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Archangel Gabrielle: Joy with Interdependence

Archangel Gabrielle: Joy with Interdependence

Sometimes with navigating relationships, we can struggle with both ends of a dynamic.

Take joy for instance. On the one hand, we can feel tempted to hide our joy from another we love when they are struggling, and on the other end if we get too intertwined with their problems we may lose our own joy trying to help them. Navigating joy in relationships can be a little tricky if we misunderstand our role or another’s capacity. These misunderstandings reside in our well-intended but ineffective attempts to carry the burden of others.

Our opportunity is to learn to support others in a more powerful way that benefits us and allows us greater freedom and joy.  Take a read of this transmission from Archangel Gabrielle who is known for emanating the quality of joy. I think you’ll find some amazing gems in there to help all relationships that feel overly intertwined at times.

This pathway you are walking offers many joyful moments. Allow yourself the liberty of enjoying them, noticing and seeking what aspects of joy are present in your daily experience that you may not have noticed. This moment, for instance, feel the tender opening in your chest, your heart space, as these energies transmit to you, to feel the cold morning air on your shoulders, what it is like to be in human form on this beautiful day.

Your body receives such messages and attunes to them. So as you place your focus on aspects of joy in your experience, you will find more of them and they will fill your being with the golden elixir of my love, of the ray of the golden sun. And allowing this to fill your being on a more consistent basis will accelerate the opening within you to your particular desires, the fulfillment of those desires. The expression and mantle of joy within your being also fuels your physical health and wellbeing.

So do not hesitate to enjoy your life. It is never going to take away from what another has. Your joy is infectious. Your love is infectious. Spread it liberally within your life, knowing that the path of others is firmly within their jurisdiction and pathway. It need not be carried by you.

As another struggles to face their own challenges, there's ever greater need for love, compassion and expressions of joy. They have a way of assisting others to open to their own. So do not hold back for fear of causing suffering in comparison with others. This is a powerful way to be of service. And as many in your world say, laughter is the best medicine both for your own body and for those around you. So let yourself be free of the restraints of playing small, holding back, covering up something that is joyful.

When you see others suffering, they are capable of finding this within themselves and your expression merely accentuates the desire for that experience. All are capable of finding within themselves the quality of joy, even in the most difficult of circumstances. So practice this in letting go of your judgment of self or what others are experiencing and their path and allow yourself to experience your joy with great abandon, free from carrying the burdens of others. Let them have their experience surrounded by love and compassion rather than any level of interference trying to shoulder their burden for them.

Each walks their path with the soul's clarity that this is right for their journey. As they encounter their soul's karma or opportunities they sought to experience in this lifetime, remember they are fully capable of meeting them. And even in some cases, they are necessary for the full awakening of their being and provide them with the opportunities their soul seeks for: evolution, expansion, and the realization of the love within themselves. To trust the process, truly surrender to the brilliance that each soul has within themselves to face their own difficulties, to acknowledge their gifts and challenges - (the challenges which are gifts within their path).

For this offers them not only confidence that their growth and expansion may be realized, but that they have tender loving care and compassion as assistance to rely upon without interference. There is a subtle line between codependency and caring -  for many of you that has been missed.

You have mistakenly been led to believe that love is being a savior of others. It is not that simple. It is not that effective in that shape or form. It is more powerful to walk beside one you love with compassion, to believe in them, to hold their hand when they are suffering, rather than getting lost in their perspective of the struggle or their doubt or disbelief -  and hold the strength, clarity and vibration of confidence on their behalf. To remember for them and perhaps at times to remind them, they are capable of facing what they are struggling with. This is love. This is love of an interdependent nature without codependency.

And if another were to blame you for something that has occurred to them, your opportunity is simply to go within yourself to assess what you may be responsible for and what is theirs to own and find that distinction. If there is something to own, to repair the relationship, you may do that from a place of love and compassion for both yourself and the other - offering yourself forgiveness and asking for theirs to return to that state of alignment of love.

There is in our realm, no perception of wrongdoing, but simply misunderstanding that needs rectification. For, when you understand what has harmed another, it is natural to align to a place of love, to repair and restore and renew that connection with love.

There is no faulty person or wrongdoing that cannot be restored to wholeness. Because in reality, it is only a distortion of a temporary nature. Your wholeness, and I mean all of you, no matter what your perception is, your wholeness exists beneath this distortion. And all is well.

Seek to tune to that wholeness, to feel the balance of union, the divine union within yourselves, that you may enjoy your lives more fully and remember to a greater degree this day, the beautiful beings that you are within these forms - you call bodies - exploring, expanding, discovering and remembering who you are - beings of love.

It is I, Archangel Gabrielle.

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Laura Smith Biswas with written permission to repost her articles, videos, and other content.

Credit: Laura Smith Biswas - Click Here For Bio

Laura Smith Biswas
Laura Smith Biswas
is a bridge between worlds. She links the tangible and spiritual in two key areas - relationships and business.  At the core of all her work is the relationship we all have to love itself. She translates this into practical wisdom to help others experience more love in relationships - whether those are intimate ones or further out in our circles of connection through work.   

Her background comes from diverse areas including business and finance in top global companies, entrepreneurship, shamanic medicine training, spiritual psychology, grief recovery, and more. This wealth of experience and training has resulted in two areas of practice: The Love Mandala for creating greater love and intimacy in relationship and The Leadership Mandala for guiding others to conscious leadership and operational excellence in business. Both are practices that can be found at TheSacredMandala.com 

She is best-selling author of The Cosmology of Love: 70+ Ways to Experience Greater Love, where she illuminates how to identify your top needs in receiving love, specific ways to create more loving relationships and improve communicating love with all the people in your life. Her work serves as a reminder that love isn’t an accidental thing we find, but a sacred co-creative act. She supports her clients to discover what sacred union looks like for them so they can create more intimate and fulfilling relationships.   

She is a serial entrepreneur who loves exploring entrepreneurial models of work that blend sound principles of psychology with strong business fundamentals. She is passionately engaged in leading as an aware, humanistic leader who believes that a holistic model of work is not only engaging but necessary for the highest levels of success. In her leadership coaching practice, she supports clients to create organizations built on these same fundamentals. 

She is a mother of three young adult children and lives in Southern California with her life partner. She holds an MBA from Yale University and a MS in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica.   

Contact info:  
Laura Smith Biswas
TheWaysofLovingQuiz.com Take the quiz to discover your style of love. What are your unique strengths in love and where are your opportunities to create more?   
Read more in the book at WaysofLovingBook.com or AffirmationsofLoveBook.com 
The Leadership Mandala Quiz  Take the quiz to explore the integration of your consciousness and business leadership across key areas such as operational excellence, holistic thinking, self-awareness and culture. 

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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