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Message From The Angels: Embracing Love by Releasing Resistance

Message From The Angels: Embracing Love by Releasing Resistance

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Although it is difficult, at times, to imagine, the Divine and your angels are always attempting to steer you on the path of greatest ease and joy. 

We never steer you toward "tough lessons." We never steer you towards challenges to overcome. Like nature itself, guiding a river on the easiest course, we attempt to help you avoid obstacles and go around them as easily as possible. Even if you find yourself at what appears to be a "dead end," we try to help you raise your vibration so you can be elevated above apparent circumstances.

All your tough situations and lessons result from only one thing—resistance to love. Thankfully, it often takes quite a lot of repeated resistance before you feel the effects of blocking the love and life force that is always trying to flow in your life.  When we speak of resistance, we are not talking about intellectually saying, "I do not want what I want," instead, we are talking about all the tiny thoughts, fears, doubts, focuses, and conversations that oppose what you want. 

For example, say you want to heal from a physical condition.  You might have a lot of very well-supported reasons why you cannot heal.  In the 3D paradigm of reality, these could all be true. Perhaps they are even supported by your physical medicine and science.  However, in the paradigm of energy, a new vibration creates a new physical reality. You can change your vibration at any time, and the moment you do so, your cells begin to respond. 

Not a single one of you who has a physical problem would say to the universe, "No, I don't want to heal."  This is not the type of resistance we are talking about.  We are talking about resisting the flow of love.

The Divine whispers, "You can heal," but if you're focused on a diagnosis that says you cannot, your energy is running contrary to the love the Divine is offering. Without meaning to, you are resisting love. A more loving thought would be, "God, I want to heal. Thank you. Let me know what to do and when." Then, focus on anything you can enjoy right now. Surrender to love.

The Divine whispers, "I can guide you," but if you are focused on the fact that you don't know what to do, you are resisting this love. Far better to tell yourself, "When I don't know how God does." Surrender to love.

The Divine wants to help you. You feel a strong desire to rest, but you feel you must research treatments. That is resisting love. You could instead surrender to love, take a nap, and wake up with guided clarity.

While the Divine is sending you signals of hope, inspiration, guidance, and possibility, these other fearful thoughts and focuses, no matter how true in the 3D world, run contrary to the flow that is trying to assist you.

Every time you complain about not having what you want, you are resting the flow, trying to get you there. Every time you explain the reasons why you can't have what you want or haven't had what you want, you are blocking the flow, trying to guide you there. Every time you doubt you will have what you want, you are resisting the love trying to assist you.  All of these things are quite human. There is no judgment about any of them. Nonetheless, they block you from receiving the love and assistance that wants to flow into your reality.

So instead of speaking words of resistance—"I can't. I don't. I can't afford. I don't know how. It has never happened and probably won't. I'm not worthy. I'm being tested., and so forth—" speak words that bestow blessings upon yourself. 

  • I don't know how, but God does.
  • I can't do this alone, but I am not alone. The Creator of Universes has my back.
  • I can't afford this right now, but the source of all abundance can figure it out.
  • It has not happened yet, but I am focused on the good now, so more will flow.
  • It has not happened yet, but I am focused on the good now, so more will flow.
  • It has not happened yet, but I am focused on the good now, so more will flow.
  • I feel like I'm being tested, but the universe does not test me.
  • I don't feel worthy of having it easy but the universe thinks I am. Whether I think I am deserving or not, the Divine does. Whether anyone has told me I'm worthy or not, God thinks I am.
  • Whether I was loved or not by humanity, I am loved by the Source that breathes life into me.
  • I deserve to feel good. I deserve to be kind to myself. I deserve a good moment now, and now, and now again.
  • I can do this. I can find something good right now to enjoy. And I can do it again. I can surrender to allowing the angels to help me with a deep breath. This isn't so hard after all. One moment, by one moment, by one moment, I can stop resisting love and let it in.

Letting love in, dear ones, might be a glance at the blue sky and a deep breath that feels like a little relief. 

Letting love in might mean putting on a song that you enjoy and taking a moment to truly enjoy it. 

Letting love in might be taking a nap, reading an inspiring quote, or having the tantrum you truly feel like having until you get it up, out, and over with!  

Letting love in is allowing yourself to be yourself first, wherever you are, however you feel, with total self-acceptance, and then looking around, or looking inward, for something to feel a little better about.

