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Little Angels' Message: Keep the Candle Burning - Insights from the Angels

Little Angels' Message: Keep the Candle Burning - Insights from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Imagine you have a candle or little lamp that is your light in the darkness. 

If a wind were to blow, you would protect its flame. If the oil or the wax were to run low, you would give it more fuel. If someone tried to blow out the flame, you would do your best to move away from the unpleasant individual. If you were walking in darkness, you would go to great lengths to protect your light.

Likewise, in a world of contrast, it is important to care for the light within you. It is a kindness to yourself and those around you to keep yourself in as peaceful a state as possible. When you fuel your spirit with ideas, thoughts, activities, and surroundings that nourish your soul, you keep that candle burning within. You can't always change your circumstances, and you certainly can't change those around you, but you can always shift your attention. You can choose to exist in an inner space where your light cannot be dimmed.

For just a moment, shut your eyes and ask a simple question. "Dear Spirit of Light of Love within me, would you like to focus on right now?" See what pops into your mind. The spirit of Love that lives within you is nothing less than the Love that creates worlds. The Divine always knows what will warm your heart, bring a smile to your face, or lift you up. In times of fear, you may be surprised at the tiny little things that pop into your mind to answer this question, but they will, nonetheless, bring you a moment of comfort or joy.

When something upsets you, ask, "Dear Spirit of Light of Love within me, would you like to focus on right now?" Take a moment and luxuriate in the thought.

When something worries you, ask, "Dear Spirit of Light of Love within me, would you like to focus on right now?" Take a moment and feel the comfort that is being offered.

When you can't fix something, someone, or some situation, stop and ask, "Dear Spirit of Light of Love within me, would you like to focus on right now?" The same Source that offers you this moment of goodness can guide you to solutions for any of life's challenges.

There will never be a time on earth when everything is perfect. There will never be a time when two people agree on everything. It is a world of diversity, with billions of souls making millions of choices every day.

There are some things in your world that you will never feel good about. They'll make you sad, upset or inspire feelings of helplessness. On a third-dimensional level, there may be nothing you can do, and it may feel impossible to feel anything other than grief or anger as you watch senseless, unloving acts in your world. Don't waste that little candle trying to make the dark become light. Focus instead on what fuels your light and illuminate the darkness. The candle does not fight the dark. It shines, and the dark disappears in its presence.

In practical terms, you could spend a lifetime looking at the horrors upon your earth, feeling angry, sad, and helpless. You would do nothing to shift them. Alternatively, you could briefly look at this darkness and turn towards tending your light. Become a beacon, dear ones. In a world where so many feel hopeless, demonstrate that the light is alive and well with your kindness. In a world where there are the loud minority who are cruel, continue to outnumber them with your kindness. In a world where the lost and empty shout at one another and try to stir up fear and anger, be the waves of peace that drown out their angry missives. In a world where so much of what you see is manipulation, tend to the quiet light of truth within and focus on what you know to be right for yourself.

Dear ones, that little candle isn't trying to put out the darkness. It just wants to shine, and shine, and shine every more brightly. The light of love within you wants to rest, be kind, and interact harmoniously and beautifully. When others do not, it is okay to "turn the other cheek" and remain silent, walk away, or simply observe. It is okay to focus on the sensation of a warm cup of tea and appreciate its comfort even when so many struggle. You can't stop some things in your 3D world. They must play themselves out until the actors in the play choose new roles, but you can stop yourselves from participating in those vibrations.

You have a precious light inside of you. Fuel it with what delights, comforts, uplifts, and inspires you. This light, dear ones, is your heart, your kindness, and your love. It is the Divine within always striving to find that which brings ease, comfort, and joy.

Relax and receive. We are always fanning that flame with our guidance. "Look here. Let us share a beautiful thought. It might be time to take a walk." In so many small and precious ways, we whisper thoughts, ideas, and inspirations that will help to keep your light alive and bright.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

I went on a beautiful hike last weekend in one of Mother Nature's cathedrals. The forest was packed with people, but just a few minutes off the beaten trail, I was alone. The smell of baked grasses perfumed the air. A hint of cool wafted through the late summer sunkissed air, and the pines swayed gently. I found a favorite rock under a favorite grandmother pine tree, leaned up against her massive support, and shut my eyes. In the distance, you could hear the whoops and laughter of children playing in the leaves, but it soon faded into a glorious silence all around.

A squirrel interrupted the quiet, chattering excitedly. Once a year, I share his spot, and he's not too keen on the idea, but we get along. The daughter and granddaughter pines ring the ancient one in a dense circle. I slip into a reverie and awaken just in time to see two ravens flying directly at me. Their glistening wings make whooshing sounds as they dodge the smaller pines and fly over my head. The mountain, the boulder, the trees, the breeze, and I become one.

I reawakened into my Ann-self, bursting with gratitude for the peace, and prayed with all my heart that this feeling radiate outward into the world.

