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A Message from the Angels: Path to True Freedom

A Message from the Angels: Path to True Freedom

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We know and understand that you have a great many human priorities. 

You have to pay your bills and taxes. You have to eat, sleep, and take care of your body. Many of you have children or animals, elders, or loved ones that depend on you. You don't always have the freedom to do as you wish in a given moment. You don't always have the freedom to buy what you want in a given moment. You don't always have the freedom to say what you want without living with the consequences.  You can't always do everything you want all at once.  In a sense, your 3D freedoms will always seem a little bit limited.

However, you always have the capacity for spiritual freedom. You always have the capacity to choose love. You always have the capacity to look for the good. You always have the capacity to think your own thoughts, come to your own conclusions, and vibrate to the tune of your desired reality. Unless you make yourself a slave to ideologies, beliefs, or the demands of others, you are free in 5D.

There are so many in the world who want you to believe as they do. Some are truly passionate about their beliefs and want to share them with others. Some are fearful or miserable and want you to keep them company in their fear or misery, by "co-miserating" with them.  Some want to benefit by controlling your minds. There are whole industries that can either be helpful if you use them or rob you of your freedoms if you let them use you. There are whole industries that can be useful to the soul in their presentation of contrast, or detrimental to the soul if you allow them to drive you to fear and despair.  

There are so many things in life that can either harm or help depending on what you believe about them and how you choose to interact with them.  Coffee for example, is comfort to some, medicine to others, and poison to yet another group of individuals. The medicines that saves one person can kill another. The television station that informs and amuses some people can inspire hatred or life-threatening anxiety in others.

The challenge in your human existence is not to avoid life itself but rather to avoid worshipping false idols—to avoid giving your power to be happy or hateful, sick or well, anxious or secure—to the outer world. Instead, give that power to the Creator, who loves you with a love that is beyond any human reason or understanding.

Give your power to be happy or hateful to the love that lives within you that will always choose the kinder reality.

Give your power to be anxious or secure to the love in which you can always rest securely.

Give your power to be sick or well to the one who created all systems and bodies in perfection and seeks always to bring them back into greater balance.

We are not suggesting you withdraw from the world, throw away your televisions, or avoid Western medicine. We are suggesting that you prioritize a relationship with the Divine.

It takes only minutes a day, if that, to say a few quick prayers.

It takes only minutes a day to sit, breathe, and receive your Creator's love.

It takes only seconds to stop when confused and say, "Ok, God, here are my objectives. What's next?"

Dear ones, within you, you have the ultimate healer, helper, advisor, lover, guide, and assistant. Within you you have the power that creates worlds and keeps you breathing. Within you, you have the love that you seek in all things you desire and in all relationships you pursue.

That love is there for the taking, waiting for you to believe and receive.  And you are always free to receive that love. You are always free to allow that love to flow through you.  Even when it appears nothing is going your way in 3D, you can stop, breathe, and receive the love that you so desperately crave to connect with, and in so doing, help, assistance, answer, and the next step will be available to you.

Dear ones, you can't always have your way in 3D in a given moment, but you can always have the love that you crave and the freedom to vibrate in alignment with that or not in the 5D reality.  Allow yourselves to receive this love. Allow yourself to turn to this love. Talk to the Divine as your best friend, for in truth, you can have no greater or more eternal friend. Rest in this, dear ones. You are truly free—free to believe as you wish, free to love, and free to be the person you want to be, even before life and the 3D world catch up with that reality.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

I've been knee-deep in legal papers and accounting this week as I continue to transition to an LLC. Many of you know this. You have to open new bank accounts, get new credit cards, and change everything your old information is tied to. You have to sign things meticulously with the correct terms. You have to transfer ownership of various business assets. You have to establish new contracts with people you hire from time to time, and you have to balance books from the old company for taxes and do it again for the new one.  It is all totally doable. It is just a lot of work.

In the 3D sense, many aspects of this process are not optional, and honestly, not my definition of a good time!  In the 5D sense, I get to choose whether or not I will enjoy life while I'm going through the process.  I chose to look for things to enjoy... and life has been reflecting that choice back to me in the most magnificent ways.

When I was stuck with my head spinning because I didn't understand some paperwork last weekend, I sat, breathed, and relaxed into Divine love. I was inspired to ask ChatGPT (artificial intelligence) to tutor me. I fed it whole legal documents and asked it to translate them for me, paragraph-by-paragraph, into plain English. I dialogued with it about what they meant in my specific case. I asked it about how to best look for the right credit cards and which ones might work for my needs. I had it instruct me on how to apply for a new business license and tax ID and what codes to use on certain forms. I fact-checked, of course, but the time it saved me was immense!  I even asked it for a tutorial on how to create a new company in QuickBooks without losing all my old clients, lists, and data, and 30 seconds later, I had my instructions, complete with well-wishes and cute emojis! 

