence that you receive from myself, the essence of silver drops. And what can these silver drops do? They can help you shine.

Oh, you are shining already for your  hearts are always shining even though you don’t always  see that yourself. But we do and these silver drops can bring you a sense of peace, peace within. And these silver drops can bring you a sense of what you can connect to whether it is what you think of as the future or the past, or the present. 

So what would you like now to connect to beloveds? Is it perhaps a more healthy body, a more peaceful world? Some answers? You just need to say, Uriel, Uriel, I am asking for your help and I will be right there. You forget that I am always there. But when you get busy with your lives as you need to do, you forget this. 

So what I am asking you to do is to remember that you can always call on me and bring into your essence the silver drops.  And  instead of thinking of them as coming in, think of them as being activated for they are a part of your essence just as the gold is, just as the copper is. 

The silver gift is part of who you are. You are that bright! And you are that shiny! Oh yes, and there are times when you need to make silver gleam and it does take some work, doesn’t it, to do that rubbing, because there is a tarnish that can hide the silver underneath. 

Beloveds, we are taking that tarnish now and we are not using much effort to rub it off. For I am giving  you a special silver cloth that will do so. So take it now and you just have to do a light rubbing on any part of your very being where you wish the silver to gleam through. 

Is it perhaps a place where there are some worry, or a place where maybe your physical body is calling out for help. It is just a matter of removing the tarnish and rubbing it lightly. 

So I stay with you as I always do during these sacred gatherings. But know that this silver cloth is yours always. And I step aside now with Joy for I know that you will use the gift that I have given you. It is that simple, for it is of f the frequency of silver. It has my essence in it. Farewell.”

Audio of Channeling

(Channeled by Lee Degani)

Lee Degani is an extraordinary and dynamic teacher, spiritual counselor and healer who delights in making the mystical and magical secrets of the universe easily accessible to children and adults of all ages. Her mission is to provide you or your family with the spiritual tools to remove blockages in your life, enable healing and form a sacred connection to your Infinite Self where possibilities are unlimited! Through “Connection to Healing, a Return to Wholeness”   Lee offers classes as well as private healing and coaching  sessions for adults, children and teens. Her greatest joy is teaching her students and clients spiritual tools to access Joy as a gateway to the spiritual  realm and their own Infinite Self to create the life they desire.

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