Archangel Raphael: Ukraine Gaza Israel Karma?
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- Written by Jahn J Kassl

Consecrate your life completely to GOD! Put your hands where you feel called and always remain internally focused on GOD.
No matter how deeply a drama moves you, no matter how difficult it is to make sense of current events - stay in constant communication with GOD.
Everything Karma?
JJK: A question has been bothering me for days: Are the pain and horrors that many people are now experiencing - be it in Ukraine, Gaza or Israel - the result of bad karma? Given these dimensions, I find myself becoming less and less comfortable with this idea. There must be another explanation for this, because what creature chooses such an existence prenatally out of its own free will?!
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: Karma means shaping potential, means considering a range of possibilities. Karma is not a fate set in stone.
So much for an introduction to your perception. What is currently happening on earth and the abysses that are opening up - it is the result of ancient negative energies that are now discharging as a whole and are looking for a way into the light. This leads to the distortions that are now becoming visible.
The people affected by this are living through a time and an experience that many of you have endured in the past. Although it is hard to understand and hard to bear for a compassionate human heart, at this level of fate there will be pain, suffering and hopelessness.
JJK: I had a nightmare today and I can't remember ever dreaming something so terrible. I'm leaving out details, but the point was that we were all trapped in one place and that dark entities were tormenting and mistreating us at will. Games were devised for this, like the Hunger Games, and the most terrible thing: there was absolutely no escape. In the middle of the dream, the thought also occurred to me that I might be in the place where those who are responsible for all the distortions on earth are.
Do they themselves experience the suffering that they caused others?
I woke up and was afraid to go back to sleep. After I spoke a decree, everything calmed down and I found a restful sleep. My first thought upon waking up was, “If there is a hell, then I saw it in this dream!”
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: What you saw was hell for those people who cause hell for other people. Hell exists where the light is absent and where there is a complete lack of love. Hell is the realm of consciousness that has completely separated itself from GOD.
Your dream took you into deeply vibrating realms of being where there seems to be no hope. Those people and creatures who have reached the lowest level of their development find themselves on this level. It is an area where dark rulers find themselves if they do not desist from their harmful actions.
JJK: But what about those people who innocently become victims - the children, the women and the men who take up arms because they don't know any other life? We're not born with dehumanization?
Action and compassion
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: This is the point at which the worlds separate. Because what some will experience is no longer an option for others.
Current events in this world are unleashing the energy for the separation of the Earths. People's energy flows control fate.
JJK: Yes, but these people need to be helped somehow so that they can somehow survive this situation? Suffering only creates new trauma and so the spiral continues endlessly?
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: Compassion through concrete help, compassion as a praying person, compassion as a meditator - this is what distinguishes the true man of God.
Active action and compassion shorten any suffering. Negative karma only has to be fulfilled if there is not enough energy for positive karma. If you see yourself as no longer separate from those around you, then your perspective changes and your tasks also change.
JJK: What can we do specifically?
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: Consecrate your life completely to GOD! Put your hands where you feel called and always remain internally focused on GOD. No matter how deeply a drama moves you, no matter how difficult it is to make sense of current events - stay in constant communication with GOD.
Things are rearranging!
Things rearrange themselves, the old world sinks into its own wickedness and takes with it into the abyss those who were at the forefront and who defied the divine order.
Everything finds its divine purpose again and every person finds the true home of their soul.
Your dream describes the artificially created matrix in which people have been exploited and humiliated for eons, and describes the realm of consciousness in which the gamemakers of this matrix find themselves. The great cleansing is happening, the separation of the worlds is happening. Let your compassion prevail and your hands act!
You are the master who can read the causes behind the events, the meaning in the events and the healing from the events. Do it especially when you have run out of questions and are missing answers. Find what you are looking for, within yourself and with GOD!
I watch over people. In this world and in the other world I am always with you.
Translation by
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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