A Message from the Angels: Your Focus Shapes the World
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- Written by Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
So many believe their journey here on the earth would be so much easier if everyone behaved and thought as they did, but in reality, you would quickly become bored.
You didn't come to earth for sameness. You came for the contrast. You came to dip your toes in a delicious reality of differences and sort through them, finding your heart in the mix. And then, after all this stimulus, you were determined to create. You knew that you would tune yourself to dreams as yet undreamt and, therefore call the unseen love into physical reality.
You are part of ongoing creation!
Nonetheless, being human is challenging when you witness people who rub you the wrong way, doing things you can't imagine doing, and saying things you can't even comprehend. While there is much more to enjoy and appreciate on your planet, the ones you don't enjoy seem to grab the spotlight of your attention far too easily. We know this frustrates many of you. You'd rather think about your best friend than an unpleasant ex. You'd rather focus on your child than the person ranting on the news. You'd rather be in the garden than worry about what you saw on social media this morning.
You all prefer to feel good.
As sensitive souls, you feel the tugs and pulls of others' desires, and it takes practice to learn that you can tune out the noise. Generally, it is not positive people doing positive things who try to command your attention. Those who contribute to the world offer their services, products, and ideas, hoping to attract your attention, rather than demanding it
More often than not, the insecure, fearful, and angry souls are the ones ttrying to command your attention. They want someone to keep them company in their current state of being. You can feel their desire for agreement and their need to have you validate their pain.
Have compassion for anyone in this space. Share love and kindness with them if you are inspired to do so, and move away when you are not.
However, dear ones, as masters of your own focus, you need not "tune" your energy where they are tuned. You can choose to tune into love, kindness, compassion, ot tune into anything else that feels better when you cannot.
It will take some practice to stay in your vibration of choice. Most of you are well-practiced in the art of pleasing others rather than pleasing the spirit of love within.
Even the most wonderful, well-meaning souls with good things to offer would like you to pay attention to their words and wares. They may offer wonderful wisdom and good products, but if you want something else you will feel the tension between your desire and theirs—unless you have become very strong and centered in your own point of view. This inner tug of war manifests as doubts in your own inner knowing and feelings of confusion.
For example, say you want to accomplish a task but get caught scrolling past one video after the next. These things aren't necessarily bad, but instead of doing what you wanted to do, you get drawn into paying attention to what someone else wants you to focus on. You may feel frustrated when you realize an hour has gone by. Grant yourself grace. Refocus and move forward.
You may want a brief overview of the news, but a dramatic story draws you in and upsets you. Again, time to back up, tune into something kinder, and regain the vibration you intended to have throughout your day.
You want to enjoy some quiet time, but the one person in your life with complaints calls you. You feel yourself going to answer as if a magnet pulls you. It is ok to turn off the ringer on your phone and answer later!
In these and so many other ways, you find your attention wandering and not always where you wanted it to be. And here is a subtle but important note in your process of manifesting...
The topic you are focusing on matters less than the vibration it inspires within you.
You've heard the saying, "Energy flows where attenion goes." You may be manifesting a wonderful partner, but if your attention is going toward all the people you consider crazy and who upset you, your vibration will be all muddied up with a mixture of hope and disgust. Look for the good people in the world and enjoy them. Appreciate your life and your friends. Enjoy your day. In this way, you attune to a harmonious life and harmonious relationships.
Likewise, you may be manifesting vibrant health, but if you focus on fixing your illness, talk about your illness, and endlessly research ways to prevent the illness, you may become so tired, confused, or fearful that you dilute your vibration of well-being. Far better to read a good book, take a walk,spend time with your animals, or watch an inspiring video. Theset hings put you in a good vibration which allows you desired well-being.
No matter what the world or circumstances around you are doing, your attention, your calibration, and your thoughts, filters, and focus that ultimately control your vibration.
So, as you look at the world, change your focus as often as you need to maintain a kinder vibration. Either focus on things, beings, and situations that raise you up, or think more elevating thoughts.
Even if you are stuck in a situation that does not feel good, use your attention to focus on something better in either your inner or outer world. In every situation, dear ones, you can focus your attention on something that bothers you or something that uplifts you.
Focusing in a way that feels good is much easier when faced with pleasant, cooperative individuals, but as you strive to practice shifting your attention and focusing on what feels better, you can master the ability to become the tuner you are, thus sifting and sorting through all the different energetic offerings on your planet, and deciding which ones you will embrace to attract new and wonderful situations into your life.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Message from Ann
Hi Everyone,
People frequently ask me, "What is happening to our world?" As always, the angels respond from their higher perspective..
