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Inspiration for the Week - Who You Truly Are

Inspiration for the Week - Who You Truly Are

Who You Truly Are

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, our message from Archangel Gabriel helps us remember the truth about ourselves that will keep us in harmony.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

Your way to Harmony is by remembering who you are in every moment...
a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter.

Harmony as a spiritual principle was first introduced to me by Archangel Gabriel in 1991. Prior to that, I had no awareness of what Harmony meant and why Harmony was so important to my life.

I found that Harmony represents alignment with my Source Energy. It is connection to my Higher Self and my guidance working in and through all that I am. When I am in balance, I feel a sense of Peace and Harmony within myself. In short, when I am in Harmony, I am happy.

I started using Harmony as an intention. I would go into situations and ask to be in Harmony with all who were involved. I asked to be in Harmony with my Highest Good and with my Soul's Purpose. I asked to be in Harmony with the Truth of my Self.

Most of us are familiar with the idea of harmonies in the music of choirs or symphony orchestras. It is glaringly obvious when it is out of harmony. Disharmony makes us very uncomfortable. In fact, that is my clue — when I am not in harmony, I feel uncomfortable. When I actually become aware of how uncomfortable my body feels, I can take positive action. From that point, I can start to breathe into my heart and come back into alignment with myself and with my higher guidance system. That is Harmony.

I looked up the word harmony in the dictionary. The definitions are mostly musical, although there is one that says, "the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole." This sounds like Unity consciousness to me — living in a pleasing and consistent wholeness. It even sounds like a worthy goal for my life.

In the dictionary, there is also a reference to physics in the word harmonic. It is defined as relating to component frequencies of a complex oscillation or wave. To me, this relates to the power of Divine Light. We are standing in the midst of powerful waves of high-frequency light. When we are in Harmony, we can integrate this empowering force within our being and direct the light to bring new creativity through us. As we use these harmonic frequencies, it allows us to work with others in more Harmony, because from this place of high-frequency alignment, we are all in Harmony with our own Truth.

When we are in Harmony with ourselves, it is easy to remember that we are all becoming a more Divine Expression of who we are on the Earth. We are each here in this life to blend our most Divine selves in Harmony with our most human selves, allowing all life to evolve.

Divine Presence:

Thank you for bringing more Harmony into every area my life. May I hold the spirit of Harmony within my being and ground it on the Earth so there can be more Harmony in the world.

May all that I do and say be in Harmony with my Soul’s Highest Reality. May all government systems be in Harmony with the highest good of the people. May the blessings of Harmony prevail within the heart of all beings. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
May 19, 2024

Archangel Gabriel

The Gabriel Messages #3

Your way to Harmony is by remembering who you are in every moment...
a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter.

Who you are is so much more than a physical body in a material world. Your very essence is part of a greater whole — God in whom you live, move and have your being, the Source of all Life.

This Presence expressing through you is the gift you give to the world. Imagine what earth would be like if all people remembered they were the Divine Essence expressing in a physical world. There would be so much more love, and so much less fear. In the essence of God, there is no separation into race or religion. There is no separation of any kind. It is all a great connected Wholeness.

When you remember that you truly are spirit and your purpose is to bring God through you into the physical world, different choices can be made. In the world of spirit, love, compassion and trust are key elements. In the world of spirit, joy, harmony and peace exist in all situations. There is freedom in your mind when you allow this truth to be in the forefront of your consciousness.

Release the need to believe as others do. Be the one who remembers God and speaks the truth. Be the one who blesses the world with the power of your remembering. If it is not appropriate to speak this truth, silently bless all people and situations when they are brought to your awareness. You will be a powerful force for good.

When you find others who are in agreement with you, and who know the truth of their Divine Expression, pray together. The power of remembering truth when two or more are gathered, creates an exponential leap of love and light in the world. Join together in a conspiracy of love to bless all people and situations where fear is the predominant emotion. Many people believe there are better ways to live than what is apparent in the cities of the world. Many have even withdrawn to lead more separate and quiet lives. Never, however, doubt the power of one. One person can bring tremendous good to the world when they radiate Divine Light from the consciousness of greater Harmony, Truth and Love.

The energy of loving prayer and blessings strengthens the link all people share — oneness with God. When more people send love, blessings and prayers toward others, the very vibration of the planet is increased. An increase in vibration stimulates more Love and Light.

Harmony, Peace and more Love is the blessed result.

This is the way to heal the world — moment to moment, each person blessing others and bringing Love into every situation, instead of fear. These actions not only assist all beings, they renew our faith in a benevolent and loving Presence within all things. From this place all are healed.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Your way to Harmony is by remembering who you are in every moment...
a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter.Shanta Gabriel

for Archangel Gabriel
May 19, 2024

Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others.
Source Here

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