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Message from The Angels - I Am Supported I Am Loved

Message from The Angels - I Am Supported I Am Loved

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Right now, if you're willing, take a deep breath. Take in the gift that is offered freely to you in each moment. Feel the air expanding in your lungs. Can you imagine the magnificent blessing you have just received?

Imagine your lungs are like little upside-down trees. In your inhalation, you draw in air through the trunk of those trees, and as you breathe deeply, it goes down every branch, every stem, and to every little last leaf in that tree. At the end of these little branches and stems, your cells begin the miraculous process of extracting oxygen and carrying it to each cell in your body. Your cells take in this oxygen to create energy for your body. Every time you move a muscle, your breath is involved.

A single deep breath assists in many other ways. It calms you. It moves your lymph so your body can naturally clean itself out. It helps to relax tension and stagnation. Furthermore, it is one vehicle through which the spiritual energies can flow into your body.

Breathe once again, deeply and consciously. In addition to the air, you deliberately pull the spiritual energies into your body. They circulate naturally, as does oxygen, without thought. Still, when you are intentional—drawing in both air and light through the breath—you can accelerate the body's natural healing, open to the ever-present stream of love and life, and gift yourself with the ability to relax. When you rest, surrendering any lower vibrational thoughts by focusing on your breath, you elevate your vibration enough to allow the Divine design to inform each cell. You are open to the steady stream of love and guidance.

Such a simple thing, dear ones, to breathe, with intent, with focus. Take another breath, and tell yourself the simplest thing, "I am supported. I am loved." Breathe out. Breathe in. "I am supported. I am loved." Exhale by simply allowing the air to leave on its own. Inhale, "I am supported. I am loved."

Perhaps as you go through your days, you can pause here and there, take a deep breath, and tell yourself, "I am supported. I am loved." Perhaps when something upsets or concerns you, you can pause, take a deep breath, and tell yourself, "I am loved. I am supported."

Pause. Breathe. Remind yourself, "I am supported. I am loved."

Think of something that concerns you or upsets you, just briefly. Notice your body. Do you tense your jaws or neck? Does your stomach tighten? Just notice your body when you think of anything concerning. Do this only for a few seconds.

Now let it go. Pause. Breathe. Remind yourself, "I am supported. I am loved." Take that truth in. Inhale it. Inhale the energy of love and support because you do so every time you breathe.

How do you feel now? Do this a few more times and notice the changes you sense in body and mind.

There are countless ways to counteract the so-called negative emotions—fear, anger, frustration, jealousy, etc.—but breathing is the simplest way to reset your body and mind. So simple. So accessible. So affordable! Dear ones, you can begin this practice now and use it for a lifetime.

Pause. Breathe. Remind yourself, "I am supported. I am loved." If you practice this often, you will notice a marked difference in your body, mind, and vibration. As a result, you'll notice a difference in who and what you attract into your life as well.

Your earth is turbulent dear ones, as everyone strives to find their truth. You can be blissfully calm. Pause. Breathe. Remind yourself, "I am supported. I am loved."

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

Breath is so simple, yet I'm just as guilty as the next person of unconsciously holding it.I sometimes experience so many thoughts swirling through my mind that I don't notice how shallow I breathe. I've trained myself to notice when I'm stressed, but lately, as I ponder the gazillion fun projects on my plate, I have to be more mindful as well.

At the moment, I'm working on two coloring books (My inner child has taken over), and a series of new designs for my Etsy shop, and I have so many other fun ideas I don't know what is next. Meanwhile, I'm learning all about art legalities, font licensing taxes for selling art, etc. There's a whole lot of time, education, and expense involved in my creative outlets, but I am going down that path willingly and joyfully.

Meanwhile, I have to pause, breathe, and remind myself, "I am supported. I am loved." I've challenged myself to do that this week since the angels wrote about it in their part of the newsletter. It is Monday as I'm writing this. I already know the outcome. The practice will produce huge dividends in ease, grace, and flow. Breathing always does.

In fact, between the angels' message and my own, I followed their advice and immediately received a thought about how to streamline some of the work I do each week. I challenge myself often to find easier ways to do my regular tasks. I didn't even ask this time. I just breathed.

In over twenty-five years of working with thousands of people, I have found that the simpler the exercise, the more challenging it is for us to just do it. Our brains seem to disbelieve in the effectiveness of something so easy. "No pain, no gain" was a sadly popular mantra that many of us learned along the way. We learned to "put in our time," "pay our dues," etc. But all that is just human belief. The truth is that things can start to shift in a heartbeat or, using today's example, in a breath! The minute we slow down the lower vibrational thoughts and allow our vibration to rise naturally, we open to the goodness, grace, and guidance that is always present.

As I write, I'm starting to get excited about this. I held my breath! Pause. Breathe. "I am supported. I am loved." That feels really, really good.

Here are a few pointers to help you remember to pause and breathe...

1.  Set reminders on your phone

If you have a reminder app on your smartphone or computer, set it to remind you to pause, breathe, and remind yourself, "I am supported. I am loved," at various times throughout the day.

Take your time with the exercise. Do it three times consciously. Relish the relaxation.

2. Put reminders up around your home or in your workspace

Little stickers or notes spread throughout your home and workspace can be a great spiritual tool. When I want to remind myself of something, I put them all over the place—on my desk, my wallet, the mirror, my medicine chest, my steering wheel, on the door as I leave the house, and even in my fridge! The more I find my little reminders, the more I smile and remember to do whatever practice I'm trying to remember.

3. Pause and breathe before every meal

As simple as this sounds, the very act of breathing consciously before a meal with reset you, allow you to enjoy your food consciously and process it more easily. Perhaps you, like me, will even notice better when you're full. Honestly that was the "angel diet plan" years ago - eat consciously and stop when yo'ure satified. I never realized I had eaten unconsciously for years. Now I am present with my food and more easily know what my body wants.

We are loved. We are supported in so many ways. We just have to pause and breathe in order to receive the benefits of relaxing into the non-stop steady stream of love and goodness from the Divine.

Have a blessed week,

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.
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