Later that night, the little angels came to me. In the midst of creating images for future t-shirts, I found myself typing in completely different prompts. The first little angel holding her dove appeared before my eyes. Guided by these brilliant souls, I continued to refine the words and make more images until they were satisfied. Then, off to Photoshop I went, feeling again inspired by these magnificent beings. Their appearance was young and small, but their light warmed my heart and embraced me with exquisite calm. I felt blanketed with an invisible energy of love. In them, I felt the heartbeat of the Divine and the peace of knowing we are part of an unfolding greater plan.

They gave me no words, but the feeling was one of, "We know what we're doing. Watch the awakening. Be patient. We are with you." I have no idea if these were children who left in recent events coming from heaven to share their love or if they were little souls reminding us that life—glorious, eternal, undying Life itself springs forth again and again in each new soul, in each new flower popping through the cracks of a bombed out building, and in every act of thought of peace and kindness that comes from within our own heart.

One cannot hate when staring at such pure love. They want to share their... I wanted to say "their hope," but "knowing" is the word they insist upon. In spite of what feels like a crazy world, they are beacons of peace. We are too.

Even though we're in an intense and bumpy time, I know our world is heading towards more love. The sheer enthusiasm and force of love in each new little one that comes to this planet is mighty and beautiful and will not be diminished. Look at all you have gone through in your life and feel your own beautiful heart. You love. You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't want to reach for an experience of more love.

We know why we're here, maybe not specifically, but in the bigger picture. We're here to love. We're here to keep those flames within burning brightly. When the world displays its darkness and tries to make us think that is a power greater than God, just shut your eyes, go within, or look at these little angels who made their way through me and a computer program to share their love, their hope, and their inspiration. They can help you remember what lives in you.

We gift the world when we allow ourselves joy and the experiences that we genuinely love. We will spill over if we fill our cups first. We will shine brightly if we protect our light and walk away or remain silent in the presence of those who would dim it.

These little angels wanted to share their tips with us today to help us remember that innocent, beautiful, magnificent spark of light within our own hearts:

1.  "Don't worry, there's always something good."

The spirit who inspired the girl on the right of the photo shared this message with me. Don't worry; there's always something good. She gave me the impression of the few seconds of shock one feels when a blast pierces the air, and you run for your mommy, feeling the warmth of her love engulf you. No matter that death is coming with the next breath. She felt only warmth and safety. They went into the light this way together.

This one touched my heart. When beings in heaven take me into an experience such as this, it is hard to find words to convey the presence of God in their midst.

When life has you down, scares you, upsets you, or when it's just plain hard, look around.There's always something good.

2. "Don't worry about us"

The wise one, second from the right, reminds us that the so-called deceased are in a state of bliss, unlike anything we can comprehend on earth. Death is not to be feared. She reminds me that living in a state of disconnection from love is the scariest thing of all. "We're happy." I hear the innocent voice in my mind and feel the presence of the Divine pulsing through them. They know who they are.

The angels say that fear of death lurks behind all fears. If we fear losing our home, our money, or even a relationship, it is the fear of a "death" to a way of life. It is the clinging to form that allows fear to override our love. All physical forms are temporary, but the spirit is indestructible. If we place our attention on that spirit of Love, we allow it to nourish every thought in our minds and every cell in our bodies. If we lose a home or even our keys, then, temporarily, a form we love is gone. Nonetheless, its essence cannot be taken from us and can manifest in our lives once again, often miraculously.

Likewise, with our dear ones, in heaven, it feels like they're gone when their bodies die, but if we can focus on love, share love, and believe in that eternity of their love and their being, we'll start to experience them as radiantly as these children who want you to feel their love.

3. "We're here for you"

"Remember," the little one on the left tells me, "We're here for you." "You have angels and angels and more angels," the joyful sprite in the front shares with an exuberance only the pureof heart can feel. Angels and angels and more angels!

The little angels who inspired these pictures want you to feel them in spirit, seeing only your purity, innocence, and light. They know who you are as surely as they know their connection with the Source. They want you to receive their love. "And never, ever, ever judge yourself," the joyful tot says.

The souls who inspired these images are real. The spirit of love is very real. The eternal, indestructible spirit of light that lives in all of us, no matter how bright or dim our spark, cannot be killed, bombed, or destroyed. It cannot be diminished. It lives in the body but was here before it and continues after. We can feel it or not, fan its flames or not, but it lives quietly, waiting for us to share it in ways great and small.

Never apologize for enjoying your life. Don't feel ashamed when you cannot. There's no need to feel guilty about walking away from the unkind, and certainly, no need to feel embarrassed when you cannot. We are all as pure, innocent, and beautiful as these little beings who chose to share their love with all of us today. More keep coming to me – these beautiful innocent ones in heaven like to talk. I will have to wait to see how they want to express their love and wisdom. Meanwhile, you inspire me, as we all do our best to care for that little flame of the Divine that burns brightly within our own hearts.

Have a blessed week,

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.
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