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Message From The Angels: Are You Feeling Anger, Fatigue, or Flow?

Message From The Angels: Are You Feeling Anger, Fatigue, or Flow?

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are so many times when we wish you could see yourselves the way we see you. 

We wish you could see your light, your beauty, and how well you are all doing in your evolution. Many of you reading this are rare on your earth. There are few who truly understand themselves as vibrational beings, and those who do are still challenged to overcome the old three-dimensional conditioning. Many of you are the first generation to shift your understanding of the nature of reality. You are breaking new ground upon your earth by remembering how you intended to live before you came.  

You are, by example, helping others learn that life can be kinder and easier than most were led to believe. As you embrace the 5D paradigm of calibrating your energy to an outcome and acting only in a joyful flow (rather than the 3D paradigm of using effort alone), you will see things come to you in miraculous ways. Others will want to know what you are doing and why your lives are working more easily.

While you are learning to embrace this new paradigm, there will still be challenges along the way, as the old habits of thought conflict with your new understandings. There will be times when try as you may, it is difficult to focus on something pleasant. Love yourself anyway, as you are, for even choosing to love yourself when you feel less than loving will raise your vibration.

The past few years have driven all of you deeper into your hearts. That is why so many of you are suddenly intolerant of things you once settled for. So many of you are reconnecting with people who nourish your spirits and disconnecting from those who don't. Many of you are picking up new hobbies or getting rid of old commitments. 

There is a huge movement upon your planet, although not widely acknowledged, to dive deeper into your hearts and live more authentic lives. 

When, in a given moment, you are living in alignment with your heart and soul, you will feel energized, hopeful, or happy. When you are not in alignment, it is easy to feel sad or angry. When your flow is guiding you to act gently, and you try to "push the river," you'll feel the exhaustion of going against a current of love that is trying to help you achieve all your desires in a kind and loving way. When you are in alignment, feeling your feelings, accepting and loving yourself through them, you'll feel amazing. What you call "miracles" will flow to you.

Honoring your own personal flow of love is the most joyous feeling in the world. Resisting it is becoming more and more of a challenge.

This fast flow of love is also why so many on your planet are angry as of late. It is difficult in this fast-moving current to ignore or stuff your feelings. Those who have stuffed feelings for a lifetime are experiencing emotional "eruptions" as their hearts begin to awaken. 

For those who are aware of the value of their feelings, these emotional outbursts provide clarity and guidance that help them move back toward a path of greater joy.

For others, these feelings are upsetting as they look around and see they are not yet where they want to be.

For still others, the feelings are so upsetting that they look for someone or something to blame, often trying to find company in their unhappy state of being.

In all cases, your feelings tell you one and only one thing — how close or far you are from alignment with your heart, your soul, and the loving flow that guides you.  

Those who aim their anger at you "know not what they do." They don't yet understand that their anger is a result of their own misalignment. It is easier to blame someone else for unpleasant feelings. It takes more work to admit that the upset occurs because someone or something has made it difficult for you to focus in a way that feels like love. 

When you are upset, the quickest way out is to refocus on something or someone or some thought that feels more like love.

When someone aims their upset at you, or when you witness unthinkable behaviors around you, you still get to decide how much power to give them. You get to choose where and what you place your focus upon. As you refocus on something that feels better, the unkind or unthinkable behaviors become irrelevant to you. What matters more is focusing on anything that feels like love. Here, you will find not only your joy, your guidance, and your solutions, but in this vibration, you will also contribute to a better and more peaceful world. 

You can more effectively handle the situations and people in your life from a place of feeling good than when you allow them to manipulate your feelings or actions with lower behaviors. You can more effectively solve the world's problems in a vibration of loving solutions. You can more easily feel the presence of your dear ones in spirit when you reach for the vibration of love that they live within.

This fast-moving flow is also why many of you vacillate between incredible energy and passion at times and sheer exhaustion at others. When aligned with your heart, you will feel boundless energy. Fighting your natural impulse to feel good will be exhausting. Criticizing yourself or others causes resistance to love and will also tire you. 

The key to being re-energized is simpler than most think. Listen to your body. It has great wisdom. Listen to your mind when you receive an impulse to do something pleasant. Listen to your emotions and see them as barometers guiding you to a path of love.

Something as simple as listening to your body and taking a nap can rejuvenate you and make your whole day flow more easily.

Something as simple as craving a certain food and going to get it for dinner may give you the exact nutrients your body is calling for.  

The urge to explore a new hobby might lead you to the person you wanted to meet, or calling a person that pops into your mind might lead you to an answer you seek.

We guide you always, along the kindest path. When you listen to your heart you are close to that path. When you feel good, you are on that path. When you feel upset at anything or anyone, you're having a temporary wobble. The moment you refocus on something that feels better, you'll be back on track and receive our loving impulses.

Despite current appearances, your world is moving towards greater love. There are many growing pains as pe ple find their hearts coming to the surface as never before. So many don't know what to do with the strong feelings. But you do. You know they tell you a great deal about whether or not you are aligned with your heart, soul, and guidance. 

Give yourselves permission to feel good even when life is not as you wish, when people are not as you wish, and even when someone has been unkind to you. You need not join those in denser vibrations. You can, instead, choose a happier train of thought and, in so doing, grant yourself the freedom to live in a vibration of love. Here, on the path of heart, you will find the grace, goodness, and guidance you so dearly desire.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

My life has been working weirdly well lately. It always works, but lately, things are flowing like magic, even more so than usual. I no sooner ask for help than help comes... as long as I'm aligned with love in some fashion.