Letting love in might involve enjoying a simple, seemingly meaningless pleasure. Does love have to be complicated?  Does it have to look a certain way? Or can you surrender to the tiniest joy in which you can begin to feel the vibration of love? This is how you release resistance.

Letting love in might involve changing your stories. You all, regularly tell God what he cannot do in your life. You don't mean to, but every time you justify why you can't or don't have something you're explaining why God cannot work a miracle in your life! "I can't afford this." "I'm too old." "My ship has sailed..." and on you go. Dear ones the Divine cares not about your limitations! The Divine has no limitations. Don't argue to keep them. Release your resistance to love. So much in life happens that you do not control and do not understand, and yet God does.

Letting love in might mean focusing on people, situations and behaviors you do like rather than giving so much airtime to the ones you don't. We're not suggesting you try to enjoy negative behaviors or pretend you like things you don't. We're simply saying, shift your focus. If you stood at a buffet, would you focus on someone behaving badly or the food you didn't like, or wouldn't you rather load up your plate with food you like and go back to the people you do enjoy? 

Be easy and kind to yourselves. You are all diligently persevering in learning a brand new paradigm of reality, and you are all, without exception, making incredible progress. Even when you take the slightest opportunity to be kinder to yourself, you release resistance, open to the flow of love, and allow your life to become just a tiny bit easier, more secure, and delightful.

Love will never stop flowing, dear ones. It is there for the taking, even in life's tiniest pleasures. Stop resisting that, and you will gradually open to a mighty flow that will bring the bigger things you desire as well.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

Most of you know that I used to be an electrical engineer. So, when the angels talk about resistance, it makes sense to me. If you have a copper wire that is very pure, the electrons flow unimpeded through it, and you have a strong and fast current. 

If you have a lot of impurities in the wire, the electrons "bump into them," so to speak, have to find their way around them, and the flow of electrons is slowed down or dampened out considerably. If you have enough impurities (resistance) in the wire, you can even have a short as the flow tries to push past the blockages and creates friction. This is an oversimplification but one that works well to help us understand the concept of resistance to love.  

 has some great pictures to demonstrate the idea.

When the angels talk about "Resistance to love," it can be confusing because we'd never say, "No, I don't want what I want. Don't bring it! I'm blocking it!"  That sounds absurd. Of course, we want love. Of course, we want what we want.  But they're not talking about mental or intellectual resistance. They are talking about resistance to a flow of energy.

Any thought or feeling that runs contrary to what you are asking for creates this type of energetic resistance. They're like "impurities in the wire." By their very nature, they slow down the flow.

So, what to do when it is hard to think positively about what you want?  The universe is always trying to help us find more loving thoughts and things to focus on. Think of a creek. It wants to flow downstream. There's a mighty power wanting to create that flow. If there are boulders in the way or a logjam, the creek tries to move them, but if it cannot, it goes around them.  Likewise, we can try to think positively about what we want, but if those boulders (doubts, fears, complaints, upsets) are too big, then it is best to simply go around our blockages.

I had a funny example of this last weekend. I've started doing my ice baths and saunas again, and I love it.  But I forgot that it can deplete you of minerals and you have to drink more water. And so I was feeling a little strange in the body on Sunday. I didn't know why, and I was "too busy" to sit and receive the answers, so I focused on all the other things I wanted to do.  Later, I noticed that the pool needed a refill. I forgot to turn the water off and overfilled it. As I was leveling it off, I noticed a leak in my sprinkler system! Luckily, I had exactly one spare part. As I pulled off the leaky riser, I was soaked by a massive geyser!!!  That led me to the thought that I wanted an Epsom salt soak before dinner because dining soaked in sprinkler water didn't sound fun. And that... That led to the realization that I was seriously short on minerals and water! 

You can easily say that this wasn't the easiest path for me, but honestly, it was!  I was rushing around, not quieting my mind enough to hear the answers. Since the universe couldn't get through to me directly, it found the most clever, creative way to get my attention while also answering another prayer that I had, which was to figure out why my water bill had been astronomical last month. The leak was fixed. I got cleaned up and had a nice dinner, and I am now back to an appropriate intake of minerals and water.  It was somewhat hilarious, and I got a great story for the newsletter.  

I could have made the path easier by sitting still, breathing, focusing on feeling wonderful, and waiting for answers. I could have made the path easier by going out to look in the yard earlier, as I'd been inspired to do. However, I was too busy telling myself I didn't have time, and so the universe found the easiest path to get my answers with humor and without harm.

