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A Message from the Angels: Make Your Biggest Impact Today

A Message from the Angels: Make Your Biggest Impact Today

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You've had a tumultuous week upon your planet, yet so many of you strive to live in peace, reach for the light, and abide in love. We celebrate each and every one of you. 

Every time you make a decision to forgive, you contribute to your world's peace. Every time you decide to be kind to yourself (rather than criticize), you withdraw energy from the vibrations of war. Each time you take a breath and choose patience and tolerance, you begin to build a bridge that will eventually link nations.

Your every thought, word, and deed sends a ripple into the human pond of human consciousness. Your negative energies are weak ripples that do not travel far. Your positive energies are powerful ripples — transmissions of love from the Source itself that you allow to flow freely through you.

When you say a kind word to another, you allow the Source to flow its love through you to that person.

When you acknowledge yourself, you allow the light within to bubble up to the surface and shine more brightly.

When you feel a tiny bit of compassion for anyone, especially someone who annoys you, in that moment, you are granting the vibration of mercy to all.

You are never insignificant, unimportant, or irrelevant to the One. Your smallest choices have a powerful impact on the field. Your Love, dear ones, can help and assist in elevating all beings.

So, rather than feeling powerless to change your world, realize that you change the world in every moment. 

Each time you refrain from criticizing yourself or another, you diffuse the energy that attacks nations.

Each time you help a tiny creature, you share a vibration of hope.

Each time you allow yourself a moment of joy you rob the darkness of the power it can only sustain by wobbling you out of your light.

You are all so much more powerful than you know. Your love is a superpower that can elevate worlds. Your joy is a healing balm that dissolves the darkness. Your kindness and compassion are the bridges that help heal hateful differences.

In the 3D world of form, you may never know how much you do. But someday, when you see things through the eyes of the Divine in heaven, you will come to know the powerful 5D energetic impact you have had upon your earth and the great gifts of love that you have left behind.

Do not fear for your world. Light it up, starting with the smallest kind thoughts, words, and deeds and spiraling out with your ever-increasing love, joy, compassion, kindness, and care.

You are indeed the lights of the world, and the light you shine is the love that lives and breathes in all creation. Allow this love to flow freely within you, whenever and wherever you can, and know that in so doing, you are leaving a gift for this world that will last for eternity.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

It does seem like it was a wild few weeks on the planet, yet aligning with the Divine, returning to love even when I wobble, and practicing what I'll be teaching next week has kept me in a flow that somehow works despite the volume of work and the huge demands for help.

A friend in one of the towns inundated by floods in NC texted another friend, asking for prayers. We got on it asap, sending love to the weather and asking it for mercy.  She later told us that the waters came within a foot of the house and miraculously receded. A family member living in the same town was also spared the flooding.  

A few days later, I had the urge to get groceries "now," so I got in the car and drove to the store. A towering column of smoke loomed just southwest of the city. I knew it was a fire. I stopped before shopping and prayed that the winds would be kind. I found out later it was only a few miles away from another friend's home, but the winds were kind and spared her area.

Still later, I had the urge to call a family member who was having physical troubles. We're working on that.

Meanwhile I am nearly done with my LLC transition except for a challenging platform that won't validate my new business or help me in doing so. I've given that to God for the time being.  

The bank wouldn't let me pay myself even though I've been with them for nearly four decades. Once again, spirit gave me ideas about how to reach help, and now we've got a workaround until the system is fixed.

Yet another friend of mine lost a dear one later in the week, and the Divine grace made time for us to chat. Her wonderful friend in heaven made a strong appearance, and the grief gave way to laughter.

My sprinkler system stopped watering the trees so I enjoyed beautiful three hours outside hand watering everything last weekend and prayed for grace to have time for the repair. Mid-week clients canceled, the repair guys had time to come, and we had a hilarious time trying to communicate in our different languages while the problem got fixed.  Soaked and laughing, I went back to work.

Another friend called to see if I'd heard about the port strikes and offered to come with me on a "hoarding trip," as we called it, to the grocery store! Laughing and joking about the "need" for TP, chocolate, wine, and coffee, we had a lot of fun on our little outing, and even though, thankfully, the shortages did not come to pass, I've got great memories and treats to last till the holidays!

The world has a lot of serious stuff going on, yet here we are, faced with one opportunity to add love after the next. Even amidst storms, and when challenges come quickly, you can still find and feel love. You can still elevate yourself and find a grace-filled flow. You can still feel God and find good.  Every time I teach living the in flow of Grace, I am given opportunities to live it more deeply.

"How can I add love now?" I ask myself often.  "What is good now?" I keep recalibrating to love, even when I wobble. I joke often, No fear-food here for the denser energies. No anger-appetizers for the vibrations that seek to stir up chaos!" Just a return to love time and again. 

Life will be life. There aren't always immediate solutions, but with every elevated thought or action, we contribute to the greater good and either add to our job or stir up more chaos.

Here are a few ways you can return to love and contribute to life even when there's a lot going on:

1.  Look for the good

A family member dealing with health challenges told me about 

 who is taking the internet by storm!  I went on YouTube and found a video where, amidst the scrolling bad news beneath the screen, the lovely reporter shares a delightful story about this big little guy.  My dear one and I laughed and enjoyed sharing the happy thoughts. These are the things we will remember. Not the challenges.

As you look for the good, you attune to the good, feel the good, find the good, and share the good.

2. Choose love

In my young twenties, right before marriage, I was required to go on a Catholic retreat, where I was introduced to the concept that love was not a feeling but rather a choice. It felt empowering even back then to think I was not subject to the capricious whims of feelings triggered by the outside world but rather could choose love.  The understanding has served me to this day.

Something comes your way that you can't control. Choose to love who and what you can, even if you can't love the situation at hand. You'll elevate your frequency, attract more help, and receive your guidance.

Someone frustrates you—in my case this week, it was customer service reps who didn't know what they were talking about. Choose love, even when you don't like something in front of you. There are always qualities and things to love around you, no matter what. You'll avoid causing a mess and remain open to solutions.

You witness horrors in the world. Choose love. How can you share some light with those in need if only using your mind and will? This eliminates the falsehood of powerlessness and plugs you back into an awareness that you may be an emissary of Divine Grace for another.

3. Remember that your love is a gift to the world 

Every time we return to love, we gift the world with our support. We empower peace. We encourage kindness. We rob the darkness of its so-called power. Little (big!) Pesto the penguin is just a cute baby, but his Loving Presence can distract one from air strikes, bombing, and wars.  Your love can be a reason for others to feel better in this world and it always benefits you.

Our love actually has a huge impact on this world. Not only does it keep us safe, as we discern our guidance more easily in love or kindness, but it also contributes to the greater good.

Peaceful hearts rob the war machine of its energy.  Kindness diffuses anger. The light will cast out a thousand shadows, but not one shadow can diminish the truth of the light. In a vibration of love, you make a difference. Just like our huge little penguin baby, just being is enough. "Just loving" is a gift.

Have a blessed week,

Credit-Ann Albers - Click Here For Bio

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

© Ann Albers, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company, www.visionsofheaven.com

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