"God, I want to take down my spring decorations and put up the summer ones." I imagine how much I love a clean, organized, and happy space. A client cancels at the end of the day, I get the sudden urge to haul boxes, and less than a day later, a task that usually takes a whole weekend is done.

"God, my storage unit smells horrible. Please fix it." I imagine the scent of fresh air. The management there suddenly discovers someone in a nearby unit had food that had turned into a rat buffet! The unit was cleared out and now everything smells fresh and clean.

"God I want to find time to prepare the garden for summer." Suddenly, during a lunch break, I found myself wandering into the yard, shovel in hand. Quickly, the tomato seedlings were replanted in their permanent homes, the cucumbers were staked, and I harvested peppers, zucchini, and kale.

These are small, silly examples, but ones that made life flow more smoothly and freed me up to do more of the work I do.

I'm seeing many clients pop into this space too, where things are coming far more easily as they surrender to their spirit. I've also seen a lot of chaos. With so many conflicting energies around us, it is easy to wobble out of love. Luckily, it is just as easy to return to it.  When something wobbles me—be it personal or something in the world—I focus back on simple pleasures. My squash are blooming. The chives are producing like like crazy. I am drying lemon thyme and oregano this week. The bees are buzzing on the lavender. I just finished another coloring book, and have others in the works, and I love my clients. The newsletter is flowing even though I put it off till Friday night. Life is good. I live by heart.

Heart-based living is far from an inactive state of being. It is a state of being in which you actions are loving, guided, and effective. The more you focus on what feels like love to you, the more love you will feel. And the more love you feel, the more loving you can be. The more loving you can be, the better you feel. It is an upward spiral, and as you practice focusing on things that make your heart happy, you enter into a state of positive momentum in which life itself seems to carry you to the good.

When I fight my heart for even a moment, I feel the fatigue of resisting the currents of love. When I get back in alignment with my heart, I have unexplainable energy. I was passionately working on a project the other night when I suddenly got tired. So, at 3am, I took a short nap and woke up energized and ready for more. This "schedule" made no logical sense to my scientific mind, but my heart told me it was OK in the moment.

Best of all, as you practice honoring the heart, it becomes easier to get back in alignment when you have a wobble or when someone is unkind. The other day someone took out their pain on me. Because I took a moment to go out and breathe in the fresh air and look at nature in its glorious majesty, I was able to offer this individual a kind and loving response. It felt good to respond rather than react. I was in integrity with my spirit. "Giving in," "being right," or "defending yourself" never feels as good as deciding what to do consciously and doing it with love.

So when you see the crazy dance going on around you, when someone is upsetting or unkind, or when you simply feel out of sorts because you've accidentally tuned into something unpleasant, remind yourself that it isn't that hard to get back in the stream of love.

Here are a few pointers to help you get back to your heart, even when you wobble:

1.   Try not to take anything personally

Remind yourself that no matter what comes at you, other people are acting, speaking, and thinking as they are because of their own alignment or misalignment with love. It has nothing to do with you even if they aim it at you. If a person aligned with love praises you they do it because the love inside of them wants to flow. If a person far from love attacks you they do it because they are so pinched off from their own connection to love they want company in their misery.

Remind yourself often. The words, behaviors, and thoughts of others are about them. Enjoy the kind ones. Love in any form is part of the One love. Meanwhile, make the unkind ones irrelevant. Pray for the souls lost in their anger and pain, but there's no need to engage with that energy.

When I was learning to deal with unpleasant behaviors, the angels had me watch two shows: "The Dog Whisperer" and "Supernanny." In both cases the star of the show handled either badly behaved dogs or kids with firmness, but with love. It was a revelation to see people exhibiting strong boundaries without a trace of upset or misalignment from love! Neither of these "role models" ever took the unpleasant behaviors personally. They had compassion for the animal or child exhibiting them. In that powerful vibration of love, they were able to transform the situation.

2. Remember that other people do not think like you

One of the things that used to drive me nuts was wondering how on earth unkind people could think and act as they do. Quickly I learned—through the angels' eyes—that everyone sees life very differently. Everyone has different life circumstances, a different history, and different beliefs. Behaviors I might consider insane are normal for others. I no longer assume others will, or even should, think as I do.

It will save you a lot of time and energy if you can accept that people think very differently than you and instead of wondering how they can be so ridiculous, you ask God to help you understand them. If you pray this with sincerity, you will see some of the craziest people on earth, even some with the most heinous behaviors, as children crying for love. With understanding, we can stop wasting our time in judgment or confusion and pray for the upliftment of all.

3. Give yourself permission to feel better

It is hard when something has wobbled you out of grace to remind yourself that you have permission to be happy. When someone is nasty, or you see something unthinkable on the news, or you have something challenging pop up in life, your first = thought is not likely to be, "Time to get happy!"  However, if you can remind yourself, "No matter what is going on, the better I feel, the quicker life will get better," then you can give yourself permission to look for anything good to raise your vibe. I wasn't conditioned this way, but now, when someone is unkind or I see something disturbing, my first thought is, "How can I feel better right here and now?"

When you make your vibration the most important thing in your life it makes sense to find something to feel good about no matter what else is going on. In grief you will find your connection more easily. In debt you will plug into abundance more quickly. In relationships your positive mood will uplift or drive away the negative. We can't help but move toward our solutions when we find a happier vibe. It makes sense. Give yourself permission :)

We can't change the world all at once. We can't fix the anger flying around in the world. But we can a our own space, our own mood, and our own vibrations. We can give ourselves permission not to do the crazy dance with others even when they want to engage. We can choose to be kind to ourselves and, in so doing, find greater compassion for ourselves and others.

One soul at a time, often one thought at a time, our world becomes a kinder place :)

Have a blessed week,

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.
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