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A Message from the Angels: Dissolve Your Buttons with Love

A Message from the Angels: Dissolve Your Buttons with Love

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are always people in your world who will delight you and those who will rub you the wrong way.  

There are always songs you will enjoy and types of music that you'd rather not hear. There are foods you'd love to eat and foods you love to avoid. It was meant to be this way. And while the foods you don't like will not jump off the plate and into your mouth, nor will the music you do not like turn itself on and play, there are people you don't care for who will attempt to assert their reality, beliefs, and behaviors into your life. At the 3D level, they can do this.

In the world of energy, however, no one can force a vibration into your field unless you resonate with it. No one can "make" you feel a certain way unless you already have that feeling lurking somewhere within, waiting for the button to be pushed.  The more you practice finding good feelings, the less the lesser feelings of others will impact you. Your buttons can become mostly un-pushable. Your buttons can even dissolve in the light of love.

If you look at this from a biological standpoint, the nerve cells in your brain wire together along tracks much like links of a railroad track. The more emotionally impactful an event, the stronger the wiring.  Suppose someone comes up to you and yells at you. If you have practiced feeling good, those nerve cells are wired to feel good, and this person's bad feeling has nothing to "activate" within you. However, if you still have strong upsets or defenses brewing within, then when someone yells, you have circuits that can be activated. When something inside of you is a vibrational match to someone else's energy, your buttons can be pushed.

This is yet one more reason we remind you often that you deserve to feel good. You deserve to feel better when you cannot feel good. You deserve to feel soothed when you can't feel better easily. You deserve dear friends, to have a brain wired for goodness rather than a brain wired to take offense, react, and defend your own inner goodness. You deserve to have peace rather than worry. You deserve to have assistance rather than feeling alone. You deserve to be treated kindly, and when you are not, you deserve to remain above the vibration coming at you. Only a wounded soul would find temporary relief in the experience of being unkind to others. Eventually, you will see this and take no offense.

In practical terms, when someone comes at you with a strong and unpleasant vibration, the best thing you can do is to either flow light toward them or imagine their denser energies passing right through or around you. It is best to remain silent, to listen first, then speak with impact later. You can repeat what they said and then ask if they'd like another perspective. You can say nothing. Their unpleasant energy has little to do with you and everything to do with their own internal state. Your energy has nothing to do with them and everything to do with your internal state.

So, as you run into souls who are upset and trying to assert their opinions into your reality, remind yourself, "No one can insert a vibration into my field unless I have a match."  Countless radio programs are being broadcast, and you can only hear them when your receiver is tuned into a given station. Countless cell phone conversations are being broadcast, and you only hear the one that matches the number you connect with. Likewise, countless conversations are going on in your personal life and upon your earth. Which ones are going to be matched and received by you? Which ones will "bounce" right off you? You may hear the words but you need not resonate with the feelings behind them. Resonate with love instead.

With practice, you can learn to be around anyone saying anything and remain in your own peaceful space. The more you practice feeling good, the easier it will become. And when someone does push your buttons, instead of trying not to feel what you do, simply accept yourself. Accept your feelings without judgment.  In that acceptance and self-love, your wiring will gradually shift to kinder pathways in the brain, and you will start to feel better once again. Rather than allowing unpleasant words and behaviors to fester in your memory, choose to focus on something better. These behaviors don't deserve your attention.

Your feelings are not at the mercy of those around you. They are not at the mercy of what is going on in the world.  Your feelings belong to you and you alone. You get to choose your vibration and, therefore, who and what you will resonate with and therefore receive.  In time your buttons will disappear, and the lower vibrations of the world, though they buzz around you, will simply bounce off of you, unable to find a receiver.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

I was talking with a family member the other day who was pretty upset about the new AI sorting her emails and trying to "help" her by making a confused mess on her phone. I could sympathize. While I love AI, I don't want anyone or anything attempting to think for me unless I request the help. I don't enjoy humans either who insist on "their way or the highway," as the saying goes. We were born with free will and we know it. Very few enjoy being told who we should be, what we should do, or how we should act unless we have requested an opinion.

