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Message from The Angels - Cells Keep On Growing

Message from The Angels - Cells Keep On Growing

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There is so much beauty in life to behold. For just a moment, look at your own hands.

Witness the miracle that you live with daily. Take a moment to think of the millions of cells living, thriving, working, and dying in the tiniest space on your fingertip. The cells in your body live for one reason alone: to provide a vehicle for your magnificent spirit during your time here on earth. They love you. They want you to feel good. They want to function at their best.

Left to their own devices, the cells in your body have "spiritual antennae" that are attuned to the perfect frequencies of Divine love. Without any interference, they, like your earthly ecosystems, would rebalance and regenerate in harmony with the entire system. This is one of the many reasons you find sleep so restorative. When the brain is quiet, and there is an absence of negativity, there is a pure flow of Divine energy streaming to you, and your cells are busy, busy working hard to make use of this time for repair and regeneration. They love you.

When you are awake, you can be kind to your cells as well. Imagine you are truly king or queen of this kingdom of trillions of little beings. Like each of you, each one has its own divine direction. As you meditate, sleep, think, or speak sweetly, you allow rivers of love to nourish each and every one of them. In this space, even your so-called miracles are possible. In these loving vibrations, they have access to the same inner wisdom you do when you are in a higher vibe.

Take a moment to breathe and tell your cells how much you love and appreciate them. Thank them for your magnificent body. Thank them for continuing to work to heal you even when you focus on illness. Thank them for doing their best to rebalance you even when you don't listen to your guidance and feed them substances or foods that don't exactly support their well-being. Like every being in the universe, you are guided to the healthiest, happiest thing for you in a given moment, even down to the food you eat.

Love your bodies, dear ones. Love the trillions of little beings that give you a home during your stay here on earth. Love these creatures that incarnate with such special amazing functions that keep you alive. Your blood cells are little delivery people that bring oxygen and other nutrients where they are needed. Your heart cells are involved in transmitting waves like the ones you witness in your football stadiums, moving in unison to keep your circulation going. Your bone cells are united in strength and flexibility to give you structure and balance. You have cells in your nervous systems that function as a network of information far more complex and amazing than your worldwide internet. There are so many beautiful beings within you.

Whenever you think a thought soothes you, you allow your cells to thrive. Every time you enjoy a single moment of appreciation, your field opens up to nourish them. Whenever you think about something you enjoy or love, you allow the rivers of love to wash over your little "subjects." Dear ones, you are all so kind and caring. If not for yourselves, then think about your cells and do your best to take time every day to open to some relaxation or light-filled thoughts that allow the light to wash over you and them and to help all of you live and breathe in a beautiful state of being.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

At least weekly, I open my emails and see a message from my dad entitled Today's Walk." It started during the pandemic when he and Mom escaped to a local path or park as often as possible, and the good habit continues to this day. Mom likes to meet and greet all the dogs walking on the path, while Dad likes to explore nature's wonders and capture them on film. I'm not sure if he inspired my photography or I inspired his, but we both have a great love of capturing nature's amazing miracles. I'll marvel at one photo or another – maybe bark, mushrooms on a log, or exquisite veins on a leaf — and inevitably, he'll answer, "Cell Division!" He's a scientist, and we've come to appreciate and love our different angles and perspectives on "reality."

This week's cell division miracle started as a brick of moist soil that arrived in the mail. This was no ordinary soil. It is loaded with mycelium, the tiny spores from which mushrooms grow. Specifically, we are sprouting "pink oyster mushrooms." I had no idea pink mushrooms existed, but in this period of all things pink (thank you, Barbie!), I thought it waould be fun to try growing pink mushrooms. So I cut the tiny x in the plastic, put them in a sunny spot, sang to them (they apparently like sound to help trigger growth), and misted them three times daily. To my utter delight and amazement, they sprouted in three days, and now, after five, I have a crop of adorable baby mushrooms who are growing rapidly. They are bathed only with love, and they know it. Check out this week's photo with the heart-shaped pattern they left me after sprouting!

It's a good reminder to me. In 2019, while feeling on top of the world, something invisible tripped me. As a result, I went through months of recovery due to a banged-up kneecap and foot. A few months ago, I tripped again and got banged up again. This time, I went immediately to the energy, sitting, breathing, and opening up to miraculous healing. My cells responded magnificently. In this space of grace, I also got a clear message that I'd been tripping over my deceased dog, Lucy, who—even in spirit—gets so excited that she gets underfoot! Mystery solved, and now she and I have some different rules of engagement, as in "You are not allowed near me while I'm moving!" Instead, we have snuggle time now while I watch tutorials at night :)

The older injury still gives me some trouble. My foot locks up now and then, making long hikes challenging. There's nothing quite so crazy as knowing I got myself so ungrounded that my dead dog could cause an injury whose after-effects have been a pain for some time. I got very intentional lately about fixing this, at which point the angels reminded me that what has prevented me from healing completely and enjoying my long hikes was simply my long-term focus on the problem. I knew they were right.

