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Archangel Gabriel: You Have Arrived

Archangel GabrielShelley Young

Many enlightening human beings have a reluctance to see themselves as the truly amazing souls that they are. They fear that looking at themselves in such a way would mean falling into ego. This is not about puffing oneself up with delusions of grandeur. This is about looking at yourself from a higher perspective and truly seeing, recognizing and honoring who you really are.

We would like to continue along this vein ~ giving yourself permission to see your own greatness. This is indeed such an integral part of the energies that we are in now. Many of you who have been walking your spiritual paths have worked tirelessly, driven, if you will, to reach the finish line. While we honor you for your diligence, many of you have embraced this rush and it has become a habit. You see, in the energies at the beginning of this process, many of you were feeling a great haste where you needed to enlighten, as did the entire world around you.

And you were feeling as if it must be done NOW. That urgency that you all were feeling was an integral part of the process in order to make sure that critical mass was attained and the ascension process on earth assured. Because many of you stepped onto your spiritual path driven by this sense of urgency, you have accepted that this is the way the spiritual path always feels. In reality, there is no need to be carrying that sense of urgency anymore. The process is in action. You have achieved, as a collective whole, what you have set out to do, so that sense of urgency is really no longer required, but many still are holding onto it with all of their might. This makes it very difficult for enlightening human beings to accept moving into the energies of just Being. They feel as if there must be something wrong that they are just not getting. They are still feeling driven when there is nowhere to drive to. So, they feel, I must be blocked, I must be missing something, what should I be healing? What should I be doing? because to them, to stay in purpose they must be keep forging ahead. This is a fallacy. The ascension process on earth is assured. There is nothing that will stop it now as the momentum is in place. Rather than giving yourselves a wonderful pat on the back, you are falling into angst, looking for something to do. This is bringing many a sense of discomfort that is quite unnecessary.

If you could only see yourselves as we see you. If you could, you would see beautiful shining souls who have moved in courage and integrity and faith and allowed this magnificent event to happen. You would see souls who have lived up to their highest possible service and done it brilliantly. They have achieved what they have set out to do and may now enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Think of it this way. It is as if you have piled into your car knowing that you needed to reach a destination that was very far away. You have stayed in the discomfort of your vehicle as you have travelled the many miles to get there. Sometimes you were hungry or thirsty or desperately needed to use the restroom. Sometimes, your bodies ached from being in the confines of your vehicle and longed to get out and stretch. Some portions of your journey were long and boring and felt like they would never end. Other portions of your journey had you excited and filled with wonder as you looked out at interesting new landscapes. But finally, you have arrived at your destination. You can throw away the maps and the instructions. You have arrived where you have worked so hard to get! Now is the time to enjoy your destination. To move forward with a sense of wonder and plan your days according to what brings you the most joy and fulfillment. This is a time when you can joyfully meet up with others who have completed similar journeys and share the stories of your amazing pilgrimages. The traveling is done, Dear Ones. It is time to embrace and enjoy the promised land. This is all we have for you today.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Transcribed by Terri DeMarco


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