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A Message from the Angels: Find What You Love Most

A Message from the Angels: Find What You Love Most

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Your world may seem topsy-turvey, but under the surface of all the chaos, a constant love resides, waiting patiently to be brought to light in every human heart. 

No matter what you reach for, no matter what you desire, no matter what you feel is right for your life and the world, you are reaching for this love.

If you reach for it externally, you can find it in many forms. You can find it in the arms of your partner, the wagging of your dog, or the purring of your cat. You can find this love in the smile of a stranger or the beautiful eyes of your child. You can find it in a humble apartment or a grand home. You can find it in nature, in your food, your coffee, your devices, everywhere, dear ones... for love has been brought into your world in so many forms. Everything you use was birthed in someone's love of something — an idea, a desire to feed their family, a wish for an easier way to do something, etc.

As human beings, you have the free will to let this love rise up within you and flow freely or to block it, push it away, or plug it up. We know you have many reasons to say you cannot love, but in truth, if you're willing, you can always find something or someone to love, and in the moment you choose this love, you become the peace, the kindness, the truth, the integrity, and the love that you seek in this world

As you allow love to flow freely, you experience joy, alignment with your true self, and a harmonious flow of life, no matter what the external world is doing. As you block this love from flowing, you experience feelings of disharmony and experiences that are often unpleasant.  Nonetheless, you can never be separate from it. 

It doesn't matter who or what you love, but rather that you do love. If you cannot love the world, love the trees in your backyard. If you cannot love an ex, love a friend or beloved pet. If you cannot easily find anything to love, savor a bit of your favorite food and allow yourself to enjoy the taste.  There is always something or someone you can find to love.

Anytime you love anyone or anything, you are allowing Divine love to flow freely into your world. We understand there are many characters you do not like. "Like" is an indication of preference and you are certainly allowed your preferences. We would not expect you to like every food, every idea, every temperature, or every character in the human play upon your Earth. Even animals and innocent little children, fresh out of heaven, while fascinated with everything, have their preferences. There is nothing wrong with having your likes and dislikes.

Nonetheless, even when you don't "like," you can "love."  f you despise someone who is unkind, you can love the light so much that you pray for it to rise up within them and guide them out of the darkness.  If you are infuriated by someone, you can love yourself so much that you turn away and towards someone or something you can love. If you hate the squeaky door in your house, you can love the handy person who comes to fix it.  If you hate your job, you can love thinking about a better one.

Dear ones, you can always choose to love someone or something, even if you can't love everyone or everything.  The object of your love matters far less than allowing the vibration of love to flow freely within you.

If you want to change your world, find reasons to love. Find people, things, or ideas you can love. As you allow love to flow freely within you you will draw unto you people, opportunities, and things that feel like love to you. There is not a single person, organization, political party, or group that can prevent you from loving dear friends. And therefore, there is no one and nothing that can prevent your alignment with the Divine.

It is in love that you will be safe. It is in love that you will find abundance. It is in love that you will be guided around any and all obstacles to your dreams. In the vibration of love, you are aligned with the creator of universes, and who better to have on your side as your guide, wanting for you always and only to experience its love in whatever forms you choose?

Dear ones, fear not. The world is chaotic in many ways, but in love, you can find a peace and a path that is beyond anything the world can offer.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

Here we are — a few days before the most contentious elections we've ever seen in the US, and it is a beautiful day in Autumn. The Halloween decorations are still up in many houses around me. There's a refreshing chill in the air after our intensely hot summer, and the fall garden is starting to reach for the sun. After the elections, the sun will still shine. The seasons will still turn. The plants will grow. The bees will buzz. The birds will sing. And the Divine will still be in charge of the universe.

The angels' advice to all these days is simple and constant:

If you like the candidate who gets elected, pray for the light of love to rise up within them and guide them. 

If you don't like the candidate who gets elected, pray for the light of love to rise up within them and guide them. 

And while we're at it, let us pray for the light of love to rise up within all beings and guide them to a kinder and more harmonious reality.

Our willingness to pray that simple prayer shows us how willing we are to let love flow freely within us. To pray for someone you don't like is to give yourself a gift. It allows you to remain in love and have all the benefits that come with that. It prevents you from giving your power to be happy to others. You aren't praying to empower their darkness. You are praying for the light to overcome it. And it is in this space that you can exist in a light so strong it can solve your problems. Plus, it just feels better to love.

So many times in my life, I've had to remind myself of this simple truth. Love feels better. When people were so unkind, it was shocking, I turned towards things more easy to love in that moment until I could balance in the love's flow and find it in my heart to have compassion for their pain. 

