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Latest News From The Galactic Federation: Monumental Win For Humanity

Latest News From The Galactic Federation: Monumental Win For Humanity

We have just come back from an interdimensional meeting with the Galactic Federation this morning.

And we have witnessed a monumental, historical moment that the representative of the Federation prompted us to share with the wider community.


But let us first explain a wider context.

Every Thursday, we hold spiritual development classes for Starseeds & Lightworkers within the Quantum Club. We elevate our consciousness together to meet various Races of Galactic Beings, such as the Arcturians, the Sirians, the Lyrans, and receive insights and energetic upgrades from them.

On occasions, we connect to the Galactic Federation, and it is always a deeply moving experience. Last November, when we visited the Galactic Federation ship, we were shown a vision of the New Earth and it took our breath away, and moved many of our members to tears with its exquisite frequency.

However, since during our last visit, the Federation was not in session, we were guided to connect to them again.

This time, straight away, we felt intense energies and knew instinctively that the Galactic “parliament” gathered for a discussion. We could see smaller ships of delegates docked around the Federation’s mothership. The energy of various Races was palpable.

What you have to understand is that despite our human tendency to add flowery adjectives, the Federation is not just Races “of Light”. Alongside the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, and other “positive polarity” Races of “Light Beings”, you will also find Races that have controlled humanity for millennia such as the Draconians and the Reptilians.

After all, the Federation has been formed to safeguard peace across the Galaxy after intergalactic conflicts, including the Orion Wars. And to maintain that peace all parties had to be included - just like it is in our world, where even countries that started wars or infringe on human rights are still included in the United Nations.

Back to the Galactic session. Our group has been given a set of instructions on how to behave and informed that we need to strictly adhere to them. We were told to be seen but not heard.

We took place on a viewing platform around the consciousness pool that is used to communicate telepathically between various representatives, without giving each other access to their respective collective consciousness (which is a Sirian security invention).

It turned out that the session was actually concerning Earth and in particular, the managed withdrawal of controlling Races from our planet over the upcoming months. As we entered, an Arcturian representative was speaking, advocating for humanity’s freedom and painting the picture of our consciousness as having been held in a cage.

Then we witnessed the speech of a Reptilian representative who was in broad agreement, and with quiet resignation pointed the attention of the assembly towards the future, and away from the transgressions of the past.

Then a voting took place over that managed withdrawal. Each representative voted with the power of their intention - using the same mechanism that Starseeds utilise to sign their soul contract.

An agreement was reached and automatically archived as valid law.

What does that mean for humanity?

Our freedom from external controlling ET Races is now set in stone. They have agreed and they will leave our planet. It is only a matter of time - however that timeframe is short (months and not years).

But this is not the biggest news we wanted to pass.

In fact, as the assembly was being dismissed, our attention has been drawn to two empty chairs. These seats were prepared for humanity’s future delegates. We have been shown that these will not be politicians, but true representatives of the people, elected by the people. We were also told that it will be a male and a female - symbolising the time for the Divine Union, after a period of patriarchy preceded by an era of matriarchy.

When we saw this, we were moved to tears.

We have known that humanity is going to take their rightful place for a while - you can check more details in this channelled message from February 2022. However, now this is Galactic law. And we have been shown the actual seats awaiting for the representatives of our planet.

As we were departing from the meeting room, we were also informed that our awareness of other inhabitants of our galaxy will soon become common knowledge as we are welcome to the family of Star Races. It just needs to happen in stages as most of humanity is not ready for full disclosure yet.

We have requested to share this with the wider community to let you know that our global awakening and freedom from control is now just a matter of time.

It is an important time for preparation, planning and supporting humanity's consciousness ascension for the Big Day, when two of our own Race will take their righful seat on the table.

Please feel free to share this news with any souls or communities that may want to know it.

Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar is an energy worker, channel to Galactic Light Beings and mentor to Starseeds and Lightworkers. Aeron Lazar’s work is complex, thorough and utterly transformative and his methodology is 100% channeled in from the Quantum Field, his Higher Self and his Galactic Guides. Find out more about Aeron’s upcoming classes and activations on https://linktr.ee/aeronlazar

© 2022 CrystalWind.ca. All rights reserved. Do Not Copy. Reprinted on crystalwind.ca exclusively with written permission from Aeron and Riya. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. We track all IP addresses. Using a VPN will now also get tracked to original source IP.

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