This is a small, silly thing, but when two dear friends and a family member discovered potentially life-threatening problems these past few months, I took not-resisting love seriously. I didn't waste a moment focused on fear or worry. I focused on their living beyond the problem, and they did, too, and all of them had life-saving procedures.  Had I focused on worrying, I would have been powerless to support them.

Likewise, when I've injured myself, focusing on the problems has not helped. Believing in an "incurable" diagnosis has not helped. I no longer have "permanent" neuropathy, even though I was once sentenced to life with it. I learned to stop focusing on all that was "getting on my nerves" at the time and focus on what felt great. The condition disappeared. When I had an astronomical repair bill last December, I gave it to God and got on with loving life. It is now behind me.

A very dear client recently told me about doing a few small things to feel better on a day that was difficult and how that led to a wonderful "chance" meeting and a week of business that had previously been frustrating and stagnant. The decision to pamper herself and go to lunch opened her to a mighty flow of assistance.

It doesn't take much to release resistance to love.  In fact, it is often easier than we think.

 Here are a few pointers to help you find a way:

1.  If you can't feel good about a topic, focus on something else

If you've ever seen a loving parent with an upset child, you've probably witnessed the power of distraction! I first saw it years ago when a friend with a young child was faced with her daughter having an epic tantrum at a restaurant where we were waiting for our food. My clever friend ignored her child's anger and started playing with sugar packets, tossing them to me and encouraging me to toss them back. We made it a game.

Her daughter stopped wailing, became curious, and wanted to play. Without any fuss at all, my friend had distracted her daughter from an upsetting topic and helped her find something to feel good about. Genius. She helped her daughter release resistance to love by finding something that felt better than the tantrum.

We can do this for ourselves.  If you can't feel good about a problem, person , or situation, focus on something else that you can feel good about. The river will flow around your blockages if you allow for that.

2. Keep a list or a collection of things that help you feel good

It helps to have "mood elevators" on hand. You might keep a few books in easy view that inspire you. You might make a feel-good playlist on YouTube or in your music app. You might keep a file with compliments and good words that people have sent you. You might put up pictures or art that inspires you or keep a file of inspiring images on your computer. You might watch "Laughing Babies" or "Guilty Dogs" on YouTube till you can laugh once again!

I saw an interview with the Dalai Lama once. The interviewer said, "You never get down, do you?" The Dalai Lama laughed and said, "Of course I do!" Incredulous, the interviewer asked, "How do you handle it?" We all waited, expecting deep spiritual answer. "I watch funny animal videos," he replied. There you go! One of the world's most incredible spiritually wise beings employs the power of distraction when down. Genius! We can, too.

At first, you'll "just" feel better. Then, you'll start being a little more inspired. Eventually, as you open to more and more love and good feelings, ideas and miracles will start to flow.

3. Don't wait until you feel "worthy"

We have been conditioned to be hard on ourselves!  If we trip, we berate ourselves for being clumsy instead of just saying, "Oops," and allowing spirit for help. If we make a "bad" financial decision, we waste too much time and energy looking back instead of opening to love now and allowing new abundance to flow. If we get into a tough relationship, we can spend hours to years justifying our decision to leave instead of just saying, "Now I know better," and opening back up to the good in the moment. 

We are all worthy of love now. Not when we get more holy. Not when we suddenly release anger or sadness.  Not when we finally figure out how we could have done something better. Right here. Right now.  In this big, beautiful instant, no matter what you've done or not done, said or not said, you are worthy of love, help, miracles, and assistance.

We need to give ourselves permission to feel better. The universe already knows your worthiness. The angels know it. The Divine knows it. They flow love because they are love. The river doesn't judge the landscape unworthy. It just flows where it is permitted. 

It is a huge mental shift to accept the 5D universe and to start living according to its principles. It doesn't make sense in the 3D world that feeling better about anything can help you with everything. However, in the world of energy, it does. As we release the "resistance" to love, we become like those pure copper wires that allow electrons, or in our case love, to flow unimpeded. We become the landscape that allows the river to flow. We become the radio that receives the right signals.  

As we release resistance to love, we experience ourselves as the spiritual beings that we are—focusing our energy, opening to the energy, and allowing the energy to inspire and guide us to all that we desire. We do this by degrees. I still find areas where I block love in subtle ways, but the more you practice letting go and letting love flow, the quicker you can let it in and let it work its magic in your life.

Have a blessed week,

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.
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