The more I looked for things to appreciate, the more help and kindness the world showed me. I decided to go for a cold plunge to clear my mind and arrived just in time as the guys working there played drums and smudged the place, allowing me to slip into the most blissful meditation. 

I suddenly wanted to pick herbs from the backyard and met the guy who helps with my pool for the first time. He was a delightful person who knew all about the wildlife and birds he'd seen in my yard and loves nature as much as I do. 

I had to wait for more paperwork midweek, so I made cute, dorky Halloween t-shirts for my Etsy store late after work Tues night and enjoyed every bit of that!  When I get my LLC accomplished, I'm going to open another Etsy shop selling digital clipart since I need an outlet for the cute pink dinosaurs (and other insanely darling things) I've created! 

Yes, this is still me—the mystic that channels angels and healing energy, who loves nature, gardening, and more :) We are not limited beings. We can live in connection with the Divine and find a multitude of diverse things to enjoy in 3D as well. Best of all, the more we prioritize our relationships with the Divine, the easier even the tough things in 3D become. I am not naturally cut out for paperwork with such legalese on it, but with God and the good people who were sent to assist, I am managing it quite nicely.  With God, I've learned things I didn't think I could learn. With God, I've achieved dreams I didn't know how to achieve. With God, I've been able to help my loved ones in ways I could not have on my own.

The world often tries to tell us what we must do to be happy, healthy, etc. We're bombarded with all sorts of ideas that people think we "should" listen to. Sometimes, the advice resonates. When it does not, trust your own inner authority. Trust the stirrings that the Creator put in your own heart.  We don't always get our way in the 3D world in a given moment. But if we claim our freedom in the 5D world by going to God and managing our minds, eventually, the 3D world catches up and always, gives us more than we'd ask for.

Here are a few ways to cultivate your relationship with the Divine:

1. Look for Places where you feel Divine Presence

Some people feel the inspired and elevated feelings of Divine love in a formal religious service. Others find it more easily alone in a quiet church.  Some find God's majesty more easily in nature.  Some find God in their relationships with humans or animals, and some find God's love at their kitchen table, drinking their morning coffee and appreciating life. 

Ask yourself, where do I feel most elevated, inspired, and peaceful? What type of environment facilitates these feelings? If it is a church, visit regularly. If it is a social group, attend. If it is nature, get outside or watch nature videos that inspire. If you find God's love in the eyes of your dog, make time to enjoy that relationship. 

We all find God in so many different places. None are better or worse. What matters only is this: Where do you most easily feel the Divine? Where do you feel most elevated, inspired, and peaceful? How can you bring this into your life? 

2. Create Rituals or Practices that help you feel Divine Presence

While you can feel closer to God in some places more easily than others, you can also feel closer to God by engaging in certain practices. For some, this is meditation or prayer. For others, it is acts of service. Some love to journal and find this Presence coming through their hearts and words. Some people feel God's love while working out, cooking, or making time for family and friends. Some light candles and stare at the flame.

How you find the love of God may be completely different than anyone else you know. Experiment with little rituals or practices that make you feel closer to the Creator. Whether or not they work for anyone else is irrelevant. This is about your relationship with the Divine.

3. Start talking to this Presence like a friend

If you grew up in a traditional belief system, chances are you approached God more formally than necessary. There's no need to prove your worthiness. The Creator already considers you worthy. Talk to the Divine like a friend.

Years ago, someone I'd known for a long time came to me for a reading. This otherwise casual person was dressed in business attire for the reading. I had to ask! "Why are you all dressed up?"  "I'm talking to Archangel Michael today," he said. "OMG! He's seen you in your birthday suit!  He's seen you before you had a birthday suit!!!!" We both laughed. Such formalities are totally unnecessary.

When you talk to God like a friend, you emit a vibration of love, worthiness, and expectation that the prayers will be fulfilled. "God, I'm not sure how I will fit lunch in today. Can you help things go smoothly?" "Hey God, my computer sound isn't working. I need help figuring out which cord is messed up this weekend." "God, please heal my loved one." "Hi God, grant me patience and compassion, please." "God, I want a hug," and I sit down and feel the sweet softness of unconditional love pour over me.

The best friend you will ever have is the Presence of Love that lives within and loves us more than we love ourselves.

There's a tendency to think having a relationship with the Divine must look a certain way, but it doesn't have to be formal. It doesn't have to be earned, and it doesn't have to be accomplished according to any particular belief system. It is in a steady flow from the Divine just waiting for us to open and receive.

So when the 3D world isn't perfect, turn to the freedoms within. Allow yourself to choose love or something loving for yourself. Allow yourself to be appreciative for what you can even if you aren't in an idea situation. Exercise the inner freedoms and outer help will come soon enough. In fact, life will start to get magial!

Have a blessed week,

Credit-Ann Albers - Click Here For Bio

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

© Ann Albers, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company, www.visionsofheaven.com

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