In 2020, billions of souls were forced to dive inward and be alone with their own thoughts and feelings. Many who had never slowed down enough to feel their hearts were suddenly faced with overpowering sensations of fear, frustration, or discontent with their lives. Many were in close proximity to loved ones, being forced to relate in much deeper ways than usual. Some, of course, loved their time alone in silence, but many, who were forced deep into their own hearts emerged with a huge desire for change. People discovered that they didn't like driving to work, they missed their family and friends, and they valued nature over excessive tech. All the "must-do's" that we took for granted were questioned. We shifted closer to our hearts and our essential selves.
A vibrational call for change was put forth by the billions, calling and allowing massive waves of love to enter our 3D reality.
Last year, the desire for change reached a fever pitch, but instead of people reaching inside themselves to create their own small changes, a great many wanted vast and sweeping changes in the external world. People wanted their candidate or their leader to lead the charge of change. Many feared that if their candidate wasn't selected, the changes would be miserable. And with all this focus on giving one's power to the outer world, there were a great many people thinking in ways the soul would never think.
As a result, 2024 felt like a storm front with conflicting energies, "I want change, but I don't want to change, Let someone else make the changes, but not the ones I fear..." "This candidate will save us. That one will ruin us". Many felt the turbulence from this misalignment, from this wobble far away from our essential nature, which is love.
This year, things are shifting again. I'm seeing more people starting projects, cleaning house, and taking small steps towards the lives or goals they want. The energy is in motion again. For better or worse, we're going to see a lot of big changes this year. The angels remind me always that the ones that matter in our own lives are the changes we make to live a little more lovingly, to take care of ourselves a little more, to do a little more of what we want, and to be a little kinder. AI, isn't going to take over the world, and others "in power" aren't going to save us, or destroy us. That is all up to us, one soul, one decision at a time. And with each loving decision, no matter how seemingly small, our world becomes a kinder place.
So, as we ride the waves of change, it is important to stay in our own vibrational lane. The day I wrote the song I discussed last week, I was feeling grateful for people who saved the life of a dear one. I could have spiraled into tears of despair when I got the news they were in the ER again.That's what the world tells me to do. But that wouldn't do me, my loved one, or the people I serve a bit of good. Had tears overwhelmed me, I would have surrendered to them and loved myself through it, but by the grace of God, something else came flowing through. We elevate ourselves when we can, and when we can't, we can always love ourselves through it.
It is easy to focus the way the others want us to focust . It is easy to get drawn into doing, believing, or feeling whatever others want us to do, believe, or feel. That's fine if the information resonates with you, but it serves the world far more if we check in with our hearts from time to time and ensure our words, thoughts, beliefs, and actions align with our desires. In this fashion, we stay aware of our connection to love and navigate life with grace and guidance, no matter the circumstances.
Here are a few ways to stay in your center or get back to it when something or someone you don't enjoy has grabbed your attention:
1. Don't worship false idols
No matter who is doing or saying what in the world, God is still God. No matter the economy, the politics, the state of healthcare, or the traffic on the highway, God is still God—not the grandpa in the sky we learned about rolling up balls of clay, breathing life into them, and judging them. Rather God is the presence of love living in and around all things, guiding them only to greater love. Align with love, and no matter what the world or others are doing, the Presence will guide, inform, and elevate you above the noise.
2. ReFocus off Topic
Sometimes, something is so shocking, disturbing, or difficult that there is no way you can focus on it and feel good. No matter how hard you try to find something better-feeling about the situation, the not-so-good overwhelms your thoughts. This is where the age-old parenting technique of distraction works wonders. You might not be able to feel good about XYZ, but there are countless things in the world, nature, or the local supermarket to feel good about.
Focus off-topic for a while to regain a positive vibration.
It isn't cheating. We are tuners. The topic doesn't matter. The vibes make a huge difference in what you attract in the future.
3. Grant others Grace
Whether in the quiet office at work, or on stage in the world theater, everyone is working out their stuff. Everyone is attempting to grow, whether they know it or not. Everyone is reaching for love whether they know it or not. The crazier and meaner they are, the more misaligned from the spirit of love. The ones that bother you the most are the most hurting. Instead of driving ourselves crazy trying to figure out what drives them (unless that helps you find compassion), look away, pray, or remember that they, too, need love. Imagine light engulfing them.
As we stay in a space of love, compassion, or even distract ourselves to focus on something better, our lives will improve.
These are wild times of change, but if you take it one day at a time, and remember the power of aligning with love, your changes can be beautiful, graceful, and easy. If you focus often on things and thoughts that elevate you, you can move through life with a grace that seems surreal at times. I've pinched myself often as of late, wondering how on earth it is possible to smile and create even despite so much going on both in my personal life and the world. will continue to guide and protet us. Love is, after all, the highest frequency.
It all boils down to a few simple things—caring about how we feel, recalibrating to love often, and trusting that the the Presence and power that live within us, will continue to guide and protet us. Love is, after all, the highest frequency.
Have a blessed week,
The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission.
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