So, a few weeks ago, I started catching myself. Every time the foot locked up and I'd start down the "oh no" path, I shifted. "Thank you, foot, for telling me I need to stretch." I'd drop everything as soon as possible and stretch it out. I have been intentionally sitting for a few minutes each day, remembering the delight of feeling wonderful after miles in nature. It occurred to me that I could love on my own cells as much as I'm loving on those little mushrooms, and they'd respond similarly! Spirit does have a funny way of guiding us at times. My love of gardening and nature led to me getting out of the way of my own nature!

Cell division is an amazing thing. Our bodies regenerate nearly everything on a regular basis—often in days to months. I have often wondered why, if we're regrowing new cells all the time, we hang on to chronic problems. The answer begins in the spiritual realms. Dense thoughts restrict the love that flows from the Divine that would otherwise give our cells their perfect direction. On a biological level, unpleasant thoughts contract us, cause muscle tension, inflammation, blocked nerve signals, and pinched off circulation. Get the spiritual energy circulating by allowing yourself to be awash with love and good feelings, and the body relaxes and starts to clean, feed, and repair according to Divine direction.

The mystical and physical go hand in hand. You can't separate them. Every physical problem is ultimately a result of a lot of little moments of pinching off good feelings, which in turn physically affects chemistry, circulation, nerve signals, etc. Every miraculous healing results from completely letting go of the problem and surrendering to love. Most healings take place a bit more incrementally as we focus on living and enjoying life bit by bit. Cell division is always at work!

Here are a few pointers to help you open up the flow of love for your own bodies and cells.

1.  Read or watch inspiring material

The more you fill your mind with facts and examples of real healings, the more you will be open to your own. Here are a few resources I love:

Bruce Lipton's book, The Biology of Belief, is a fantastic.work by a molecular biologist who noticed hat cells with identical DNA would function completely differently depending on the chemistry around them. In fact, he showed that the chemistry around the cell causes different genes to turn on or off! His book radically propelled the field of epigenetics into the public eye, along with the awareness that we are not ruled by our genes, but rather our chemistry rules them. As we know scientifically, our chemistry is heavily influenced not only by food and environment but by our emotional state of being.

Dr. Joe Dispenza's healing story is also incredible and inspiring. He was hit by a truck while cycling in a triathlon. Several vertebrae broke and he was told he'd never walk again. Instead, he used visualization to heal, and is now working with scientists and thousands of readers / workshop participants to help them catalyze their own miracles.

If you can find a copy of "The Miracle of Metaphysical Healing" by Evalyn Monahan, her story is fantastic. After an accident, she had blindness and epilepsy for over nine years. She got tired of her conditions and her thinking, reminded herself she knew how to heal it, and after only nine days had her sight spontaneously return and her epilepsy and other conditions completely disappear. She proceeded to teach people the faith and practice that led to countless miracles for others as well.

You can find thousands of miracle stories and scientific / spiritual books to feed your mind with the faith that what we call miracles are available to all.

2. Take a few minutes each day on behalf of your cells

If you aren't the kind of person who easily makes time for yourself, take a few minutes on behalf of your trillions of cells. Sit and breathe. Relax a bit and know that the more you relax, the more light, love, circulation, information, and nourishment they receive. Take time to say positive and kind things to your little helpers. You are alive because your cells support you daily, whether or not you support them.

A little time loving on them can work wonders.

3. Ask your body what it needs

Often, in readings and my own life, when we're considering what to feed our bodies, what supplements to take, etc., the angels will remind us that the best counsel we have is our own bodies. The little cells within are working diligently to give us what we need, and they know what they need. If you ask your body, the collective will respond. "Is this food good for me now?" You'll feel a relaxed sensation for yes and a tight sensation for no, or you may just get a yes/no impression. Try this every time you need to know what is good for you and what isn't. Even if you get advice from a knowledgeable human source, weigh in as well the advice from your own body.

The kingdom you live within is wise and will let you know what it needs in the moment.

The more I get to know "the kingdom within," meaning the energetic kingdom within, the more I also learn to love the physical kingdom within as well... and the more it loves me back!

Have a blessed week,

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.
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