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Message From The Angels: Truths Behind Our Stories
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- Written by Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Each of you upon your planet earth is a brilliant storyteller.
Hundreds of times in a given day, you tell yourself and one another a variety of stories about life as you know it. Some of these stories are factual. Some are entirely made up, although you might believe them to be true. Some are empowering, and some pinch you off from the steady stream of life, love, and well-being.
Whether factual or not, the stories you tell affect your mood and your vibration, and, as a result, they will become the stories you continue to live.
It is of great benefit to you to repeat the stories that lift you up, empower you, and make you feel good about yourself, life, and others. It is of great detriment to repeat stories that pinch off love and make you feel bad. While you may feel the need to process difficult or upsetting events in your life for a while, be careful of the stories you repeat often. You would much rather star in your own fairy tale than in your difficult and dramatic story.
Life happens, and you write the stories around it. Your ex takes off with your money, and you get to tell the story about it. "My horrid ex ran off with all my money, and now I'll never catch up on my bills" is a story that ensures your future victimization and lack. "My ex ran off with a lot of money that was mine, and while it has made life difficult in the short term, I know God has my back, and I will create an even better life! I'm glad to be me and I'm glad to be free!" This story is a powerful affirmation that you are open to receiving help and assistance from the universe. The first story disempowers you. The second one empowers you. They are both based on fact. They are both based on interpretation. They will both become the story you live.
When you find yourself repeating a story about life that doesn't make you feel good, challenge yourself to tell a better one. Instead of saying, "That jerk cut me off in traffic. These drivers are all crazy," try telling yourself, "Wow, that person is in a rush and somewhat unconscious about their driving. I'm glad I am protected. I'm glad there are kind drivers on the road. The day is too beautiful to focus on one person behaving badly. I feel blessed." These stories are both based on fact. They are both based on interpretation. They both affect your day in vastly different ways.
Be cautious about the stories you make up about life. So often, you assume you know another's motivations or intentions, and yet you are always filtering other's actions through the bias of your own life experience and conditioning. Someone might look at you and make a face that looks as if they disapprove. If you feel good about yourself, you'll wonder what is going on with them. If you feel insecure, you might assume they are judging you. Perhaps, in reality, they simply had dust in their eyes!
Someone might make an unkind or rude comment. You can tell the story about how they don't like you and disrespected you, or you can tell the story about them having a hard day and you having compassion. Both are based on fact. Both are based on interpretation. One renders you a victim. The other one makes you a loving hero. You get to choose.
You are all so concerned about "The truth" when, in reality, there are as many "truths" as there are human beings who believe in them. Yes, the sun is shining, but to your astronomers, it is a display of explosions on the surface of your star. To the layperson, it is daylight. To the depressed person, the brightness is a hideous assault on their senses, and to those with skin cancer, it is something to be feared. To those who love their time on the beach, it is warmth and beauty. These stories are based on fact. They are based on interpretation. They create a vibration of empowerment or victimization. You get to choose.
So whether you are telling yourself stories, as you all do, or hearing the stories of others, ask yourself, "Does this resonate with me? Does it lift me up? Does it empower me?" Does listening to people's opinions about one another help me make good decisions, or does it cloud me from feeling my own truth?" Ask yourself, "Does listening to the opinions of experts—be they experts on diet or politics or medicine—raise me up or drag me down? Instead of obsessing about "The truth" or the facts of a given situation, pay more attention to how it affects your vibration.
This is a difficult paradigm shift for most to make. You have been conditioned to believe that you must know the "Truth" or the "Facts" about a given situation to react appropriately; however, dear ones, we are working with you very strongly to help you stop reacting to life and start creating. Instead of allowing your own stories or the stories of the world to attune you to misery, choose stories that attune you to the best that life has to offer so, in turn, you can attract the best.
There are many unpleasant and sordid facts in your world, but also many wonderful ones. There are many ways you can interpret anything you witness or hear, and many ways others can do the same. You can drive yourself crazy sorting through all these opinions, or you can choose, deliberately, to tell and pay attention to the stories that raise you into a vibration of love. In so doing, you will be writing a fairy tale for your life, instead of living in the drama the world presents you. And dear ones, you deserve this goodness and grace. You deserve to live out the best possible story you can tell yourself about life.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Message from Ann
Hi Everyone,
I once convinced myself a friend did not like me. I was much younger. I had been emailing back and forth on a regular basis when all of the sudden my friend stopped corresponding. Being insecure at the time, I scoured through past emails to see what on earth I could have possibly said that was offensive. I wrote to ask if I had said something that could have been misinterpreted. I received no answer, and after about four to five days of this convinced myself that once again someone I had though to be a good friend was leaving my life without explanation. It wasn't the first time. I told myself that people were so unreliable and made myself miserable for over a week. Then, at long last, I received an email. "Sorry I haven't been in contact. My internet went down and I just now got a new modem installed!"
That was a pivotal point in my life where I saw clearly how well I wrote fiction about my life and how deeply these made up stories affected my life and my mood! I resolved to tell myself more empowering stories from that moment on! Now I tell myself fairy tells. I tell myself that I can communicate with critters and now the wasps and I have a little mutual admiration society going on. I tell myself I have a fairy tale backyard and just today I caught lovebirds sitting in my trees in the middle of Phoenix sweetly singing me a charming melody.
