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Archangel Faith: Honoring Lightworkers of the Mother Side

Archangel Faith: Honoring Lightworkers of the Mother Side

I am Faith and I will speak freely about what is going on.

But first I must say, until about two years I was kidnapped and could not reach out to you exactly as I wanted and needed to.

So. There are two types of lightworkers.

One half of you are on the father side, and this means that you are strong, and moving forward with your enterprises of different kind.

The other half of you are on the mother side, the feminine nurturing side of the lightworkers.

And you have many times wondered why does different people continuously seem to be so successful in doing things?

And you have no strength, you can hardly leave your home without feeling sick?

Well this is where it gets harder to understand? You who are on the mothers side by me, Faith, you take on other people’s energies!

There are several collective energies that move around over the globe and you are very receptive to those, for you actually work with them.

I am by your side, and you are by my side! You are Faith too!

We share the same heart! And you have paid with your own life energy to do this.

You are a true server of humanity of love and peace and foremost a giver of good faith to all that needs it.

Many of you feel the crying souls of for example dying soldiers that have death anxiety, and yes, you can feel them. And what do you do?

First you wonder why you can hear foreign languages that you cannot even speak yourself, and you know that no matter of that language, this is a soul that cries out for his or hers Mother, for there is so much pain and fear.

So what do we do? We help! We mend! We make these souls come to heaven.

We work alongside many archangels that work with bringing souls home to heaven!

Many times you wondered: Why am I not the one that gets to be popular doing the tarot, or having seance for big crowds, or can I turn my knowledge into something that can help many other people?

Well you are not meant to do this. For you are not on the Father side, those that are have the strength, no illnesses, they have what it takes to serve on "the outside" to the public. 

Many times you have thought that something was wrong with you, that you were not approved as a medium or psychic? But in fact you are better than most! You are the one who should be a celebrity medium or selling your fantastic loving books or whatever you have produced over decenniums, but you are still Faith and working on the other side and doing what your heart feels is the most important thing in the whole universe.

And what is that?

As a link between heaven and earth, as a medium, on the mothers side, the Faith side, you are totally devoted as a soul to help other souls come back to heaven when the life on Earth is over.

You are a soul saver! And no tarot or Séance or selling books or being a celebrity medium is more important than this!

And deep down you know it!

You are the most important kind of Lightworker! Because you do it when you feel weak, when you feel sick, when you can hardly walk yourself, you still help others to walk. You still help others to feel better because you are a true love worker, that spreads the true kind of Faith.

But now when you know, you must cherish yourself much more!

PLEASE! You are the most valuable of all! For you give when you have nothing left yourself. You give a penny when it is the last penny that you own. You share a piece of bread when it is the last bread that you have. For you truly believe in sharing. You believe in passing on and not holding on to any material possessions.

Many of you that walk by my side have illnesses. You are low in your energy, and still you give healing to lost souls, both day and night. And no one salutes you. No one say thanks, except God and all the angels in heaven! And many times you feel their gratitude for what you do! But no person on Earth ever say thank you for what you do, your truehearted commitment that surely deserves a medal of honor.

So now many times you have felt like being "a black sheep"? In your family or friends or society? And still you are my devotee, and you do your job and I am so grateful forever, and we are friends in a big community where you are always welcome and where your seat has your name written on it.

So I need you to receive my medal of honor for now I give it to you!

You will feel it! It is gold of course and it vibrates in the energy of faith hope and love, joy and gratitude and it heals you! If fact it is your own energy, but I have made it stronger for you to thrive with as a token of my appreciation.

So I need you to appreciate yourself much more! And never look down on your most important job that you do! I know who you are and how important you are! And you do not only have a seat with your name on it, but you also have an entire staff around you, with an office and you are the staff manager as well. You are a teacher in heaven and you have been for millennia.

So stop being sad over the lightworkers that are on the fathers side, those that are being popular, or can work as mediums or draw a lot of attention from the public, for they have a totally different task to do. 

Your work is much harder! You do it against all odds! You do your work with a handicap, and still you do it. THAT is true light working!

I am not saying that the father side tasks are easier, but they are totally different and cannot be compared to yours.

It is much harder to be on the mother side, as this world you live in is 90 percent driven by patriarchic energy.

There is still a long way for it to be a balance between the feminine and masculine energy. And in some places the importance of motherhood is being forgotten and therefore the more difficult your work is.

So I say, love yourself, and understand how important you are, and realize that you are loved.

You are all loved, no matter if you are on the mother side or father side!

But you, on the mother side, have always done your job no matter what, when no one cheered you on, in the complete darkness.

So I have the biggest faith in you, and I love you very much!

Archangel Faith

(This is a message from Archangel Faith through medium Kerstin Eriksson at her blog https://www.archangelfaith.blogspot.com on Jan 27, 2025)

Archangel Faith ~ Angel letters for you!

Since the year 2014 written 3 books. Channelings with God, Mary Magdalene and Thor the Archangel.
Re-blogged with wriitten persmission from Kerstin Eriksson on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved. 


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