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Archangel Raphael: Balance and Illness

Archangel Raphael: Balance and Illness

Dear brothers of planet Earth, I AM RAPHAEL!

Today I can see that many of you are aware of balance, of what it is to be in balance. Human bodies were created perfect, without any deficiency or disease. Why do their bodies get sick, why do they have so many problems?

Balance is a set of all organs, cells that work in harmony, at the same rhythm, with the same objective. What takes away, what alters or breaks this balance, this harmony: mainly feelings. High vibration feelings, such as joy, love, harmony, happiness, friendship and many others that bring joy to the heart, are energies, very high vibration energies. When you emanate one of these feelings, any of them, an aura of positive energy is created around you. They attract everything positive in the universe, which is around you. And your cells, your organs receive this high energy, and it's as if they receive lubrication and work harder, with more joy, keeping your body more balanced, if that's possible.

And this aura of positive energy drives away diseases, because nothing negative can manifest in an elevated cell, in a happy cell, in a happy cell, nothing. What are diseases? They are the imbalance in your cells, they lose the power to fight, they lose the power to stay active, they lose the power not to be invaded, they become slave cells to that negative process that enters, be it internal or external. But how does this imbalance occur?

So, let's talk about low vibration feelings: anger, resentment, pain, hate, sadness, disappointment, heartbreak, fear... oh, mainly fear. What causes all these feelings? They are feelings of very low vibration and they alter your cells because they begin to vibrate slowly, they begin to vibrate without strength, without courage, without joy and they let themselves be carried away by anything, opening the door for any imbalance to enter.

Understand that everything you go through today is due to the external environment, the encouragement of all these feelings, mainly fear. You have been created and live based on fear. Fear imposed by religions, fear imposed by violence, fear imposed by other human beings, always fear, always bringing imbalance. The most important thing in this whole process is your conscience, it is your way of thinking, acting and seeing the world.

Those who are sick, but who manage to overcome all those negative feelings that the disease entails, are sometimes even cured because they have managed to reverse the situation. Others exceed the limits of the body itself; It's as if you spent a lifetime vibrating low, damaging your cells, your bodies, and suddenly you wake up: "From today I'm going to vibrate high." But how long have you been vibrating low? day, not two, not three to fix everything. It would be necessary for you to reincarnate several times, because the destructive power of these feelings is immense, much greater than that of positive feelings. Because cellular memory begins to produce diseased cells, no matter how not healthy cells and for you to be able to reverse the situation of these cells, it would take a lot of will,

I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's a long and difficult process. That is why many of you are treating yourselves in a holistic way, balancing yourselves, you are changing your way of thinking and living. But the healing does not come, the healing is still far away, their bodies are still suffering, it is not a quick process, it is not instantaneous. It takes a lot of struggle, it takes a lot of treatment and a lot of concentration, so that, indeed, your cells change and begin to vibrate in harmony and balance.

The question is: is it worth trying or not? I would say that it is always worth it, because in this attempt to balance your cells, you are generating a new journey. You are learning to be aware of what it means to be a balanced and positive body and human being. So, it's always worth it and rest assured that something always changes. You may not get that long-awaited healing, but you do notice that something improves, that you are already able to maintain more balance. So don't give up, this is the way, never give up. And depending on the approach, the perseverance, the attempts, the belief that it is possible, you may not even feel anything anymore, because the balance will be so great that even if your cells continue to multiply incorrectly, the force of positive energy is already beginning. to compress them and the pain, the suffering,

Which is the way to go? Change your minds, change your vibrations and little by little you will see that everything is possible. But the first most important point will always be your change, in your way of thinking and acting. This is the way, believe in it and you will see how much you earn.

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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