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Reclaiming Your Power - Inspiration for the Week
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- Written by Shanta Gabriel
Reclaiming Your Power
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
This message from Archangel Gabriel opens us to new possibilities for living in greater strength and courage.
The Gabriel Message Card for this Week
No One Has Power Over You Unless You Allow It To Happen.
This is a very interesting message to receive. Sometimes we are not even aware that we are giving our power away to another person.
The message is not speaking about physical safety so much as the everyday situations when we disrespect ourselves and lose energy in the presence of another.
It is not only people; we also give our power away to the circumstances of our lives. The often colorful meanings and labels we attach to these situations amplifies our emotional state and can throw us off center. As much as we can stay neutral, the easier it is on our nervous system.
For me, I know I have given my power away when I notice that there is an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, and I start to feel obligated to another person. That is the clue for me. When I am aware of what is going on, the first thing I do is to ask Archangel Michael to come and fill my solar plexus with golden light. The solar plexus is our power center and is the chakra most involved with the ability to stay centered and detached from overwhelm in our emotional state.
Archangel Michael is a powerful protector for us all. He is also the Archangel who is most concerned with the awakening of all humanity during this time of ascending energy, and as such he is very available to all of us.
Archangel Michael,
I call on your assistance at this crucial time. Please bring the power of your Golden Light of Protection into my solar plexus right now. Clear away any discordant energy and allow me to be filled with your golden light. As I open to receive this gift, I can feel myself growing more balanced in my own power, and staying centered in my interactions with others.
Fill me with the presence of Strength and Courage so that I may take care of myself in the most truly loving ways. Thank you for guiding me into only those situations that are in my highest good. I give thanks for relationships that are in harmony with my soul's growth in every area of my life.
Please surround me in 3 rings of Golden Light every day, so I may feel the presence of safety within me. Thank you for your assistance, strength and protection at all times. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
December 8, 2019
The Gabriel Messages #44
No one has power over you unless you allow it to happen.
Dear One,
When you are in a situation where you begin to feel powerless and less than another, this can be viewed as a wake-up call. We are referring here to any situation in which you feel devalued, not necessarily one of obvious abuse.
If there is another person who wants to have a certain level of power over you, consciously or unconsciously, your physical body is often a good indicator that something is not right. You may notice a feeling of discomfort in your solar plexus area. Perhaps a weight descends on your shoulders, and your head hangs down. Paying attention to your bodily discomfort can help you become aware and allow you to disengage yourself from the situation.
When you feel strong in yourself, you are less likely to stay in situations that may harm you, or allow others to treat you with disrespect. You do not have to stay in places or around people who do not give you the respect you deserve. However, it is also not necessary to react in anger. As much as possible, stay in your heart, bless the person or people involved and remove yourself from the situation.
When you feel strong within, good about yourself and centered, the area of your solar plexus is filled with energy. When you begin to feel drained, that is literally what is happening to you. When we say no one has power over you unless you allow it to happen, this is the first place where your power is given away. It is now time to take it back.
Sometimes people become so used to being devalued, disempowered and talked down to, they accept this as a natural state. It is not. Every soul on earth deserves to be treated with respect. To stay strong in yourself, steps must be taken so that you feel your inner power, that connection to the light of Pure Spirit that is within you. The solar plexus is the area most affected by the power maneuvers of another person, so the following visualization is helpful in achieving and maintaining your center of balance.
Breathe with conscious awareness into the area from your rib cage to below your navel. Imagine this area filled with the warm glow of a huge sun and allow this bright, golden light to radiate out from this place within you and to fill your entire being. Then see or feel this light moving from the base of your spine into the earth, so you can be connected to that rich, nurturing and grounding presence. Continue visualizing the golden light of the sun filling your solar plexus, centering you with a clear, steadying power that will allow you to take the necessary steps to care for yourself. With practice, you can draw on the calming power of this light and the steadying presence of the earth whenever needed.
Begin today to respect yourself. Know that you are a radiant child of God and that you have purpose, presence and connection to all the love in the universe. Call on your Guardian Angels at all times and know that you are guided and protected by the light of God. Begin to know your personal connection to a Higher Power, the true power containing all the energy you need to do whatever is required in your life. Fill yourself with the golden light of the sun and feel the nurturing presence of the earth beneath your feet. Reclaim your true power and remember you are never alone.
Your message from Archangel Gabriel today is:
No one has power over you unless you allow it to happen.
Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
December 8, 2019
Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others.
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