5 Ideas for Your New Year’s Travel Resolution List
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- Written by Sophia Smith

Taking things for granted is one of our common shortcomings, pushing us to realize the value of something only when it’s lost or unavailable. The pandemic has served as a well of lessons for all of us, one of which has been to renew our appreciation for the freedom to travel. In the spirit of dreaming and materializing our dreams, we can now focus our New Year’s resolutions on another unique aspect of our wellbeing – our need to explore and get to know the world.
Since we have no way of knowing when we’ll be able to freely globetrot once again, we can use this time to visualize all the places we want to visit, research them thoroughly, and adapt our mindset to actually reap the rewards of travel even while we sit still. Consider this a meditative way of preparing your travel resolutions for this year, anticipating the opening of the borders, and inviting future memories into your life through visualization.
Find adventure in your vicinity

Some experiences don’t come in a tour package, nor do they have discounts for families. If you take a look at your annual calendar of meteor showers, for example, you can find a decent spot locally where you can camp out and wait for the show to begin. Then again, chances are that there are stunning waterfalls, river springs, and hidden forest cottages waiting for you to discover them right around the bend.
There’s no need to travel far and wide all the time in order to feel like you’re on a brand-new planet. Do some research to find what can bring you joy and excitement without booking a plane ticket, and you might also learn a new skill in the process, too.
Say yes to something new

We can safely say that 2020 has definitely not been our comfort zone. So, if you have officially left your comfort zone, what’s stopping you from continuing the same mindset with your travel choices? Instead of choosing one and the same destination and the time-tested hotels and restaurants you’re so familiar with, choose this year for exploring the unknown.
Have you never been on a cruise? What about helping little turtles reach the ocean? Have you ever hunted for the northern lights in the snow-covered darkness of Lapland? Or waited for sunrise on a Greek island? Find ways to change your travel habits for the better and experience the world from new and beautiful perspectives.
Choose to connect with Mother Nature

Instead of choosing packed hotels and massive tours in metropolises around the world, make this year your opportunity to disconnect from the crowds and reconnect with nature. Instead of settling on a beach somewhere on the Adriatic coast, you can find yachts for charter and explore the hidden, secluded alcoves away from the crowds.
You can also find perfect diving and snorkeling spots, visit many different local ports where you can stop by at a seafood restaurant and enjoy a local dish. Spend the night on the sea if the weather permits, and sleep under the stars. Make this year’s travels more extraordinary, but with the help of the simplest things in life.
Introduce sustainability into your travels

We often think that big impact is reserved for big organizations, so we expect businesses to embrace sustainability, but we often fail to accept our own impact in this process. One of the most beautiful decisions you can make is to transform your travel habits to make them more sustainable, more nature-friendly this year, and beyond.
From choosing travel organizations that let you contribute to the local economy through volunteering and work, all the way to staying in eco-friendly accommodation, you can change how you explore the world. That can be your small, but vital way of contributing to preventing another disaster of this magnitude, and helping slow down the overall health decline of our planet.
Rebuild your appreciation for your local wealth

While the Adriatic coast is still out of reach and we have yet to feel the warmth of the Bali sun, we can and should look around. Find something mesmerizing just around the corner. Be it a new coffee shop you’ve never visited because it’s not in the streets of Paris (and maybe your local coffee tastes better, you never know), or a hidden hiking trail ideal for your mindfulness session.
Exploring your local getaways can be a wonderful opportunity to camp with your family, rent a boat on a lake, or find a patisserie with a long history of making the finest delicacies in the region. It’s all about imbuing travel into your everyday life and turning every ordinary drive or walk into a wealth of possibilities to discover something new.
Life as we know it might never be the same, and some of our habits and behaviors might need to change for a good, long while. Knowing that the future is uncertain and that the travel industry will go a long way in order to recover, we as travelers can do so much to help make travel slower, more mindful, sustainable, and better for all. Keep these resolutions in mind and follow them once the borders open and you can once again book a beautiful trip to a new and exciting place somewhere on our humble planet.
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