I tell myself that I see the good in others and draw it out and most of the time time that is true, and now when others are unpleasant I tell myself that I need to be compassionate and send them love becuase they must be hurting. I tell myself that my body knows how to heal if I just listen and so it does. I make up stories that make me feel good and empower me in my daily life. "I've got this. I can do this. I don't have a clue how but God does," and so on.
People sometimes still tell me I don't live in the real world so I invite them into my world! People send me all sorts of data on the world and people in it, some factual, some biased, some just plain made up. I scan it, see if it resonates, often fact check, and more often, trust my gut. I have received all sorts of medical advice from people when I've had challenges which I've filtered through the lens of my own inner knowing about what is right for me—not for everyone, not for them, but for me.
Especially this year when the debates rage about politicts, climate, economy, etc., and in an age where anyone can make up nearly anything with AI and social media, it benefits us to become more clear about what we choose to believe about life and the world and everyone in it.
What resonates with you? What doesn't? Trust your feelings as Obi Wan advised Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. Trust what you know is right—for you and let go of worrying about what is right for everyone else. Everyone is on the path to learn what they need to learn through the choices they make and we agonize ourselves watching others too closely and paying less attention to our own well being.
Whether the stories you tell yourself are true or stories that you made up that empower you or drag you down, they affect you. They affect your vibration. They affect what you will see, allow, and attract. So, as the angels have taugh me, make up the good ones about yourself, life, and others, rather than making up ones that have you become the victim in your own play.
It does become a lot of fun to "author" your own life and your own reality, and whether or not anyone else agrees with you, you will have a much better journey upon this earth :
Here are a few pointers to help you tell more empowering stories that will create a much kinder life:
1. Tell the most empowering story you can
We do this exercise in my self love class. I have everyone tell a story about something upsetting three ways: 1) the way they usually would tell it. 2) just the bare facts as they know them, and 3) in an empowering way as if they were creator of their own reality. I watch the energy in the room go from a dense and heavy vibe straight up to heaven as people rewrite their stories with themselves in a starring role! Everyone ends up smiling, energized, wildly uncontrolled, and happy! I love this one.
So when something upset you challenge yourself to tell it differently.
Perhaps do the exercise above. Tell it as you usually would and see how you feel. Tell just the facts and see how that feels. Now tell it as if you are a brilliant soul who created this, learned from it, and are more empowered as a result of it. See how you feel. Carry this wisdom with you through life.
2. Tell the kindest story you can about yourself
Instead of telling unkind stories about yourself tell nicer ones. Instead of saying, "I screwed up," try out, "I tried my best and I've learned so much." I've started this Etsy shop the past year and recently when Etsy updated their policies had to update 400 product listings which too me three weeks of late nights. I could have told myself, "I should have known better. I should have read more. I should have, would have, could have..."
Instead, I told myself, "Wow. I've learned so much in a year! Now I know a great way to do this. Yes, it was a lot of work to examine this many products, but I feel so much better about the consistency in the shop now! This can only help me moving forward." The facts remain the same. They changed their policies and I had to audit my listings, but the second story is hugely more emopwering and makes me want to move forward. The first one would have discouraged me.
Life happens. Our interpretation of it can lift us up or drag us down. Tell the kinder stories about yourself to yourself.
3. Make up the best story possible about your future
The angels say often to people who argue about what can't and won't happen for them, "Stop telling God what he can't do!" We assume that when we don't know how to make something happen it cannot happen. That is simply not true. We don't know how the universe, or even our own bodies work intimately. And yet they do. The creator can arrange anything you are willing to believe in.
The angels once had me make a "scrapbook for the future" as if I was living that life now. It was so much fun - like a vision board but even more fantastical. I made up stories about the life I was living. I found pictures to represent how I "felt and lived" in my future story! You already know the outcome. I'm living it.
One client I had years ago wrote a paragraph about her ideal realtionship as if it already existed. She read it and imagined it every night. She met him within six months. Her self-created story manifested right in front of her eyes because it propelled her into the exact vibration she wished to attract.
It is a lot of fun to write the story of your future life! Instead of journalling about the challenges of your day, every now and then, write the story of your future and revel it in its goodness. The vibration alone can call it to you!
People will tell you that you must obsess over "the truth," "the facts," and the "real world," but my real world is filled with love, energy, possibility, and brightness. I know the nonsense that exists in the world. I see the darker and denser facts. They do exist, but I do nothing to contribute to the solutions while mired in the stories of that darkenss. I can be so much more effective in the light.
This week a family member had a procedure that purposefully stopped their heart to reset its rhythm. We all focused on the story of its success. It did reset their heart's rhythm as hoped for. Now they're having other problems and we are creating a story of getting to the root of the issues. And so it shall be.
This is the power of focusing on the future you wish to write rather than the ones everyone tries to tell you. The "facts" would have this dear one powerless in decline, but the spiritual "fact" is that all things are possible with God. If you tell yourself the better stories, then you will experience them as well and that is far more pleasant than starring in the stories the world would write for you.
Have a blessed week,
Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers,
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on All rights reserved.
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