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The Galactics - What Has Changed For You And What Is The Same?

Meeting our Galactic Family - The Galactics

When you look into a mirror, who do you see?

Do you see who you want to be?

Or do you see who you have always been?

Perhaps, you may feel the "who" you have always wanted to be, but you do not know when that day will come, or how that change will occur!

Also, when you look into the mirror, are you pleased with your self?

Or do you judge your self before you even know if there will ever be "a great change?"

In other words, do you feel like you are the Boss of your own life? 

Or do you feel as though others are in your way of being the YOU that you wish to be?

Of course, you DO have the choice to decide if you wish to be confident, or if you are fine being lost in negative thoughts and feelings that you have allowed to come into your personal "sense of self."

Fortunately it is the NOW in which we, the human guardians of dear Planet Gaia, must and/or have chosen, to assist Gaia in returning to Her BEST Planetary Health. 

Then, once Gaia is being nurtured by humanity, she will be more able to face the planetary problems that need to be healed. Of course the healing of Gaia will be a combined effort of the humans, the Galactics and the planetary body of Gaia.

Too often, humanity has chosen to forget that any power that they give to Gaia, will return to then threefold. However, humans cannot hold selfish desires, as selfish desires cannot expand into the frequency of reality that Gaia, our Mother Earth, is moving into within this NOW!

Of course, only the humans, and other advanced beings who LOVE Gaia as their Mother Planet, are able to "FEEL" how planet Earth is a living being in the same manner that Gaia's Earth, Air, Fire, Water, are ALL alive beings.

Of course, only the humans who have awakened enough to remember that Gaia is an alive being, will be able to awaken to their own, innate, fifth dimensional aspects of SELF. 

As an alive being, Gaia can, and does, send out love, light, promise and remembrance of the innate fifth dimensional aspects of Gaia and of ALL her beings.

Too many humans have forgotten that before they took their third dimensional human body on Earth, vowed to love and care for Gaia during the difficult times Her transmutation from a third dimensional planet and into a fourth and, eventually, fifth dimensional planet.

This "transmutation" into a higher frequency of Gaia's Earth, will only be observed by the humans who have allowed themselves to expand their awareness into the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequencies of Gaia's Planetary Reality.

The humans who can raise their resonance to match the higher and higher frequencies of Gaia's transition into the higher fourth, fifth, and beyond frequencies of Gaia, as well as all the awakening humanities consciousness, will be able to perceive the expanding awareness of humanity.

As humanity's perceptual field encompass higher and higher dimensions, humanity ability of  perception will expand more and more. Then, when the human's perceptual field is no limited to the third and lower fourth dimensions, more and more humans will be able to perceive, and eventually understand, the higher and higher frequencies of Inter-dimensional  perception of reality. 

Eventually, the humans will begin to remember their Fifth Dimensional Home Worlds and  the full reason why they have chosen to take a human form with a third, fourth and fifth, dimensional  range of perception.

Unfortunately, many humans will still be limited to a  third dimensional perspective reality which is too often ruled by the third dimensional illusions of "me--mine--possession--money and--power over!" 

On the other hand, as humanity remembers more and more of their innate Galactic SELF, they will be more and more able to assist human "Third Dimensions" as the Galactic call them, to also remember how to communicate with their own Higher Dimensional SELVES. 


With the growing awakening of humanities remembrance that they are indeed Higher Dimensional Beings who volunteered to take a human earth vessel in order to assist third dimensional Earth Beings to awaken to Her true Fifth Dimensional Planetary SELF!

Yes, Gaia is a living Being!  Unfortunately, many humans, who had vowed before they took their third dimensional body, that they, in fact, WE the humans on Earth, would awaken within this NOW to remember that WE Humans are Not just "humans."

In fact, many, many humans are actually fifth dimensional beings who volunteered to take on a third dimensional human body to assist "those who have forgotten!" These humans are actually Galactic Beings who have chosen to take a third dimensional body on Gaia so that they could assist Gaia to return to Her innate frequency of a fifth dimensional planet!

The reason why the Galactics chose to take a third dimensional body, was to assist third dimensional humans who were becoming ready to return to their innate fifth dimensional SELF. 

Then, as the Galactics slowly removed their third dimensional illusion of being humans, they would be more able to accept the fact that they, too, were Galactic Beings on the verge of remembering that YES, they, were Galactics who took on a human form long, long ago in order to save dear Gaia from the "Great Disaster" that was a "possible reality!" 

The Galactics believed that the their Galactic friends wearing human forms and human brains could better understand how to awaken to their true Fifth dimensional expression of SELF. Unfortunately, this sacrifice was much greater than they ever thought  it would be. 

"How can we fifth dimensional beings tolerate and  even be of assistance to Gaia's Earth while they had to live the sacrifice of acting, and living, as though they were third dimensional beings rather than their innate fifth dimensional selves.

In other words, they would no longer see their true self when they looked into their mirror.  Instead, they would see the "illusion"of a third dimensional human who would be limited to a third dimensional, human form. 

There had been many, many Ascended Masters, but they all wore the guise of being a human. The problem that the Galactics had to face was, and still is"

The Masters of Earth were primarily Humans who became Ascended Masters. Humans could accept that as the Masters were a form of humans. 




Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life.  Suzanne first stepped onto her spiritual path in the mid-1970s when she met her first spiritual teacher. Since then, she has had many teachers and initiations. 
Credit: here

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