And so, over the years, I've learned not to waste my breath sharing my opinions with people who don't want to hear them. So many times, I've wanted to retort to something I considered absurd on social media and realized at the moment before I pressed "enter" that I was absolutely not in the right energy to get any sort of decent reaction. I now wait until I feel loving, generous, and like offering a useful perspective. Only then can I speak kindly, wisely, and in a way that can actually open hearts. I once had a friend with a very wise grandma who taught her that "words, once released, cannot be unspoken." It is good wisdom.

But what to do when someone unleashes their opinions on us, dumps their anger, or vents to release their pain in a way that feels hurtful? What to do when you turn on the news and see the arguments or something you disagree with? I struggled with that for years. I was born between Pisces and Aries. When Pices was dominant, you'd find me curled up in a ball, crying. When the Aries was out I got fighting mad. Neither flight nor fight made me feel much better. I had to find a wiser way to handle the upsetting words and behaviors in the world.

Slowly the angels worked with me to find better feelings—to feel so good, in fact, that anyone trying to make me feel bad, looked like a spitting two year old throwing a tantrum. I had an unthinkable incident a few years ago in which a very unbalanced individual unleashed their words and energy on me in public in ways that had friends concerned and clients who witnessed the event upset. I was in such a loving mood after teaching a class that I just stood there calmly as a mother around a screaming child and didn't let this person push a single button. They ran off swearing at me, and I went to dinner and had a great time with friends. So be it. Not everyone is in a good mood, but that doesn’t mean I have to join them!

And here we are in a world where so many insist their way is the right way. I don't watch much news but when I get on social media or hear what my clients are going through, it is hard to escape some of the world's wildness. If I let myself I could get righteous and riled. But I go back to the angels' teaching. I'd rather feel good.

And so I refocus. I say a prayer for the most benevolent outcome for all. I pray for all angry and wounded souls to be raised into the light of love. I pray for all good souls who are scared to feel the love there to guide them, and then I go back to focusing on my taxes, making cute little clipart, working in my garden, talking with friends or family, or anything that feels better.

We can't always escape those who vehemently want to force their opinions on us. We can't always escape those who want to dump. We may have to be physically present with them, at work, in line, or even at home but we do not have to take on their vibration. It really is a matter of constantly telling yourself, it is ok to focus on what feels better. When someone is hollering what feels better to me is love, thinking about dinner, or the beauty outside the window...

We weren't taught it was ok to detach from the angers and upsets of others, but it is actually wonderful when you can give yourself permission to feel good even when someone else wants to have you join them in their upsets.


Here are a few pointers to help you stay peaceful even when others aren't:

  1. "Not my Circus, Not my Monkeys"

This comes from an old Polish saying that basically means "not my mess." Remind yourself of that when you see someone riled up or someone is aiming negative energy your way. Don't say it out loud of course :) It probably would not be taken well. But you can think it.

Someone else's bad mood is not your mess... even if they try to dump it your way.

  1. Memorize the Serenity Prayer

The serenity prayer is spiritual brilliance, reminding us to discern what is changeable and what is not to avoid wasting our time and energy trying to change those things and opinions that are firmly set. It can give you peace when you see something you can do nothing tangible about.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference" – Reinhold Niebuhr.

  1. Work on the 5D Solutions first

If a friend, coworker, boss, or family member drives you nuts, work first in your inner world to create a more benevolent outcome. Look for good qualities in them, or if that is too hard remind yourself you'd rather feel good and shift to exuding love or compassion. Instead of fixating on changing them, find peace within and approach the next interchange with peace inside of yourself.

Years ago, someone in my life was inspiring a lot of anger within me. I didn't care for how they spoke to me or treated me. And so I gave myself a long weekend to "burn off" the anger inside me. I journaled, huffed and puffed, and then resolved to be loving and kind no matter what was aimed at me in the future. It completely transformed the relationship. Rather than asking myself, "Why do I have to do all the work all the time," I shifted to, "I'm so glad I have the awareness to transform this." Like magic, the other person settled down and became kinder.

When we change our energy we often inspire unconscious shifts in others.


We love it when people are kind around us. We don't care for it at all when we see anger or upset aimed at us or someone else. But we can still find peace, happiness, and a sense of stability no matter what others send our way. And that feels good!

Have a blessed week,



Credit-Ann Albers - Click Here For Bio

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

© Ann Albers, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company, www.visionsofheaven.com

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