When a long-time friend recently told me that if I was not aligned with their fight, I had to get out of the way, I felt profound sadness until I recalled the many beautiful times we'd shared and gave thanks for that. Loving the good we shared felt better than being upset over what we could not. I spent time consciously focusing on all I loved and admired about this friend until my own sadness dissipated, and all I felt was love. I must live and let live, but I can always love. It keeps my heart in a beautiful space.

It isn't always easy to choose love when we've seen so many examples of anger, vengeance, and righteousness in this world.  But it still feels better.  The understanding that we don't have to love everyone right here and now, but rather can simply turn towards who or what is easier to love, was a game-changer for me. We can always find something to love.

The angels once said, "Don't dignify the devil no matter whose mouth it comes through." They were speaking metaphorically of course, not really talking about horned creatures. They were reminding me to remove my attention from unkindness and words that seek to hurt. They were telling me a higher truth — that good deserves my attention and the darkness does not. I'd rather watch the plants grow in the garden than listen to angry words on the news. I'd rather live in alignment with the Divine than in an argument with someone else.

The angels also taught me to remain silent rather than engage with people who wanted a fight, and to flow love as energy even when someone was aiming anger at me. This once felt impossible, but with a little practice, it became easy. Now when someone is agitated I imagine light coming in through the top of my head and flowing outward from me to soothe them. It feels better to remain peaceful instead of engaging in egoic battles with those wanting to share their pain.

We don't always like people, things, or situations. We can't always find love for them. But we can always find someone or something to love, and in that vibration, you feel better, you create a better life, and you hear your guidance more easily.

Here are a few tips to help you love when you cannot like...

1.  Look for what is easy to love

Ideally, we'd all be like the yogis or Christ, who could love the light in all things and all beings no matter what they were doing on the surface. No in heaven expects us to be there all the time. They understand our human conditioning and our challenges.

Nonetheless, we can find the vibration of love by looking for what is easier to love. It isn't cheating. In fact, the angels have told me many times that when Jesus said, "Turn the other cheek," it was not about turning so someone could slap the other cheek. It was a suggestion to turn away from what hurts and turn towards good, God, and love.

Practice finding things, thoughts, people, and places that you can love so that when something triggers you out of alignment, you can find your way back to love more easily.

2. Practice loving

We can practice loving and develop our mental muscle so we can find love even when it isn't so easy. During the course of a normal day, you can look for things to enjoy, appreciate, or love. Make it a game. I love the trim on that coat. I love the sun filtering through my window in the morning. I love the little green leaves of my plant. I love the aroma of my coffee. I love that I have nice chimes on my phone that wake me up. I love the way that the clerk helped the lady in the store. I love the smile on that child as they skip hand in hand with their mom in the parking lot...

The more we practice finding things to love, the easier it is to find the vibration of love when you really need it.

3. Find life Fascinating & Love to Learn

There are plenty of people you don't resonate with for a variety of reasons. That's OK. There are animals at the zoo that we wouldn't want to live with or be best friends with. Nonetheless, they fascinate us. We like to learn about why they do what they do.

The angels once suggested to me that I become just as fascinated with the two-legged critters that I'd rather not spend time with!  So now I make it a practice to look for what is fascinating about people, even if I don't resonate with them at all. Understanding why people think as they do is fascinating. Hearing the different ways we view the same things can be fascinating. And we can learn to "love to learn."

Years ago, I worked with an engineer who liked to complain — loud and long. I wanted to run when I saw him walking my way. I asked the angels how to handle this. "Ask him what he does for fun," they told me. So I did. To my complete and total astonishment, he started happily talking about his love of music. The next day, he dropped a CD off at my desk with original music that I loved.

The conversations turned from drudgery to delight.  After getting to know his good side, I asked him why he had always seemed so unhappy. He told me that he had so many great ideas he felt could help the company but was frustrated because no one seemed to care.  Fascinating! Then and there, I saw his good heart.

If we can adopt an attitude that is less judgmental and more inquisitive, it opens the door to greater love.

The world has a strong fear vibe right now, and many of you who are sensitive feel it. There are plenty of upset people. Sometimes we get so upset it takes awhile to even want to return to love because we've wobbled pretty far away from feeling it. Nonetheless, love is there, all around us, in us, an waiting for us to find a reason to flow it and feel it.

We don't have to love everyone or everything. We just have to find anything to love. And that is how we begin to create a kinder world...one soul at a time.

Have a blessed week,

Credit-Ann Albers - Click Here For Bio

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

© Ann Albers, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company, www.visionsofheaven.com

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